Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

We have this at almost 100k posts. Easily the record for the PF. Probably would be a record for the forum if joe didnt pad his post count everywhere.

Other than some world wars, I cannot think of another bigger event in history.

The overreaction to it is still unfathomable. That did more damage than anything.
Respiratory illness has actually become even more prevalent in the past two weeks, and I'm busier with sick babies and toddlers than I've ever been in June. Parents are having trouble understanding why all their kids have RSV, croup, bronchiolitis, etc just in time for family beach vacation. It's quite crazy seeing the unforseen epidemiological and immunity effects of our social experiment firsthand. Then I hear of this novel avian flu, and I get a little pucker factor for later this summer. . .

On Fauci: I've been too busy to read up, but I heard somebody dumped his emails. Quick synopsis of the findings in question?
It’s amazing to me that you find all these parents willing to see a “doctor” who works out of a van behind the Denny’s.
Surprise, lawgator picked the wrong person to give instant credibility to just because Trump had the audacity to question him.

This one quote reminded me of some of the conversations we were having last year.

I cannot think of a single person who would not want this drug, or combo, to offer a real alternative for people who get CoVid-19. But, as a scientist Fauci is waiting on sufficient evidence to make a call one way or the other. There are double blind trials going on as we speak, we should have some meaningful results next week on whether it really works.

These guys were putting up more resistance on a drug that has been around for decades just because Trump suggested it than they are now with all of these experimental vaccines.
This one quote reminded me of some of the conversations we were having last year.

These guys were putting up more resistance on a drug that has been around for decades just because Trump suggested it than they are now with all of these experimental vaccines.
And there were countless doctors that used it on patients and stated that it without a doubt worked in most situations they tried it.
And there were countless doctors that used it on patients and stated that it without a doubt worked in most situations they tried it.

Unfortunately, anecdotal information doesn't fly in the medical community. There's significant data showing little efficacy in treating an established infection.

I also don't recall it being in the cocktail treatment received by Trump at Walter Reed. If it has such a celebrated level of efficacy, you'd think that would have been the first thing they went for.
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Lot's of goodies in this article

"A months long Vanity Fair investigation, interviews with more than 40 people, and a review of hundreds of pages of U.S. government documents, including internal memos, meeting minutes, and email correspondence, found that conflicts of interest, stemming in part from large government grants supporting controversial virology research, hampered the U.S. investigation into COVID-19’s origin at every step. In one State Department meeting, officials seeking to demand transparency from the Chinese government say they were explicitly told by colleagues not to explore the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s gain-of-function research, because it would bring unwelcome attention to U.S. government funding of it.

In an internal memo obtained by Vanity Fair, Thomas DiNanno, former acting assistant secretary of the State Department’s Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance, wrote that staff from two bureaus, his own and the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, “warned” leaders within his bureau “not to pursue an investigation into the origin of COVID-19” because it would “‘open a can of worms’ if it continued.”"

The Lab-Leak Theory: Inside the Fight to Uncover COVID-19’s Origins

And there you have it. It was all about...........wait for it...........drum roll............MONEY. We were lied to by Lord Fauci and others because many would lose American tax payer dollars if it ever came out that due to these dangerous experiments that we funded, a virus escaped out of one of the commie labs that we help pay for.

Another great lesson in all of this, especially to those who trust big tech and so-called "fact checkers" (which is just probably some fat dude googling stuff), is that anyone who suggested a lab escape was immediately smacked down. Never trust big tech, and fact checkers are a joke.
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Never trust big tech, and fact checkers are a joke.

You do realize that the article you quoted/bolded:
A. Said it is not making conclusions, but presenting what it has found to this point, and
B. Used fact checkers throughout the process to confirm the information and make sure the information is accurate to the best of their abilities?
Fact checkers are a joke. If you had looked up lab created virus a few months ago, it would have been labeled "false". I was referring to the correspondence among the ones who had money at stake. It's obvious why we were lied to. Money.

