LGB vs T

There's no vs going on, I'll gladly bow out once the specific treatments from the "old days" that would be acceptable to him are mentioned.
That's just it. I never mentioned treatments. I simply stated that it was treated as a mental condition. Then you came in and inserted shock treatment, castration and lobotomies.

At best, if I were to give you the benefit of doubt, I was say that you made an incorrect assumption. At worst, I think it was a more sinister angle and you intentionally injected that into the conversation.
Once the Same-Sex Marriage debate was largely resolved, it was crucial that another issue take its place in the on-going culture war. The trans/non-binary debate is that one.

When was this debate resolved? Nine people in black robes?
Asking what "old days" means is as silly as asking what is a "boy" or a "girl". This gets to the very hear of this debate. Corruption of the language and debate.

I was not attempting to malicious. I can't undo what's been said. I can try differently and do better.

What positives are there for trans individuals by having their status relabeled as a mental condition? What treatments do you believe that would entail?
I'm just going to be completely honest here and I don't care if it makes me transphobic, a hater, a bigot, or whatever. These are just my honest feelings and if these labels are what I have to wear to speak my honest thoughts, so be it!

Seeing a dude dressed as a woman or going around pretending to be a woman...creeps me the f_ck out and makes me recoil! It just does! And this has been the case going all the way back to when I was a kid and saw the likes of Milton Berle and Flip Wilson doing it on television. It's not pre-meditated based on indoctrinated hate, as I did not grow up in a family like that. It's just been my natural reaction to people who do it since I can remember. As far as women going around pretending to be men, it doesn't creep me out to the level of men pretending to be women do but I still find it very off-putting.
I was not attempting to malicious. I can't undo what's been said. I can try differently and do better.

What positives are there for trans individuals by having their status relabeled as a mental condition? What treatments do you believe that would entail?
That should have been the first thing you asked at the very beginning. I have no idea, I just assume that in 2021, we would have more advanced ways of treating it than when Nurse Ratchet was running the hallways.
That should have been the first thing you asked at the very beginning. I have no idea, I just assume that in 2021, we would have more advanced ways of treating it than when Nurse Ratchet was running the hallways.

Agreed. I feel like the medical field has failed these people and I'm not sure if the answer to their problems is for the other 99.9% of society to indulge their delusion.
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There's always the option of just being completely open and honest, as Brave Volunteer did.

I feel some people want to go back to the comfort of not knowing trans people exist, or knowing they exist but never having to worry about the intersection of your life with theirs in any way.

Why not just say that?
The discussions have been perverted. We actually have people debating what is a "boy" and what is a "girl".

Which is a scientific debate that has been going on for a very long time. We just haven't been privy to it until the internet.
There's always the option of just being completely open and honest, as Brave Volunteer did.

I feel some people want to go back to the comfort of not knowing trans people exist, or knowing they exist but never having to worry about the intersection of your life with theirs in any way.

Why not just say that?

Why not just say who? Don't say "some people"...
Which is a scientific debate that has been going on for a very long time. We just haven't been privy to it until the internet.

IMO the medical "intelligentsia" has overcomplicated the issue in an effort to tip the scale of acceptance in the favor of the ones who suffer the uncertainty. It's an incredibly lazy solution to basically say "well f_ck it! There's no cure for this so let's just pretend it's normal." And then suddenly shame an entire society for not immediately accepting it as normal, despite being told the opposite for years and years prior.
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Why not just say who? Don't say "some people"...

I'm not trying to subtext here. I'm speaking generally, worldwide. If I were being specific about the people I know who believe this way, the post would be much longer. Much longer.
I'm just going to be completely honest here and I don't care if it makes me transphobic, a hater, a bigot, or whatever. These are just my honest feelings and if these labels are what I have to wear to speak my honest thoughts, so be it!

Seeing a dude dressed as a woman or going around pretending to be a woman...creeps me the f_ck out and makes me recoil! It just does! And this has been the case going all the way back to when I was a kid and saw the likes of Milton Berle and Flip Wilson doing it on television. It's not pre-meditated based on indoctrinated hate, as I did not grow up in a family like that. It's just been my natural reaction to people who do it since I can remember. As far as women going around pretending to be men, it doesn't creep me out to the level of men pretending to be women do but I still find it very off-putting.

I know what you mean. Most of the mentally ill alphabet people were appropriately locked away in psycho hospitals back in the day. Now they’re running parts of the country.

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