Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Do you ever take into consideration that the science changes with new data and research?
What science or data occurred that made mask wearing a defense against viruses when at no other time in my life time had we ever done that during any other pandemic?

And isn't there something to be said about erroring on the side of freedom vs erroring on the side of lockdowns, mask mandates, and other tyrannical actions? Shouldn't there be greater restraint used in uprooting people daily lives?
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Quite honestly, I'm not trying to defend Fauci. I think he ended up suffering from a severe case of Limelight Flu.

I feel like I'm trying to defend reading comprehension and quality investigatory method. That's what I care about right now. But so many people are on these emails out of sequence, out of context, reframed for vilification, that centering and objectivity have been thrown out the window. There's more excitement than a puppy that just discovered it can lick its pecker.

I'm not trying to vilify him. I consider my posts as legit criticism. If it's not it should be easily debunked.

I also didn't reference his emails.

Of the emails I've seen, the ones of more concern are the ones regarding the virus origin
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Could you explain to me why my doctors and nurses, even before the pandemic, wear masks during both in-office and in-suite surgical procedures? Should I feel justified asking them not to?
Absolutely. They are to keep surgical body fluids (blood, pus, etc) from splashing onto the face of the surgeon. Even if you are worried about wound infections, those are caused by bacteria (much larger than viruses), and a number of studies have demonstrated that surgeon mask-wearing does not decrease them.

Happy to provide references if needed, but I did discuss this matter with multiple surgeon friends in the early stages of the pandemic.
I have surgery on my leg in the office every week. I occasionally have surgery on my leg in a surgical suite. While the wound is uncovered, their masks are on.

I think I need to dial down the lexile score of some of my comments.
Comments like this 👆🏼.... probably make a lot of people think you need to dial 1-800-go F yourself
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Yeah. I get it. But THEY are wearing the masks to protect ME from THEM.

It was clear from the very beginning that the masks were not about stopping us from getting infected ourselves but to prevent us from accidentally infecting others in case we might be infected. Yet for some reason people are going ape over an email that says exactly that.

I think I'm just wired too differently to comprehend what all the hullabaloo is about.
No they arent. They wear masks so blood, pus or whatever else could be in the wound/surgical site doesnt splash up into their nose or mouth. Those particles are also much larger than COVID.
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Comments like this 👆🏼.... probably make a lot of people think you need to dial 1-800-go F yourself
No, I don't take it that way at all. Most people don't understand the actual size and transmission of viral particles. Doctors all know quite well that surgical masks are no barricade against dangerous viruses. That is why respirators exist.

I would never examine a patient with a life-threatening respiratory viral infection with anything other than eye protection, N95+ mask, full gown, gloves, and preferably a negative pressure room.
Absolutely. They are to keep surgical body fluids (blood, pus, etc) from splashing onto the face of the surgeon. Even if you are worried about wound infections, those are caused by bacteria (much larger than viruses), and a number of studies have demonstrated that surgeon mask-wearing does not decrease them.

Happy to provide references if needed, but I did discuss this matter with multiple surgeon friends in the early stages of the pandemic.

I did some digging after I replied to your previous comment and am reconsidering my position. I may end up significantly closer to your thinking on this.

The article I'm linking below is where I started earlier, and it did a good job of putting me in reconsideration mode. My apologies for being an ass.

Unmasking the surgeons: the evidence base behind the use of facemasks in surgery
I did some digging after I replied to your previous comment and am reconsidering my position. I may end up significantly closer to your thinking on this.

The article I'm linking below is where I started earlier, and it did a good job of putting me in reconsideration mode. My apologies for being an ass.

Unmasking the surgeons: the evidence base behind the use of facemasks in surgery
Fantastic. I actually posted that report many months ago, after it was forwarded to me by a pediatric surgeon.

Thank you for your openness to discussion and thought. We need more of that.
Vaccination works. Let's hope they are safe.

Mmm....posted previously my daughter has tremors now, reports of blood clotting issues (related??) and menstrual changes in women. Time will tell the full story. I also think the fact that this virus continues to mutate to weaker forms for survival has a lot to do with it along with those of us that have had it and still have antibodies. I’ll be interested to see if we go all in on annual boosters or not.
Mmm....posted previously my daughter has tremors now, reports of blood clotting issues (related??) and menstrual changes in women. Time will tell the full story. I also think the fact that this virus continues to mutate to weaker forms for survival has a lot to do with it along with those of us that have had it and still have antibodies. I’ll be interested to see if we go all in on annual boosters or not.
I hope she recovers with zero issues. But thus far it's working extremely well. I hope that doesn't sound ******. I sincerely hope she's fine
Mmm....posted previously my daughter has tremors now, reports of blood clotting issues (related??) and menstrual changes in women. Time will tell the full story. I also think the fact that this virus continues to mutate to weaker forms for survival has a lot to do with it along with those of us that have had it and still have antibodies. I’ll be interested to see if we go all in on annual boosters or not.
Oh pharma wants annuals. There is just no proof it's needed at this juncture. Right now we know the vaccine works eight months or so.
Oh pharma wants annuals. There is just no proof it's needed at this juncture. Right now we know the vaccine works eight months or so.

Oh, I know pharma for sure does. $$$
I’m wondering about a scenario where this largely burns itself out via vaccines and natural immunity and is no more than maybe a seasonal nuisance, if that. Then interest in boosters dwindle among the general populations. Pharma will be seriously disappointed. We will see.
Mmm....posted previously my daughter has tremors now, reports of blood clotting issues (related??) and menstrual changes in women. Time will tell the full story. I also think the fact that this virus continues to mutate to weaker forms for survival has a lot to do with it along with those of us that have had it and still have antibodies. I’ll be interested to see if we go all in on annual boosters or not.

dang - hope it's short-lived
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Hilarious because:
1. I've never seen Trump supporters try to shoehorn into existence the phrase "settled science"; and
2. Nothing about the COVID situation changed the science on much of anything. In fact, I'd argue that the science mostly stayed the same and people like Fauci here acted in opposition to it.
Respiratory illness has actually become even more prevalent in the past two weeks, and I'm busier with sick babies and toddlers than I've ever been in June. Parents are having trouble understanding why all their kids have RSV, croup, bronchiolitis, etc just in time for family beach vacation. It's quite crazy seeing the unforseen epidemiological and immunity effects of our social experiment firsthand. Then I hear of this novel avian flu, and I get a little pucker factor for later this summer. . .

On Fauci: I've been too busy to read up, but I heard somebody dumped his emails. Quick synopsis of the findings in question?
It’s almost like we forgot we had to exercise our immune systems. I suspect you knew this would be a consequence of children not being in society and having their immune systems challenged daily.
Respiratory illness has actually become even more prevalent in the past two weeks, and I'm busier with sick babies and toddlers than I've ever been in June. Parents are having trouble understanding why all their kids have RSV, croup, bronchiolitis, etc just in time for family beach vacation. It's quite crazy seeing the unforseen epidemiological and immunity effects of our social experiment firsthand. Then I hear of this novel avian flu, and I get a little pucker factor for later this summer. . .

On Fauci: I've been too busy to read up, but I heard somebody dumped his emails. Quick synopsis of the findings in question?

Looks like the AAP is still feeling the effects of their wrist slap last year regarding school openings….

Q&A: When do children still need to wear masks?

Still recommending kids aged 2-12 who can’t be vaccinated wear masks outdoors. And people wonder why the “experts” are questioned.

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