Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Do you believe Dr. Fauci has actually treated anyone for this? If so, I think that's incredibly stupid on your part. There are thousands of frontline medical workers with direct experience fighting this disease. Most of them are not considered the "world's most respected doctors". That comes from academia, not actual experience. I'd take the opinion over someone who has actually fought against it over someone reading their notes any day and every day.

Fauci has been our nation's leading expert on infectious diseases since before I was born. Literally

But maybe posters on volnation know more about infectious diseases than him right? 🙄
How does any reasonable person argue against the frontline workers knowing more? Who do you think is actually treating patients and administering medicine? Who is by their bedside when they live or die? It's not Anthony Fauci. That's just incredibly stupid to believe he is the end all, be all on this disease.
which data
You can’t win with these covidiots, you can find 99 articles telling you that masks work, but if uncle Billy Bob finds one article from who knows where disputing it and sends it to them, that’s what all these people will use as their source and call it facts and everyone else is an idiot.
You can’t win with these covidiots, you can find 99 articles telling you that masks work, but if uncle Billy Bob finds one article from who knows where disputing it and sends it to them, that’s what all these people will use as their source and call it facts and everyone else is an idiot.

How do they work? You have 30 million confirmed cases, with your "experts" saying actual cases is probably 4 to 10 times that. So 120 to 300 million cases is a legit possibilty. So how did they work?
You can’t win with these covidiots, you can find 99 articles telling you that masks work, but if uncle Billy Bob finds one article from who knows where disputing it and sends it to them, that’s what all these people will use as their source and call it facts and everyone else is an idiot.
I've seen many attack the messenger and the premise of the studies without refuting the methodology or conclusions of the study. When you determine validity based on your bias, and not from the sources data, that's a tough way to approach complex issues.
It’s all ridiculous, way past time to get back to normal. No mask, no stickers on the floor telling us where to stand and no more lockdowns. 15 days to flatten the curve has turned into 14 months
I’m just wondering how all that gray tape they put on their carpets is gonna work out once removed.
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You can’t win with these covidiots, you can find 99 articles telling you that masks work, but if uncle Billy Bob finds one article from who knows where disputing it and sends it to them, that’s what all these people will use as their source and call it facts and everyone else is an idiot.

Yeah, sad. Just gonna let it go

Read an article once about the "Fauci" of the Spanish Flu pandemic. Leader of the NIAID or equivalent back then

He told people to wear masks and social distance and stuff, and the resemblance was uncanny. Every dumbass American thought they knew more than him too. I guess its as American as Apple pie

I guess we have covidiots and they had spanishfluiots lol 😆
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You can’t win with these covidiots, you can find 99 articles telling you that masks work, but if uncle Billy Bob finds one article from who knows where disputing it and sends it to them, that’s what all these people will use as their source and call it facts and everyone else is an idiot.
The fact that we are still arguing about the effectiveness of masks is pathetic. The right wing radicals and the echo chamber they reside in made it a political issue and has nothing to do with science.
The fact that we are still arguing about the effectiveness of masks is pathetic. The right wing radicals and the echo chamber they reside in made it a political issue and has nothing to do with science.
Instead of this response why not posted scientific articles that have been peer reviewed as a response. Not a news article but an actual scientific article. you know like the ones that @kiddiedoc has posted
The fact that we are still arguing about the effectiveness of masks is pathetic. The right wing radicals and the echo chamber they reside in made it a political issue and has nothing to do with science.
So there must be a huge difference in cases between locked down states with mask mandates and those open states without them. There has to be right?
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The fact that we are still arguing about the effectiveness of masks is pathetic. The right wing radicals and the echo chamber they reside in made it a political issue and has nothing to do with science.
In the previous 99 years, we never used masks to try to control the spread of an outbreak because we learned that masks were ineffective.

If you don't believe me, just have someone inhale a cigarette and then put a mask on them before they exhale the smoke...
You can’t win with these covidiots, you can find 99 articles telling you that masks work, but if uncle Billy Bob finds one article from who knows where disputing it and sends it to them, that’s what all these people will use as their source and call it facts and everyone else is an idiot.
Stanford=some conspiracy website?

An study was asked for, and it was provided. Intellectually dishonest of you science worshippers to suddenly go anti research if you dont like what the study says.
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Instead of this response why not posted scientific articles that have been peer reviewed as a response. Not a news article but an actual scientific article. you know like the ones that @kiddiedoc has posted

Are you new here? The right wing radicals here don't believe any sources but their own. They live in a fact-free universe of conspiracy theories. Scientific data that does not jibe with their beliefs is considered deep state nonsense.
Are you new here? The right wing radicals here don't believe any sources but their own. They live in a fact-free universe of conspiracy theories. Scientific data that does not jibe with their beliefs is considered deep state nonsense.
What a ridiculous response. You just did exactly what you're accusing the other side of doing.
Are you new here? The right wing radicals here don't believe any sources but their own. They live in a fact-free universe of conspiracy theories. Scientific data that does not jibe with their beliefs is considered deep state nonsense.
So, you're saying there's no scientific articles stating that masks work and have data that support that claim and is peer reviewed? Good to know
Do you believe Dr. Fauci has actually treated anyone for this? If so, I think that's incredibly stupid on your part. There are thousands of frontline medical workers with direct experience fighting this disease. Most of them are not considered the "world's most respected doctors". That comes from academia, not actual experience. I'd take the opinion over someone who has actually fought against it over someone reading their notes any day and every day.

Fauci is so smart the VA takes their directive from someone else.
Are you new here? The right wing radicals here don't believe any sources but their own. They live in a fact-free universe of conspiracy theories. Scientific data that does not jibe with their beliefs is considered deep state nonsense.
And when effing Stanford bucks the trend the science goons turn it into a conspiracy generator.
Are you new here? The right wing radicals here don't believe any sources but their own. They live in a fact-free universe of conspiracy theories. Scientific data that does not jibe with their beliefs is considered deep state nonsense.

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