LGB vs T

I wasn't passing medical judgment, simply stating what those cultures deem to be common sense that American culture doesn't.
That's because they don't understand common scientific knowledge. "Drafts cause colds?" Did Grannie teach them that? Lord, have mercy.

And please, for the love of all, don't make me repost the laundry list of research articles demonstrating that masks do not stop the transmission of the flu.
I do want an honest conversation. Brave Volunteer and InVOLuntary have been extremely honest and not beat around the bush about their feelings.
I have been honest and I have not beat around the bush, as well.

I'll be as honest and clear as Brave Volunteer and InVOLuntary. I don't trust people to be kind to those who are different. I don't trust people to bother trying to understand people who are different. I've been bullied my whole life for my size and my social troubles and, since 2013, for my medical issues. Very few people stood up for me in conversations like this. Someone here needs to stand up for them.
Sounds like guilty until proven innocent. You profile people negatively by default.

That isn't very progressive.
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In the old days, they treated some mental disorders by drilling a hole in your skull, they thought bleeding or vomiting could cure mental illness. They also used to put people into insulin comas because they thought it could fix mental illness. And don't forget inducing seizures and the lobotomy.

Point being, **** changes as society progresses. Its not always about being PC.
Its like you guys read off of a script instead of reading the words I posted.
In the old days, they treated some mental disorders by drilling a hole in your skull, they thought bleeding or vomiting could cure mental illness. They also used to put people into insulin comas because they thought it could fix mental illness. And don't forget inducing seizures and the lobotomy.

Point being, **** changes as society progresses. Its not always about being PC.

Boy you got lucky.
I typically specialize more in Philosophy of Mind, regarding issues like consciousness, personhood, and free will vs determinism. Big fan of Dennett, Nagel, Chalmers, Searle, Koch, Tononi, and Goff. Really interested in Integrated Information Theory with respect to consciousness. Although, I often enjoy a good study of Nietzsche and that cantankerous Nihilist Arthur Schopenhauer. John Rawls is a fave in political philosophy; the “veil of ignorance” was very influential on me. Of course, a lot of my undergrad was also focused on Medieval Philosophy such as St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Al-Ghazali, Ibn-Rushd, and Maimonides.

Yeah, my Bachelor’s degree was in Philosophy & Religion and my Master’s was in Education. I have continued my lifelong education in Philosophy even apart from pursuing more degrees.

So, “ok” to that.

I like Mark Twain and John Wayne.
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This is a perversion of the language. This definition of "gender" is something that was created within the last few decades on college campuses. Before that, gender and sex were used interchangeably.

But then we learned more. We don't need two words to explain the same exact idea and now we have two words that explain two different ideas.

And for those calling this a mental illness and scoffing at people looking to academia for clarity on this...you can't have it both ways. If this is mental illness, then God yes we need advanced education to lead the way because society has a long and sad history of failing the mentally ill.
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This didn’t make them trans.

They simply lacked an enzyme and did not devolve until 7 or age of puberty.

It is a very weird phenomenon but it did not change their sex or gender, it simply delayed it behind the normal time frame.
Again, this is a wicked attempt by him to focus on the exception and then write rules for the remainder of people to follow to accommodate them.
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In the old days, they treated some mental disorders by drilling a hole in your skull, they thought bleeding or vomiting could cure mental illness. They also used to put people into insulin comas because they thought it could fix mental illness. And don't forget inducing seizures and the lobotomy.

Point being, **** changes as society progresses. Its not always about being PC.

Change and progress aren't always synonymous and the examples you listed are a false equivalency to the issue we are discussing. Just because there are historic examples of barbaric ways in which illnesses were treated, doesn't mean the illness itself never existed. What the scientific and medical fields have done in this instance is move the societal goal posts as to what was once considered a mental/chemical/hormonal imbalance and instead decided to deem it as a completely common normality and that the rest of society should "get on board" with it and indulge the delusion so nobody feels shamed. And if you don't get on board you're suddenly an evil transphobic who should be cast out and cancelled. I would equate it to being suddenly told that we should agree with schizophrenics when they tell us they hear voices coming from the toaster. In truth, I pity these people. I pity them because the science and medical fields have failed them. They need help. And I mean REAL help. Not, "hey let's all pretend it's not an issue and it will go away" help. That's a cop out by those who have no other answers.
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Let's talk about a major physical and spiritual issue that was solved throughout history with burnings at the stake, forced amputations, and (within my dad's lifetime) beatings by teachers in the US.

