Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

No one's fault but the bureaucratic "science" community. This isn't even that partisan. We should all reject a single unelected person knowingly lying to the public for any reason and it's worse that it was completely unscientific. We should all reject any Healthcare person pushing any rhetoric not based on actual data and science. They have all done that and now a large portion of the population does not trust them.

I would say much of this has to do with scientific literacy on both sides of the issue.

Conservative mindsets are drawn to single enduring truths and absolutes. As scientific knowledge proliferates and becomes more publicly accessible, we're increasingly aware of the chaotic, occasionally conflicting, and ever changing nature of science. As there is no such thing as settled science, there's a pushback against the field. Especially as the role of politics is increasingly more evident. This is neither a good nor a bad thing - it just is what it is.

Liberal mindsets are drawn to a variety of truths and perspectives, with individuals deciding which truth or evidence fits their world view the best. As scientific knowledge proliferates and becomes more publicly accessible, the are more perspectives for liberally minded individuals to latch on to and agree with. There are attempts at consensus, but individual preferences still hold sway when it comes to what is and is not accepted. This is neither a good nor a bad thing, but it is not generally something I find preference with.

The scientific community has been able to hide behind its complexity and general awkwardness for centuries. The scientific community as a whole is going to have to find a better way to communicate their findings in a way that is neither condescending nor difficult for the layman to understand. It must also find ways to help the general population to see research in context without trying to do the thinking for them.
I've got to disagree with this, quite strongly. Especially where religion is involved in the interpretation.
I'd say more so, Conservatives believe what they believe until proven differently, Independents believe what they believe until you show them something better, and progressives are looking to believe in the next thing., no proof required.
if you were on the fence about getting vaccinated what is the likely reaction to LA county saying even if you are vaccinated you need to wear a mask? can't imagine it would motivate you to get one.
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if you were on the fence about getting vaccinated what is the likely reaction to LA county saying even if you are vaccinated you need to wear a mask? can't imagine it would motivate you to get one.

This is also coming from a state that has prompted carcinogen warnings to be placed on things that were only carcinogenic after injecting lab animals with a quarter of their body weight of the substance ever day for a month.
I knew this was political and not science when the symbolic mask craze and stupid social distancing started. Anyone in healthcare knows about proper mask wearing. Then when I began studying survival rates I knew that this was not science at all. Heck even the flame thrower Fauci flip flopped so much on this stuff. He started by using his medical knowledge but then switched when it became evident the virus politics.

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