Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Has anyone seen in numbers categorizing the co-morbidity factors for those who "died" of covid 19?

Because if it is being massive fat asses and diabetics because they are massive fat asses, I am over the freaking regulations. Went to Dollywood today and I swear to God, 275+ pounders were everywhere. We walked out behind four women of whom three would equal or better the average weight of college offensive linemen from the late 70s/early 80s. The fourth was easily 200 lbs.

Not just picking on women. Plenty of men in the same shape. I can think of three people who were 250+ when I was 18. THREE! I can find that many within 30 seconds of walking into Walmart.
I live it every time I go to work. BMI that I have to look at twice because I didn’t believe it the first time I looked.
bwaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa

Come to Florida. Where Americans are still free to breath the air that God gave us.

Although I think such a move by Oregon would be foolish, my main concern is that they go through proper channels. They ought not be allowed to do something permanent by decree. They should go through the legislative process
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Another example of lefties not understanding the differences in profit margins and revenues.

Even big chains like that have very slim margins. Jacking up labor more erases it, so there's no point keeping those stores making no margin.

Just curious in the Constitutionality of all these locally mandated wages.
Another gem from Fauci...
“When you get vaccinated, you are clearly diminishing dramatically your risk of getting infected. That’s one of the things we’ve got to make sure everybody understands. You dramatically diminish it. However, what happens is that you might get infected and get absolutely no symptoms, not know you’re infected, and then inadvertently go into a situation with vulnerable people. And if you don’t have a mask, you might inadvertently infect them. Now, there’s a small risk of that, but it’s there.

So please, oh wise one, define “small” in objective, numeric terms. Because the numbers I know are that vaccines are 95% effective in preventing infection and that asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic spread accounts for roughly 50% of cases. So, my fancy math tells me there’s MAYBE a 2.5% chance of a maskless vaccinated person asymptomatically spreading COVID. And even that number is in question as multiple new studies show the vaccines reduce the ability to spread the disease as well.
I've actually found that driving to basketball tournaments in rural areas is a better option. No 'Rona in small town, Tennessee.

We've been out to dinner, picked up coffee at Dunkin', sat through three games in the gym, and I don't even have a mask with me.

I was in ET last weekend and needed to run into Publix @ Turkey Creek last Sat. I forgot my mask. People parted like the Red Sea while I was in there. Only needed 3 items so I was out of there quickly.
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I was in ET last weekend and needed to run into Publix @ Turkey Creek last Sat. I forgot my mask. People parted like the Red Sea while I was in there. Only needed 3 items so I was out of there quickly.
I’m not saying you did this but I notice a lot of people who don’t wear masks also refuse to follow social distancing and get right on someone’s back while waiting in line.
I’m not saying you did this but I notice a lot of people who don’t wear masks also refuse to follow social distancing and get right on someone’s back while waiting in line.
It’s all ridiculous, way past time to get back to normal. No mask, no stickers on the floor telling us where to stand and no more lockdowns. 15 days to flatten the curve has turned into 14 months
I’m not saying you did this but I notice a lot of people who don’t wear masks also refuse to follow social distancing and get right on someone’s back while waiting in line.
I didn't have to wait in line. There was an opening at the self-checkout. Scanned 3 items, paid, out the door.
It’s all ridiculous, way past time to get back to normal. No mask, no stickers on the floor telling us where to stand and no more lockdowns. 15 days to flatten the curve has turned into 14 months
Fine, don’t wear a mask if you choose not to. But be respectful to others who do follow the guidelines, don’t breathe down their back. Is that so difficult and too much to ask?
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