Yep. Impacting me at the moment since I'm in LA for work.
These people are ridiculous out here. But until the masses of people stand up to them, they'll continue doing this crap.
In hospital communication today, there is apparently no national trend of increased pediatric hospitalization or mortality from any of the variants. Additionally, the reporting that this new variant is more contagious is not necessarily accurate.
Trust me: I get it. This has been an incredibly difficult year for all of us. It's very frustrating that individual thought, common sense, real-world experience, reasonable analysis of data, and even decades of information are being discarded without any real evidence.Goodness Kiddie....What is one to believe with this or frankly ANYTHING anymore. Ordinary citizens without any intellect on topics and matters that affect us all and having to listen to this political BS all in the name of money and power.
I am surprised big pharma didnt push this route from the beginning.Merck’s Little Brown Pill Could Transform the Fight Against Covid
Nice to see more good news on therapeutics. Interesting that getting them approved and to market is much different than the vaccine.
It's over for Tipton County. If you know anyone there, maybe make one last phone call and say what you need to say.According to the New York Times COVID Tracker, Tipton County, Tennessee had the highest 14-day increase in COVID cases in the country.
Did Huxley, Orwell or even Rod Serling ever imagine a dystopian future where a virus was the main antagonist? I would love to know if anybody could have foreseen these over the top reactions.
Oh My! 10 new cases in a rural county of 61K, No mention of hospitalizations or deaths. There's probably a greater threat of food poisoning from guacamole at your local Mexican restaurant.West Tennessee county could be country's new hotspot for COVID cases
It's over for Tipton County. If you know anyone there, maybe make one last phone call and say what you need to say.
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At least for Orwell it wasnt a disease getting overplayed, but war. Same process at play. Only the party can save the people from the existential threat that never really appears in severity to the level of propaganda spewed against it. People are kept in fear and hate with very little actual information provided. It's used to empower the party and divide the people. Any one who brings truth that doesnt agree with the party line is cast as an enemy. Anyone who isnt as orthodox as the party wants, is the enemy. No threshold for acceptance or victory is ever established, and the rhetoric changes to suit those in power.Most horror involving virii is of the genre where the public is either unknowing or naive and it spreads rapidly despite warnings from scientists. If someone has gone the direction where the virus is a bust but is being overplayed for control reasons, I'm not aware of it. I'll check in with one of my science fiction editor friends and see if they have any idea.
I am surprised big pharma didnt push this route from the beginning.
Most folks that I know who are skeptical of the vaccine are getting their "info" from social media, political opinion show hosts, and politicians instead of the medical community. The irony is that most of those messengers they listen to are vaccinated and are only spreading skepticism for political reasons. Let's not ignore the elephant in the room (no pun intended), but it tends to be folks who politically lean very far to the right. They don't seem to realize that Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Ron DeSantis, Rupert Murdoch, and many other figure heads on their side are vaccinated. Heck, Tucker Carlson spreads vaccine skepticism every night and absolutely refuses to answer if he's been vaccinated or not...which tells you he likely has been. It's disappointing to see so many trust just about everyone but a doctor these days. I think if you're that skeptical of modern medicine and something that is currently being proven to save lives, then you might as well stay home when you're sick and not let doctors treat you at all. Just my 2 cents from seeing someone on the brink of possibly losing their mother that's only 49 due to COVID. Her mom refused the vaccine, now she's in ICU fighting for her life on a ventilator with one collapsed lung, three holes in her lungs, a blood clot in her lung and clots in her legs, fluid on her brain from a stroke, poor kidney and liver function, and a weakened heart. But damn...the vaccine rarely causes easily treatable side effects, so don't take it. Absolutely crazy.Los Angeles is on the verge of reinstating their mask mandate due to the recent spike in new cases. We’re going to be social distanced and masked again if folks don’t pull their heads out of the sand and get vaccinated. If you haven’t yet gotten your shots, then you are the problem. Please look at the real data and quit listening to the conspiracy folks. This virus will continue to mutate if it continues to spread amongst unvaccinated people until there is a new variant that isn’t affected by the current vaccines, then the entire world will have to start over with a new vaccine. Are your worries that there could, maybe, just possibly be some problem that still hasn’t been discovered with the vaccines worth the risks you are bringing on everyone else?
Yeah but those of us that have been saying it all along were conspiracy nuts, right?WHO chief says it was 'premature' to rule out COVID lab leak
Even China's toadies in the WHO can't deny it any longer.