Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he shouldn't have gotten vaccinated. I was just pointing out the actual mortality rate in his demographic. One thing I have found is that most people consistently overestimate risk.
Example: I was discussing the vaccine with a father in my office the other day, and he was opposed to his teenage daughter receiving it. When I asked what he believed her risk of dying would be if she was infected with CV, he replied "really, really low, . . . Like 1%."
Additionally, I keep seeing people with breakthrough infection stating how glad they are that they got the vaccine, "because without it, they would have been so much sicker."
Statistically speaking, that is just not true. The vast majority of people of ALL ages, including the 75-84 group, do not get super sick and die. And, in the sub-65 group, it's actually an anomaly to be very sick at all, even without the vaccine.
Again, I'm not advising for or against vaccination for any age, just painting a clear picture of actual risk.