Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

It's honestly like jumping into a time machine and going back to 2019. And, guess what: the hospitals there are empty.

Another thing I've noticed is that the people are super-friendly and welcoming.

A quote for the evening:

"And if you have taken a wrong turning, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man." - C S Lewis
I used to keep that CS Lewis quote on the whiteboard at my desk. Great one.
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Just ran across this quote from Fauci from a while back.....

Shortly after Paul's comments, Fauci told CBS This Morning that "Senator Paul has this message that we don't need masks, which goes against just about everything we know about how to prevent spread of the virus.… He was saying if you've been infected, or you've been vaccinated, don't wear a mask—which is completely against all public health tenets."

He is a horrible communicator. These comments are EXACTLY why people are declining the vaccine. In what other scenario have “public health tenets” mandated such restrictions?

From the John's Hopkins article linked yesterday:

Current guidance states that even fully vaccinated individuals should continue to wear masks and social distance. What’s the logic behind that?
Operationally, it is very challenging to know who is vaccinated and who is not, so the guidance in public places likely will be slow to change until more people are vaccinated. You can’t expect a cashier to ask for proof of vaccination.

They dance around the issue like this, but the truth is that it's a perpetuation of the Nanny-state we are living in. This doctor is suggesting that it would be the responsibility of a retail checker to make sure adults with a full complement of civil liberties are "being safe" and obeying the rules. Simply asking people to stay home if sick or if they have been intimately exposed in the past few days isn't good enough for this type.

There remains no science that concludes that people who are recovered or immunized are at any significant risk for reinfection or asymptomatic transmission of the virus.
From the John's Hopkins article linked yesterday:

They dance around the issue like this, but the truth is that it's a perpetuation of the Nanny-state we are living in. This doctor is suggesting that it would be the responsibility of a retail checker to make sure adults with a full complement of civil liberties are "being safe" and obeying the rules. Simply asking people to stay home if sick or if they have been intimately exposed in the past few days isn't good enough for this type.

There remains no science that concludes that people who are recovered or immunized are at any significant risk for reinfection or asymptomatic transmission of the virus.

I would have much less issue with Fauci actually just saying that the reason for continued masking is purely logistical or “operational.”

But the preponderance of evidence at this time is that vaccination and natural immunity (which, btw the other article from NEJM showed conclusively increased antibody formation from natural infection over vaccination) not only protect from getting virus but also protect from transmitting it.

Plus, why can’t we know what “levels” are acceptable to Baron Fauci? May he actually doesnt know and is therefore afraid to give a number? Maybe he knows but doesn’t “trust” us to behave? Or maybe we’re already there.
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From the John's Hopkins article linked yesterday:

They dance around the issue like this, but the truth is that it's a perpetuation of the Nanny-state we are living in. This doctor is suggesting that it would be the responsibility of a retail checker to make sure adults with a full complement of civil liberties are "being safe" and obeying the rules. Simply asking people to stay home if sick or if they have been intimately exposed in the past few days isn't good enough for this type.

There remains no science that concludes that people who are recovered or immunized are at any significant risk for reinfection or asymptomatic transmission of the virus.
I’ve lost all respect and reverence for once great institutions like Johns Hopkins and the Mayo Clinic. As for the CDC and the FDA, I never had any because they are government institutions that lie as expected.
I would have much less issue with Fauci actually just saying that the reason for continued masking is purely logistical or “operational.”

But the preponderance of evidence at this time is that vaccination and natural immunity (which, btw the other article from NEJM showed conclusively increased antibody formation from natural infection over vaccination) not only protect from getting virus but also protect from transmitting it.

Plus, why can’t we know what “levels” are acceptable to Baron Fauci? May he actually doesnt know and is therefore afraid to give a number? Maybe he knows but doesn’t “trust” us to behave? Or maybe we’re already there.

Fauci does not want to practice science; he wants to practice politics.

As such, he has rightfully lost the respect of most thinking people. My experience is the only people who still respect his opinions are those who hold big government in the highest regard. I suspect subconsciously they know that rationally digesting Fauci’s ever shifting opinions would undermine their faith in government.
Fauci does not want to practice science; he wants to practice politics.

As such, he has rightfully lost the respect of most thinking people. My experience is the only people who still respect his opinions are those who hold big government in the highest regard. I suspect subconsciously they know that rationally digesting Fauci’s ever shifting opinions would undermine their faith in government.
Fauci is coming out of this planic a very wealthy man.
I’ve lost all respect and reverence for once great institutions like Johns Hopkins and the Mayo Clinic. As for the CDC and the FDA, I never had any because they are government institutions that lie as expected.
Yoy shouldn't have had "reverence" for those institutions in the first place. Respect, maybe- but they're run by humans, with the same aspects of "greed" as the corporations that leftists love to crucify, and they enjoy the limelight just as much as the goofballs at the CDC.
Yoy shouldn't have had "reverence" for those institutions in the first place. Respect, maybe- but they're run by humans, with the same aspects of "greed" as the corporations that leftists love to crucify, and they enjoy the limelight just as much as the goofballs at the CDC.
I disagree. I have reverence for St.Jude because they make the world a better place. The others mentioned did that at one time before doing the opposite by helping the power elite perpetuate a fraud.
I disagree. I have reverence for St.Jude because they make the world a better place. The others mentioned did that at one time before doing the opposite by helping the power elite perpetuate a fraud.
Respect I understand. Reverence is where I have a hard time. Not saying they have never earned or deserved respect.
"A top health official is considering indefinitely extending rules requiring masks and social distancing in all businesses in the state."

A Loother bureaucratic dream.
Has anyone seen in numbers categorizing the co-morbidity factors for those who "died" of covid 19?

Because if it is being massive fat asses and diabetics because they are massive fat asses, I am over the freaking regulations. Went to Dollywood today and I swear to God, 275+ pounders were everywhere. We walked out behind four women of whom three would equal or better the average weight of college offensive linemen from the late 70s/early 80s. The fourth was easily 200 lbs.

Not just picking on women. Plenty of men in the same shape. I can think of three people who were 250+ when I was 18. THREE! I can find that many within 30 seconds of walking into Walmart.
Has anyone seen in numbers categorizing the co-morbidity factors for those who "died" of covid 19?

Because if it is being massive fat asses and diabetics because they are massive fat asses, I am over the freaking regulations. Went to Dollywood today and I swear to God, 275+ pounders were everywhere. We walked out behind four women of whom three would equal or better the average weight of college offensive linemen from the late 70s/early 80s. The fourth was easily 200 lbs.

Not just picking on women. Plenty of men in the same shape. I can think of three people who were 250+ when I was 18. THREE! I can find that many within 30 seconds of walking into Walmart.

IDK, but certainly does not help. One thing that gripes me is this glorification that if you are obese you are "sexy". That fat woman of empowerment TV commericial I am thinking of in particulular.

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