Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

OK, cat nip. Nothing is more ridiculous than claiming masks don't work.
It's that people don't wear them, or handle them, properly. Which increases the likely hood of you making yourself sick. I had a ton of people scream "how dare you think I am too stupid to wear a mask correctly." Well you are. Think about you going to the grocery store. You grab your mask and leave the house. Get in the parking lot. Put your mask on. Then go inside. Guess what. You touched a bunch of potentially gross stuff before putting your mask on. You just wore it incorrectly. You just increased your likelihood of making yourself sick. So unless you believe people are washing their hands at home, then putting their mask on, and then driving with their mask on, and then going about their day then we have failed. Now look at how often people touch their face etc. Its nuts. Oh and before you bash people you might want to consider Stanford University studies say they don't prove to be.
OK, cat nip. Nothing is more ridiculous than claiming masks don't work.
Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures
"In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks"

ACP Journals

A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers

Here are a couple of starters, from such disreputable sources as the CDC, BMJ, and ACP.

Additionally, every physician in the country agreed and was taught exactly the same thing -- that virus transmission is not prevented by surgical masks -- until around April of last year. No research was released in March. Seem strange?

Oh, and now there is the fact that areas without mask mandates have done as well or better. Nowhere in the world can you see an improvement once mask usage was mandated or adopted.
Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures
"In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks"

ACP Journals

A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers

Here are a couple of starters, from such disreputable sources as the CDC, BMJ, and ACP.

Additionally, every physician in the country agreed and was taught exactly the same thing -- that virus transmission is not prevented by surgical masks -- until around April of last year. No research was released in March. Seem strange?

Oh, and now there is the fact that areas without mask mandates have done as well or better. Nowhere in the world can you see an improvement once mask usage was mandated or adopted.

And when you look at the CDC research supporting mask use, nearly all of it has come in 2020/2021. And then the vast majority of those are laboratory studies in test subjects or dummies. It isn’t the first and won’t be the last time that laboratory research doesn’t correlate with real world clinical findings.
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Strict lockdown? Check.

Mask mandates? Check.

High vaccination rates? Check.

Yet still surging COVID rates? Check.

But yeah vaccines and masks will stop this virus.

Maybe their problem is their vaccine of choice:

There have also been questions raised about vaccine efficacy, given Chile’s widespread use of CoronaVac, the coronavirus vaccine manufactured by Chinese firm Sinovac.

OK, who in the hell would get a vaccine from China in this country?
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CDC says this:

U.S. health officials have confirmed fewer than 6,000 cases of Covid-19 in fully vaccinated Americans, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Monday.
That represents just 0.007% of the 84 million Americans with full protection against the virus. Despite the breakthrough infections, she said the vaccines are working as intended.

While Fauci says this:

Fauci on mask usage: Vaccinated people can still 'inadvertently infect' others

Speaking with NBC's Chuck Todd on "Meet the Press," Fauci explained that receiving the vaccine "dramatically" diminishes a person's risk of carrying an infection, but does not eliminate it, adding that vaccinated Americans could experience asymptomatic infections.
"[W]hat happens is that you might get infected and get absolutely no symptoms, not know you're infected, and then inadvertently go into a situation with vulnerable people. And if you don't have a mask, you might inadvertently infect them," he said, adding that there was a "small risk" of such a situation occurring.

He's ignoring the CDC data and opting for the Dumb and Dumber logic "so you're saying there's a chance".
CDC says this:

U.S. health officials have confirmed fewer than 6,000 cases of Covid-19 in fully vaccinated Americans, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Monday.
That represents just 0.007% of the 84 million Americans with full protection against the virus. Despite the breakthrough infections, she said the vaccines are working as intended.

While Fauci says this:

Fauci on mask usage: Vaccinated people can still 'inadvertently infect' others

Speaking with NBC's Chuck Todd on "Meet the Press," Fauci explained that receiving the vaccine "dramatically" diminishes a person's risk of carrying an infection, but does not eliminate it, adding that vaccinated Americans could experience asymptomatic infections.
"[W]hat happens is that you might get infected and get absolutely no symptoms, not know you're infected, and then inadvertently go into a situation with vulnerable people. And if you don't have a mask, you might inadvertently infect them," he said, adding that there was a "small risk" of such a situation occurring.

He's ignoring the CDC data and opting for the Dumb and Dumber logic "so you're saying there's a chance".

I can not understand how anyone takes anything Fauci says seriously. I do not understand.
CDC says this:

U.S. health officials have confirmed fewer than 6,000 cases of Covid-19 in fully vaccinated Americans, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Monday.
That represents just 0.007% of the 84 million Americans with full protection against the virus. Despite the breakthrough infections, she said the vaccines are working as intended.

While Fauci says this:

Fauci on mask usage: Vaccinated people can still 'inadvertently infect' others

Speaking with NBC's Chuck Todd on "Meet the Press," Fauci explained that receiving the vaccine "dramatically" diminishes a person's risk of carrying an infection, but does not eliminate it, adding that vaccinated Americans could experience asymptomatic infections.
"[W]hat happens is that you might get infected and get absolutely no symptoms, not know you're infected, and then inadvertently go into a situation with vulnerable people. And if you don't have a mask, you might inadvertently infect them," he said, adding that there was a "small risk" of such a situation occurring.

He's ignoring the CDC data and opting for the Dumb and Dumber logic "so you're saying there's a chance".
Also of note from those statistics: less than 1 in a million vaccinated individuals have died with COVID, and less than 1 in 200,000 have been hospitalized. There is no demographic information provided, but from my understanding of the vaccine efficacy, it is safe to say that the majority of those cases and deaths have been in the elderly.

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