Let Us Leave Germany

I think the main reason why we left troops in Germany in 1945 still applies today: without them, Russia basically walks all the way to the Atlantic. Whose going to stop them? Certainly not the Ukranians, Poles, Germans or French. We would have to use nuclear weapons to stop them, which would trigger WWIII and MAD. If we do position troops in Poland, the Baltic States and other Eastern European countries, then that would be acceptable. Sorry, Russia is dangerous rogue country.

Russian conventional armed forces are a shell of USSR capability. They do not even have the logistics to conduct warfare across Europe.
You are comparing 75 years' worth of a deterrent military presence, invited by the Europeans, to invasion and occupation in the War on Terror?


It's a valid comparison. You leftists always complain about the evil us military occupying a foreign country.
**** them. They can provide for their own defense. They should forego the genocide this time, though.
They don’t want us there for defense anymore. They know that isn’t needed. They want those bases occupied by the deep pocketed US military for the economic boost. That’s all it’s about at this point. F them, bring our troops and that slice of wasted prosperity home.
I think the main reason why we left troops in Germany in 1945 still applies today: without them, Russia basically walks all the way to the Atlantic. Whose going to stop them? Certainly not the Ukranians, Poles, Germans or French. We would have to use nuclear weapons to stop them, which would trigger WWIII and MAD. If we do position troops in Poland, the Baltic States and other Eastern European countries, then that would be acceptable. Sorry, Russia is dangerous rogue country.

The EU is more populous than the U.S. Between the three powers of Western Europe, they can't put together a military force?
Sounds like they need to cut the welfare state and pay for their defense. They've had 75 years and multiple U.S. presidents cajoling them to get their act together.
The EU is more populous than the U.S. Between the three powers of Western Europe, they can't put together a military force?
Sounds like they need to cut the welfare state and pay for their defense. They've had 75 years and multiple U.S. presidents cajoling them to get their act together.
That all may be true, but Russia's active and reserve troops (2.9 million) are more than Ukraine's, Poland's, Germany's and France's combined.
Obviously buying off Ukraine for Russia.
I thought that's what Hunter Biden was doing. Or was he stealing money? He was doing something that had the Right wing in a frenzy. All I know is he had a job working for a Ukraine energy company and somehow it was going to bring down Obama, Biden, and the deep state.
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I thought that's what Hunter Biden was doing. Or was he stealing money? He was doing something that had the Right wing in a frenzy. All I know is he had a job working for a Ukraine energy company and somehow it was going to bring down Obama, Biden, and the deep state.
Terrible attempt at deflection after reliving your second worst crushing defeat since 2016. Have no fear, it will be supplanted this November.
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That all may be true, but Russia's active and reserve troops (2.9 million) are more than Ukraine's, Poland's, Germany's and France's combined.
Sounds like they've got a serious issue then if they are unable to defend themselves from the 1950’s Russia boogeyman.
You believe what you want to believe without ANY facts.

Remember when Obama said he will have more flexibility after election?

US to withdraw troops from Europe

2 years later two brigades were sent back (a field artillery brigade out of Grafenwohr and military police brigade out of Bavaria), V Corps was reactivated and a heavy brigade rotates out of Germany every 9 months.
That all may be true, but Russia's active and reserve troops (2.9 million) are more than Ukraine's, Poland's, Germany's and France's combined.

The EU has 3X the population of Russia and an economy 11.5X larger. If the EU doesn't care for their security, that is their concern.
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2 years later two brigades were sent back (a field artillery brigade out of Grafenwohr and military police brigade out of Bavaria), V Corps was reactivated and a heavy brigade rotates out of Germany every 9 months.

So what.
Question for our resident Jan's.

Would you be going Russia, Russia, Russia if they were pulling the troops from Germany and using the savings for healthcare?
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You are comparing 75 years' worth of a deterrent military presence, invited by the Europeans, to invasion and occupation in the War on Terror?

invited by the Europeans= we paid for it
Of course they loved that deal, why wouldn't they? They got to spend tax revenues on things that got them votes while Joe Taxpayer in the US kept them safe from the Soviets. If Germany offered to set up bases in the Pacific and protect us from China we'd happily accept. That doesn't mean the arrangement is good for Germany. And we have used those "deterrent" bases as jump offs for our little crusades the past two decades. They are enabling us to engage in useless wars. I can't believe we're having this argument.
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Once the leftists regain control of the WH and implement their agenda the military will be the 1st thing to be decimated. Might as well ween the European moochers off the Uncle Sam tit now because it’s inevitable. You can have socialized healthcare or a strong military but not both.
You don't pay attention much, do you? Obama and Hillary were just as eager to spread war around the world as GWB. Both major parties will keep miltary spending up. And besides, how else will they maintain their police state?

On the surface this is one move I am with Trump on. Pretty sure that war was won long before I was even born.

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