Two-Thirds of the World Still Hates Lefties | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine

We need to stop coddling them and adjusting our lives for them. If they want to continue to choose to be this way, it will be their problem to overcome.
Let's talk about a major physical and spiritual issue that was solved throughout history with burnings at the stake, forced amputations, and (within my dad's lifetime) beatings by teachers in the US.

Two-Thirds of the World Still Hates Lefties | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine

We need to stop coddling them and adjusting our lives for them. If they want to continue to choose to be this way, it will be their problem to overcome.

My grandmother was left handed and dealt with this.

I am left handed and didn’t deal with this.

Where are you going with this?
But then we learned more. We don't need two words to explain the same exact idea and now we have two words that explain two different ideas.

And for those calling this a mental illness and scoffing at people looking to academia for clarity on this...you can't have it both ways. If this is mental illness, then God yes we need advanced education to lead the way because society has a long and sad history of failing the mentally ill.

Isn’t mental illness a supposed cause of suicide? Isn’t there a group of folks that commit suicide at an extremely high rate?
I didn't write any rules. I'm not trying to write any rules.
You are defending the rules of engagement that have been established by the transgender community, however. You can't call them by them birth gender, they are given the option to self identify... and they ask the rest of us to accept that. Why do the 1% have the right to tell the 99% what the definition of a man or woman is?
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Isn’t mental illness a supposed cause of suicide? Isn’t there a group of folks that commit suicide at an extremely high rate?

41% of all trans and gender queer individuals attempt suicide at some point in their lives. Survivors and notes left by the deceased point towards significant bullying and harassment, rejection by family and former social groups, inappropriate professional treatment, and dehumanization as the mitigating factors.

There is even a phenomenon called Trans Broken Arm Syndrome where trans and genderqueer individuals face medical professionals who incorrectly attempt to attribute unrelated issues (ie a broken arm from a fall) on the individual's gender identity.

I'd hate to be a trans individual who stumbled on this forum and found myself being talked about all a sick person, a deviant, or even as a thing instead of a human.
41% of all trans and gender queer individuals attempt suicide at some point in their lives. Survivors and notes left by the deceased point towards significant bullying and harassment, rejection by family and former social groups, inappropriate professional treatment, and dehumanization as the mitigating factors.

There is even a phenomenon called Trans Broken Arm Syndrome where trans and genderqueer individuals face medical professionals who incorrectly attempt to attribute unrelated issues (ie a broken arm from a fall) on the individual's gender identity.

I'd hate to be a trans individual who stumbled on this forum and found myself being talked about all a sick person, a deviant, or even as a thing instead of a human.

More people would be way more accepting if they they had a little self awareness. “Dudes shouldn’t participate in girls sports? No s**t?” Even a simpler revelation would be to know which bathroom to use. It’s a like a midget realizing they’ll never make it in the nba. They accept their shortcomings and the life goes on.
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I’ve always thought I was a lesbian trapped in a mans body. What letter do I fall under?

What does Jenner consider himself now?

I don’t know the answer but isn’t that exactly what he is? A man who likes women who feels he is a woman?
41% of all trans and gender queer individuals attempt suicide at some point in their lives. Survivors and notes left by the deceased point towards significant bullying and harassment, rejection by family and former social groups, inappropriate professional treatment, and dehumanization as the mitigating factors.
That statistic alone would suggest that they need to have psychiatric treatment, wouldn't you agree?
What does Jenner consider himself now?

I don’t know the answer but isn’t that exactly what he is? A man who likes women who feels he is a woman?

The difference is I like my penis and have no desire to wear makeup, plus I have a beard and enough hair on my ass to weave an Indian rug.
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