Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I think it will be quite difficult to force the entire country to be vaccinated.

Just so my position is clear: I'm not suggesting that the entire country be vaccinated. You should not be required to get a shot simply for existing within American jurisdiction. I was simply asking what you would do if your employer, which I asssume is a private business, were to make it a condition of employment.

There are millions of people that want nothing to do with this until there is proof of it's safety and effectiveness.

And that is a totally rational position.

If I am required to get it, then I will demand proof that every person I come into contact with... every passenger.... has it as well. If I am being forced to have this thrust upon me, then I have a right to know if you did... or more importantly... didn't, as well.

But that's not up to you. Your employer could mandate it for passengers, and I wouldn't be shocked if some airlines, somewhere in the world, wind up doing so. But there is nothing illegal about requiring a vaccine for employees but not for patrons. Your feelings about a particular vaccine aren't covered by equal protrction.

My rights don't end where yours begin and I think that is the point of all of this. #mybodymychoice, right?

Your rights and my rights don't have anything to do with it. You have a right to work where you wish and to not work somewhere else. And your employer has the right to maintain your employment or not. They can place certain restrictions or requirements on yout employment, and your only right is to decide whether or not you wish to remain employed under those conditions.

There is no proof that these vaccines stop the spread of the ChinaBug, and until it does, and is PROVEN safe, I'll pass. Just answer this: Why were the manufacturers given specific immunity (ironic) from culpability from harm? That scares the hell out of me frankly.

Given the emergency need for the vaccine, it was considered critical to incentivize production. Without immunity, we're talking years to get the shots into circulation. You can decide if that's a good or bad decision. But that's how simply how risk management works.

Oh. And I HOPE that they would try the 'e'rrybody has to get a flu shot before X'... I would love to watch that furball as well. And that vaccine has a PROVEN safety record and people are afraid of it.

Yeah, people are afraid of all kinds of things that are generally safe. Fear is often irrational and unjustified. If an employer mandates a vaccine, and assuming there is a prevailing interest, "I'm scared of that shot," is not going to work as reason for exemption.
Just so my position is clear: I'm not suggesting that the entire country be vaccinated. You should not be required to get a shot simply for existing within American jurisdiction. I was simply asking what you would do if your employer, which I asssume is a private business, were to make it a condition of employment.

And that is a totally rational position.

But that's not up to you. Your employer could mandate it for passengers, and I wouldn't be shocked if some airlines, somewhere in the world, wind up doing so. But there is nothing illegal about requiring a vaccine for employees but not for patrons. Your feelings about a particular vaccine aren't covered by equal protrction.

Your rights and my rights don't have anything to do with it. You have a right to work where you wish and to not work somewhere else. And your employer has the right to maintain your employment or not. They can place certain restrictions or requirements on yout employment, and your only right is to decide whether or not you wish to remain employed under those conditions.

Given the emergency need for the vaccine, it was considered critical to incentivize production. Without immunity, we're talking years to get the shots into circulation. You can decide if that's a good or bad decision. But that's how simply how risk management works.

Yeah, people are afraid of all kinds of things that are generally safe. Fear is often irrational and unjustified. If an employer mandates a vaccine, and assuming there is a prevailing interest, "I'm scared of that shot," is not going to work as reason for exemption.
I don't disagree with any of that. But there will be lawsuits, and lots of them. And fear of this 'vaccine' is anything but irrational, and it damned sure is not an emergency.

This was manufactured. Every single bit of it.
Just so my position is clear: I'm not suggesting that the entire country be vaccinated. You should not be required to get a shot simply for existing within American jurisdiction. I was simply asking what you would do if your employer, which I asssume is a private business, were to make it a condition of employment.

And that is a totally rational position.

But that's not up to you. Your employer could mandate it for passengers, and I wouldn't be shocked if some airlines, somewhere in the world, wind up doing so. But there is nothing illegal about requiring a vaccine for employees but not for patrons. Your feelings about a particular vaccine aren't covered by equal protrction.

Your rights and my rights don't have anything to do with it. You have a right to work where you wish and to not work somewhere else. And your employer has the right to maintain your employment or not. They can place certain restrictions or requirements on yout employment, and your only right is to decide whether or not you wish to remain employed under those conditions.

Given the emergency need for the vaccine, it was considered critical to incentivize production. Without immunity, we're talking years to get the shots into circulation. You can decide if that's a good or bad decision. But that's how simply how risk management works.

Yeah, people are afraid of all kinds of things that are generally safe. Fear is often irrational and unjustified. If an employer mandates a vaccine, and assuming there is a prevailing interest, "I'm scared of that shot," is not going to work as reason for exemption.
Funny, because the entire population (if you went to
Public school) is already mandatorily vaccinated.
So far all he’s done is not tweet mean things or play golf.

I know you said this in jest but just last night we were talking about Trump at dinner and somebody brought up him saying we are building a wall and Mexico will pay for it. My 12 year old innocently asked “wait...why would Mexicans pay for a wall to keep them out?”

My dad (his grandpa) just put his arm around him and said “you know there is a large block of the population that wasn’t as smart as a 12 year old to make that same realization”.

I have to admit I laughed.

It was more than just mean tweets and golf.
I have a general concern considering it was rushed and long term effects (if any are unknown). My primary reason to deny is simply because I am at low risk, I have no one in my family who is vulnerable, and I am around others minimally in my day to day. I am one of those weirdos who just doesn't get inoculations; never had the flu shot.
If required to travel, visit someone in hospital, or something, I would consider capitulation.
Are you concerned about the long term effects of Covid infection, or even possibly recurrent covid infections?
There have been similar suits in the past. Mandatory vaccines have been upheld in pretty much every instance where a prevailing interest exists (ie required tetanus shots for a demolition crew).

Ii doubt mandatory vaccines would be upheld prior to the FDA fully approving them. If they're not yet comfortable with that then how can the public be comfortable with being forced to take them?
Fauci was on the Sunday morning propaganda shows today. Spouting his fear. I see 33k cases so far today. He is gonna be pissed.
Equivalent of Covid emissions drop needed every two years - study

Carbon dioxide emissions must fall by the equivalent of a global lockdown roughly every two years for the next decade for the world to keep within safe limits of global heating, research has shown.

Lockdowns around the world led to an unprecedented fall in emissions of about 7% in 2020, or about 2.6bn tonnes of CO2, but reductions of between 1bn and 2bn tonnes are needed every year of the next decade to have a good chance of holding temperature rises to within 1.5C or 2C of pre-industrial levels, as required by the Paris agreement.

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