The sequencing of 4 positively charged amino acids in a row in this virus proves that it isn't from nature. That doesn't occur in nature.

"The laws of physics mean that you cannot have four positively charged amino acids in a row,” Dalgleish told the Daily Mail. “The only way you can get this is if you artificially manufacture it.”

Explosive study claims to prove Chinese scientists created COVID

We were lied to by Lord Fauci and many others.
Fact checkers are a joke. If you had looked up lab created virus a few months ago, it would have been labeled "false". I was referring to the correspondence among the ones who had money at stake. It's obvious why we were lied to. Money.

The sequencing of 4 positively charged amino acids in a row in this virus proves that it isn't from nature. That doesn't occur in nature.

"The laws of physics mean that you cannot have four positively charged amino acids in a row,” Dalgleish told the Daily Mail. “The only way you can get this is if you artificially manufacture it.”

Explosive study claims to prove Chinese scientists created COVID

We were lied to by Lord Fauci and many others.
The sad and simple observation is in a country of Billions, the virus just happens to originate out of the same city where the National virology lab is located? That alone had alarm bells ringing.

The latency period in this virus was designed. The flu incubates in a day or two. Covid could take weeks.
Imagine a much more deadly virus that had a latency of say a month. This is calculated testing for germ warfare.

Pathetic how so many on the left mocked amd silenced those that had these concerns.
Unfortunately, anecdotal information doesn't fly in the medical community. There's significant data showing little efficacy in treating an established infection.

I also don't recall it being in the cocktail treatment received by Trump at Walter Reed. If it has such a celebrated level of efficacy, you'd think that would have been the first thing they went for.
Except that anecdotal information is exactly what they went off of for pretty much their entire strategy. Masks, shutting down schools, social distancing, shutting down businesses small businesses but leaving big ones open.

Some of them make no sense at all. Some make a little sense. I have no idea how many are still considered based on good science.

The entire thing has been a charade of science but actually just an appeal to authority.
The latency period in this virus was designed. The flu incubates in a day or two. Covid could take weeks.
Imagine a much more deadly virus that had a latency of say a month. This is calculated testing for germ warfare.

That was what stood out to me the most about Covid last year. What made it dangerous was the ease of transmission. Are there any other illnesses out there where you can be contagious for a 1-2 weeks while showing no symptoms and not knowing you are sick?
I doubt covid behaves any differently from any other virus. The three week asymptomatic spread was likely fear mongering. It took about 3/4ths of the year to finally hit most of the US in peak respiratory virus season. That doesn't sound that contagious to me. And I really only know a hand full of people who got it, and nobody but people who knew people who died.

This virus was probably like every other cold, just good at taking out 80 year old, overweight, lifelong smokers.
Might it have also been calculated to kill off seniors and spare the young folks 'cause they're sympathetic to Communism?
Crazy to go back and read some of these predictions. Dude's worst case scenario was less than a tenth of the body count so far, and I don't think he was accounting for social distancing and shutdown measures...this was if we just carried on.

Richard Epstein: 'More Probable Than Not…Total Number of Deaths at Under 50,000'
What I find way more interesting is watching the changeover from percentage to raw numbers depending on who's trying to spin what.

On average, someone in the USA dies from cardiovascular disease every 37 seconds. Every day, every year. Chinese Flu is an insignificant blip on the timeline of man, but we lost our collective minds and made it worse.
The sad and simple observation is in a country of Billions, the virus just happens to originate out of the same city where the National virology lab is located? That alone had alarm bells ringing.

The latency period in this virus was designed. The flu incubates in a day or two. Covid could take weeks.
Imagine a much more deadly virus that had a latency of say a month. This is calculated testing for germ warfare.

Pathetic how so many on the left mocked amd silenced those that had these concerns.
Ding ding ding.... calculated testing. Abso-freaking-loutely

accidental escape my ass

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