Les Miles wants to do away with permanant SEC opponents...

Problem is, the last time UT beat a Bama team with a decent coach was when Bear coached. We were blessed to have morons like Ray Perkins and Mike DuBose roam the sidelines with their Dooleyesque presence. When Bama has a good coach, we're screwed. It's not really a rivalry. We are just an afterthought for them.
Stallings was a pretty solid coach.
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Clemson is not an easy out of conference game for Georgia,neither is Georgia Tech(GT should be 9-3 this season)

Seriously? GT has beaten UGA three times in the last 25 years. The only other "rivalries" they have a higher win percentage for are Vandy, Kentucky, and you guessed it...Clemson.
With all the talent LSU lost, they'll be looking up at Bama and A&M this season regardless of the schedule.

You can't control when a particular school rotates back on the schedule. It seems like UF always catches Auburn or one of the Mississippi schools when they're on the upswing.

Why is it that UF plays like the Patriots against UT every year, then is almost certain to lay an egg against one of the West teams. I'll never understand how that 01' team lost to lowly AU that year. UF and UT were both amazing in 01'.
Not sure what tough is defined as, but one of their opponents has beaten us like 7 or 8 years in a row now.

Umm, I don't think the point of it was aimed at divisional opponents. That's kinda a given yearly game. Talking about us playing Bama regardless or Florida playing Florida State...I doubt Richt would put them on the schedule if he didn't have to.
UT-Bama must stay in place. Put us in the same side of the SEC before the game is taken away.
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Another solution that Spurrier proposed last year was only counting the division record for the division title. This would not penalize anyone for traditional cross-division rivalries and made sense to me.
UT-Bama must stay in place. Put us in the same side of the SEC before the game is taken away.

Thats been my thinking since all this started. Would have to include aub too...they hate the bammers almost as much as we do.
Another solution that Spurrier proposed last year was only counting the division record for the division title. This would not penalize anyone for traditional cross-division rivalries and made sense to me.

There's a thread on this on the NCAA board, so at the risk of duplicating a discussion:

Only counting division games only works if you realign the divisions based on parity.
There's a thread on this on the NCAA board, so at the risk of duplicating a discussion:

Only counting division games only works if you realign the divisions based on parity.

I'll check it out but parity will never exist in this conference. It is not Bama's fault that UT is bad right now. Spurrier pounded a terrible LSU team in the 90's and it wasn't UF's fault that LSU was terrible.
I'll check it out but parity will never exist in this conference. It is not Bama's fault that UT is bad right now. Spurrier pounded a terrible LSU team in the 90's and it wasn't UF's fault that LSU was terrible.

That's true, one cannot guarantee that parity between the divisions will always exist year in and year out. But you can look at history to get a good idea, and history shows that the West is a tougher road than the East.
There's a thread on this on the NCAA board, so at the risk of duplicating a discussion:

Only counting division games only works if you realign the divisions based on parity.

I'll check it out but parity will never exist in this conference. It is not Bama's fault that UT is bad right now. Spurrier pounded a terrible LSU team in the 90's and it wasn't UF's fault that LSU was terrible.

Based on parity? The conference would be realigned every 3 years. Last year, it could have realigned during the season.

If UT becomes relevant and Johnny Football goes pro the conference dynamic has shifted. Pick 2 sides (that divisional round robin counts) and play 2 games from the other side that don't count in the conference standings. I like that.
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Based on parity? The conference would be realigned every 3 years. Last year, it could have realigned during the season.

The West's avg winning percentage is .603, while the East's is .573. That isn't even close to being even.
I think you should play everyone in your division and 2 different teams from the other division every year so you get to play all SEC in your career. BUT I think ONLY your division games should determine who wins your division!! If we play Michigan, it is a good game but does not enter into whether you win division or not... make the cross-division games electives as well---Lets have true division champs!!

This right here ^

Why should cross division games determine who goes to atlanta. UT plays Bama while UGA has Auburn. How is that competitevly fair? Even if you disregard AU's recent slump they're still historically far worse than Bama. Likewise ATM gets Mizzou while LSU plays UF? Seriously? 6-0 within your division should land you in Atlanta.
Les Miles: Do away with permanent foes - SEC Blog - ESPN

This article has to be a first, Steve Spurrier actually makes a decent comment about Tennessee without whining...

The phrase "That's not fair" should be outlawed!! Life isn't fair, nothing is fair & if anyone told you it is, they lied! Miles doesn't understand tradition or southern football making a statement like that. He's just proving once again what an idiot he is! (See The Quotable Les Miles if you think he has a brain.) I know he wins a lot & that is one of life's mysteries!
Does anyone have the list of the permanent cross divisional opponents for each school?


I believe Arky and USC may have decided to trade with Mizzou-ATM. So Arky-Mizzou, ATM-USC. Not sure if that deal has been finalized. USC/Arky were always artificial rivals.
This right here ^

Why should cross division games determine who goes to atlanta. UT plays Bama while UGA has Auburn. How is that competitevly fair? Even if you disregard AU's recent slump they're still historically far worse than Bama. Likewise ATM gets Mizzou while LSU plays UF? Seriously? 6-0 within your division should land you in Atlanta.

It's only happened once that a team went unbeaten in the division and didn't make the SECCG. It's incredibly rare.
This right here ^

Why should cross division games determine who goes to atlanta. UT plays Bama while UGA has Auburn. How is that competitevly fair? Even if you disregard AU's recent slump they're still historically far worse than Bama. Likewise ATM gets Mizzou while LSU plays UF? Seriously? 6-0 within your division should land you in Atlanta.

As I said in the other thread bamawriter is referring to, be careful what you wish for.

Florida is 93-13 against the sec east since 1992.

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