Let Us Leave Germany

There is a place for you in either the Trump or Putin administrations. Perhaps both as it seems they have some sort of personnel exchange program going at the moment.

The whole Russian collusion **** has been blown to hell. Remember when you wanted the effin transcripts and just had to see them?
The whole Russian collusion **** has been blown to hell. Remember when you wanted the effin transcripts and just had to see them?

Well, see, the thing is, Putin is cashing in his chips now, before Trump is out. Worst thing that can happen is that the defense department gets suspicious and drags its feet long enough that the plan is thwarted. Even then, though, the specter of such spontaneous decisions that hurt Europe will undermine confidence in Article 5.
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Well, see, the thing is, Putin is cashing in his chips now, before Trump is out. Worst thing that can happen is that the defense department gets suspicious and drags its feet long enough that the plan is thwarted. Even then, though, the specter of such spontaneous decisions that hurt Europe will undermine confidence in Article 5.

You believe what you want to believe without ANY facts.

Remember when Obama said he will have more flexibility after election?

US to withdraw troops from Europe
And you have inadvertently hit the nail on the head as to why Putin did this now.


I'm not sure of Japan's capabilities actually. I know that part of their surrender they weren't allowed to build an army other than for self defense purposes. (JASDF) I like Korea though. Not as much as Japan, but nice people and good food.
I believe their weapons doomsday clock hit zero several years ago. So I think they can militarize again, they just prefer not to.
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Well, see, the thing is, Putin is cashing in his chips now, before Trump is out. Worst thing that can happen is that the defense department gets suspicious and drags its feet long enough that the plan is thwarted. Even then, though, the specter of such spontaneous decisions that hurt Europe will undermine confidence in Article 5.
You have seen the transcripts you bitched for. Now be honest. Own being wrong. Because I can’t think of any poster who has been more wrong then you. That’s in terms of prognostication. We still have the folks like Justin wandering around .
Great to reduce our global policing. Germany is a top notch 1st world country. No reason for us to be there. I'm sure no one would like foreign troops on our land. Outside of Korea and maybe 1 or 2 other spots, no need for permanent global military and foreign bases.
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What a weird ass world that deescalating our global military footprint gets liberal hackles up. If Obama was doing this he would be a peacemaker. Trump does it and he's (still) a Russian stooge. The left rightly bitches about the money spent on defense but when presented with an opportunity to cut that spend they are upset. I think we've occupied the Axis forces long enough, they seem to have learned their lesson. Let Japan have a military. Let Italy decide who they want to surrender to. Let Europe defend itself from the Soviet boogeyman. We can still run joint operations with NATO countries without having bases in their backyard.

Why is that our concern? Let the Brits, Pols, Frogs and Fins handle it.
Our alliances have been a great deterrent. I’d rather not give a bitter, wannabe czar freedom to move in on whatever territory he feels belongs to Russia.
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Our alliances have been a great deterrent. I’d rather not give a bitter, wannabe czar freedom to move in on whatever territory he feels belongs to Russia.

Germany doesnt have it's own military? They'll be completely defenseless if we leave?
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Once the leftists regain control of the WH and implement their agenda the military will be the 1st thing to be decimated. Might as well ween the European moochers off the Uncle Sam tit now because it’s inevitable. You can have socialized healthcare or a strong military but not both.
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Lol. Russia Boogeyman gotcha again.

Ready for this? The US is eyeing bases in old Soviet countries. Guess why? Its way, way cheaper for starters. Also, and this might shock some here, Russia does not share a border with Germany.

I think the main reason why we left troops in Germany in 1945 still applies today: without them, Russia basically walks all the way to the Atlantic. Whose going to stop them? Certainly not the Ukranians, Poles, Germans or French. We would have to use nuclear weapons to stop them, which would trigger WWIII and MAD. If we do position troops in Poland, the Baltic States and other Eastern European countries, then that would be acceptable. Sorry, Russia is dangerous rogue country.
Trump is supposed to take over Europe. I must say, he really doesn't understand his role as an alleged fascist!

I've advocated doing so for years. Reduce military spending? Let Europe spend her own sheckels on their defense. If Russia comes in unprovoked, we'll help, but if they screw up thinking big brother going to stand-in, screw 'em. Sober them up.

Didnt the socialist left attack us when we were occupying the middle east? They should be happy
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I think the main reason why we left troops in Germany in 1945 still applies today: without them, Russia basically walks all the way to the Atlantic. Whose going to stop them? Certainly not the Ukranians, Poles, Germans or French. We would have to use nuclear weapons to stop them, which would trigger WWIII and MAD. If we do position troops in Poland, the Baltic States and other Eastern European countries, then that would be acceptable. Sorry, Russia is dangerous rogue country.
Russia was dangerous during the Cold war. They aren't now. They can't project any real power. Hell, they can't even get past Ukraine. Russia = Left wing boogeyman
Russia was dangerous during the Cold war. They aren't now. They can't project any real power. Hell, they can't even get past Ukraine. Russia = Left wing boogeyman

Counting active duty and reserve troops, Russia has almost 3,000,000 in its Army. They are not a boogeyman but instead a threat.
Russia was dangerous during the Cold war. They aren't now. They can't project any real power. Hell, they can't even get past Ukraine. Russia = Left wing boogeyman
Hell Trump has given more aid to Ukraine than the previous Administration to defeat the left wing boogeyman.
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Didnt the socialist left attack us when we were occupying the middle east? They should be happy

Why, yes. One frequent poster started a thread with an elaborate list of why Trump is an authoritarian. Almost exclusively it was about American presence abroad, situations preceding Trump. One of his points was pulling troops from Syria....yes, really.

I thought it odd that Trump was being the authoritarian of every country but this one, even when pulling troops out of them.

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