Let Us Leave Germany

😂 and what a non forced referendum it was:

Join Mother Russia Because I want to: _____

That you would still defend that farce of a referendum goes to support my statement. Hell even in this thread you responded to me calling the natural gas leverage out because you just can’t stop yourself from kissing Putin’s ass Ras 🤷‍♂️
It's funny that you all make a stink about that election, but didn't see anything fishy about Juan Guaidó's alleged election a couple of years ago in Venezuela. That had CIA/ School of The Americas written all over it.
Right, it’s tough to imagine why anyone would see value in being allies with the most powerful country in the EU. It’s not like they’re an important economic bloc or anything.
Troops leaving Germany does not sever economic ties or international relations between the US and Germany. Free education for the day for ya.
I really don’t see how many fail to realize that protecting and strengthening NATO/KORUS/etc are not some things we do out of charity for the rest of the world. These things are specifically in our best interest.
How is it in our best interest? They are the closest ones to the alleged threat, so let them defend themselves.
It's funny that you all make a stink about that election, but didn't see anything fishy about Juan Guaidó's alleged election a couple of years ago in Venezuela. That had CIA/ School of The Americas written all over it.
Guaidi’s claim was founded in their constitution it was clear as day. Russia’s claim on Crimea was founded on the muzzle of rifles.
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It has been 6 years and counting. If the people of Crimea were actually forced into reuniting with Russia, where are the protests and demonstrations?

Obviously, they are happy.
Here’s a quick google sample. This guy has a few more reports too . Your claim of a lack of demonstrations pointing to acceptance is laughable. I’m pretty sure the tartars would disagree no?

Thats why I said let S. Korea and Japan pick up the slack... since they are the nearest countries that may feel threatened by N. Korea.
I'm not sure of Japan's capabilities actually. I know that part of their surrender they weren't allowed to build an army other than for self defense purposes. (JASDF) I like Korea though. Not as much as Japan, but nice people and good food.
I've been to 8 European countries for extended periods of time.

Only in Germany did I have to tell people on two seperate occasions to **** off when they walked up and said I should speak German in public and not English.

It's like a redneck Walmart with Mexicans in it except everywhere.
And the food there just ain't that great either. You can only eat so much deep fried pigs knuckle and potatoes. Yeah I know... some on here will scream heresy.
It's funny that you all make a stink about that election, but didn't see anything fishy about Juan Guaidó's alleged election a couple of years ago in Venezuela. That had CIA/ School of The Americas written all over it.

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