Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I really don't know if you can trust academia for anything anymore. Almost all of their research funding is coming from the federal government and it's to say what the federal government wants. If private industry is going to academia it's for a very specific request, not research. In nuclear, I wouldn't be surprised if trillions have been wasted at labs on technology that must folks could have said don't waste your time. And ya, they'd call them the leading experts.
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Jim Jordan shoulda asked more questions when his mentor & colleague was raping & molesting people

You mean like Biden should have the last 50 years in office between his pals ..slick Willy and Ted Kennedy ? You need to get better at trolling folks , your material is subpar .
You can’t win with these covidiots, you can find 99 articles telling you that masks work, but if uncle Billy Bob finds one article from who knows where disputing it and sends it to them, that’s what all these people will use as their source and call it facts and everyone else is an idiot.
So you consider these Stanford researchers to be "uncle Billy Bob?
Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis - ScienceDirect

Stanford study that's says
"The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks. Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects"

You can review the whole study for yourself.

Anybody with even a slight knowledge of respiratory protection knew from the beginning that masks were not effective against an airborne virus. Like all the other studies showing the ineffectiveness of masks, this one will also be ignored, censored, and/or discredited by the media and our tyrannical government.
Anybody with even a slight knowledge of respiratory protection knew from the beginning that masks were not effective against an airborne virus. Like all the other studies showing the ineffectiveness of masks, this one will also be ignored, censored, and/or discredited by the media and our tyrannical government.
You don’t need a doctorate, it says on the side of the damn box this won’t protect you from viruses.
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You can’t win with these covidiots, you can find 99 articles telling you that masks work, but if uncle Billy Bob finds one article from who knows where disputing it and sends it to them, that’s what all these people will use as their source and call it facts and everyone else is an idiot.

Hey RonaBro... keep doubling up those masks and we won’t have to worry about you giving us ANYTHING . You people that refuse to wear 12 masks when you try to get near me are the ones I worry about giving me something .
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thats wrong. Masks were "sold" as a way to protect others because that's what they do/how they work. They protect others more than oneself.

the problem is they are incapable of thinking about anyone than themselves. Sad.
Actually, there is no medical evidence that cloth or surgical masks block viral transmission, at all. In fact, we have decades of literature demonstrating the contrary. Sources have been linked numerous times in this thread.

When you look at actual real-world data, you can now easily see that schools/counties/states without mask mandates have fared the same as, and in some cases better than, similar areas WITH mandates.

I'm honestly shocked that so many people still buy into the faith of their fabric of choice stopping viral transmission. Now that vaccines are available, it's not as much of an issue, but it was actually dangerous for older/at-risk people to believe such nonsense and put themselves in harm's way.
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On a side note, I've lost respect for so many people during this pandemic. It has brought out the worst in humanity. You've got the folks who ate up the "Chicken little" media narrative hook, line, and sinker, supported shutdowns, and became tattle-tale Karens against their fellow man to try and win brownie points with authority. Even conservatives fell for many of these things. Conservatives who I thought supported 1st Amendment rights.

I guess you can also take a glass half-full approach. It certainly did expose the frauds: the people who claim to be pro 1st Amendment yet supported the forcible closing of small businesses and shutdowns.
On a side note, I've lost respect for so many people during this pandemic. It has brought out the worst in humanity. You've got the folks who ate up the "Chicken little" media narrative hook, line, and sinker, supported shutdowns, and became tattle-tale Karens against their fellow man to try and win brownie points with authority. Even conservatives fell for many of these things. Conservatives who I thought supported 1st Amendment rights.

I guess you can also take a glass half-full approach. It certainly did expose the frauds: the people who claim to be pro 1st Amendment yet supported the forcible closing of small businesses and shutdowns.

Such as Lockdown Larry (Hogan).
Actually, there is no actual medical evidence that cloth or surgical masks block viral transmission, at all. In fact, we have decades of literature demonstrating the contrary. Sources have been linked numerous times in this thread.

When you look at actual real-world data, you can now easily see that schools/counties/states without mask mandates have fared the same as, and in some cases better than, similar areas WITH mandates.

I'm honestly shocked that so many people still buy into the faith of their fabric of choice stopping viral transmission. Now that vaccines are available, it's not as much of an issue, but it was actually dangerous for older/at-risk people to believe such nonsense and put themselves in harm's way.
tsk tsk and tut tut, kiddiedoc. everyone knows better than to trust some rando on a message board.
And because you can't be trusted the information you source and share MUST be avoided at all times. We aren't exactly sure how distrusting you carries over to distrusting things you simply share but did not create or oversee, but we aren't really concerned with separating randos from resources.
- signed the "trust the science" crowd.
OK, cat nip. Nothing is more ridiculous than claiming masks don't work.
The way humans wear them is what causes the most failure from masks. It's gross and transmits more germs. It's also unnecessary for the majority of people

Have you sent your critique to the researchers at Stanford?
The way humans wear them is what causes the most failure from masks. It's gross and transmits more germs. It's also unnecessary for the majority of people

Have you sent your critique to the researchers at Stanford?
As a disciple of DC statism, TN Ribs has no time to engage the heretics.

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