Look... we needed Gruden

Volnation, I really like Butch Jones. Dooley turned me off almost as soon as he arrived on campus. While the majority of you were praising "Showergate," and "Looking for Rommel" and "pick up the phone and call me" I was telling you that Dooley was auditioning for a TV gig as our head coach. And I didn't like it. And that's exactly what he did.

Butch was always behind the 8-ball. He actually walked into a worse situation than Dooley (which is saying something in a big way). He almost created his next problem. He did what he had to do - he went after elite talent. Problem is, he didn't land the elite talent. I've said for awhile this 2013 class would define his tenure. He swung for the fences (which makes me like him), but he didn't connect. Strike.

Daj is absolutely right - it starts with talent. That's why we needed Gruden so bad, and the CryptKeeper and Booger dropped the ball. I said at the time Hart still had the power to screw the pooch. He did. Ego. BMOC. Hart couldn't handle Gruden being Big Man on Campus. And it will haunt us for a decade.

CBJ still has a chance. He has to lean on our offensive line. He has to restore confidence to the defense. He has to go +2 in the talent column, and that is his record. I fear though he was +2 in the Big East, but the SEC is the best of best. Second tier these days is Steve Spurrier. Let that sink in. Even Muschamp is proving he is worthy of the league. Franklin has the nation talking about Vandy --- VANDY!

Folks, we needed Gruden. It wasn't a pipe dream, but we had to roll out the red carpet, absolutely. The CryptKeeper failed. We've got to hope Coach Butch Jones is +2. I want him to be +2. He's still got a chance, but he's got to take some big scalps 2013.

What you want is not always what you need....
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Yeah, cuz we all know how amazing Gruden is as a college coach.

Maybe Gruden can't coach a lick. Doesn't matter (he can coach, btw).

Gruden would put THE FEAR into Saban because recruits would come to him like the flock to the shepherd. And as Daj has demonstrated: it's talent. It's talent first.
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We got a Big East coach who has never beaten a ranked team. What's your point? And I bet he could've gotten Bell. And Lawson. And Levenberry. And more.

If we get Jesus Christ, who do you think he'll be able to get? Maybe the Berry brothers?
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We got a Big East coach who has never beaten a ranked team. What's your point? And I bet he could've gotten Bell. And Lawson. And Levenberry. And more.

People need to quit focusing on shoulda woulda coulda, and focus on what we have.
maybe the grudenites will have a reunion here. But not many will show. They vanished like a plague of bs hit them. Some into oblivion. Some seeking refuge with others exiled by stupidity to another place that we don't speak of.

OK my friend - I wasn't an original grudenite but I was on those many threads and had the ride of my life! Most fun I've had on a forum in years....whatever his reasons Gruden didn't want to be a Vol - his choice. I'd say most of us, Grudenites or not, are VFL. I, for one, can't wait for football season. In the meantime, I'm kinda starting to like this guy CBJ :popcorn:
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He actually walked into a worse situation than Dooley (which is saying something in a big way)

How is this the case?
So vandy has two decent seasons in its miserable existence and they are the talk of college football, C'om on MAN ! :lol:
I am so sick of hearing Gruden Gruden Gruden. He didn't want to come or it would have happened. Get over it. That train has left the depot, the ship has sailed or whatever you want to insert . It's over. We have someone here now that maybe has some balls to make a call in tight situations. They'll get their sh--t in one stack and be organized and we'll be glad to watch UT foorball on national tv again. These guys we have.. on the staff and on the field WANT to be here now and compete. YOu know these players and coaches read these boards. Maybe that's one of these kids look at before they choose a school... the fanbase. IF there isn't anything but negativity on all these sites, they probably feel we as fans will never be behind them. Get on board for the year and watch for the improvements we will have. IF nothing changes by next fall... I''ll eat my crow feathers and all. Deal?
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Pretty sure that one recuruting class that he got to recruit for 30 days shouldn't be an assesment on his recruiting or his ability to coach. It's known that Dools did not establish relationships with coaches and didn't recruit some players (Vonn Bell) I think he deserves wayyy more of a chance than you are giving him. The fact that we flipped a couple of guys and finished seond to some big names says something. I'm not one for moral victories but alot of those guys weren't even seriously considering TN.

Nope that's all he gets. He blew it. Who's next? 2 years from now: I was always a Butch Jones fan from the start, no doubts.
Jk. There's nothing that can be done. Love his energy or at least respect that he's busting his asz off for us.
Maybe Gruden can't coach a lick. Doesn't matter (he can coach, btw).

Gruden would put THE FEAR into Saban because recruits would come to him like the flock to the shepherd. And as Daj has demonstrated: it's talent. It's talent first.

LMFAO @ Gruden punking Saban. :lolabove:
OK my friend - I wasn't an original grudenite but I was on those many threads and had the ride of my life! Most fun I've had on a forum in years....whatever his reasons Gruden didn't want to be a Vol - his choice. I'd say most of us, Grudenites or not, are VFL. I, for one, can't wait for football season. In the meantime, I'm kinda starting to like this guy CBJ :popcorn:

fair enuff, but your group has a loony fringe and some John Jones' wannabe's
I wanted grud or any other home run hire.. thought Charlie strong would have been OK. We have bj boy n he has to prove he is worthy no doubt...

It drives me crazy when vols fans say I love this staff because they want to be here.. wtf u double my salary n give me a nice buyout if I fail n I will love any place.. point being cdd talked the same crap about loving tenn n the staff Etc.. n the min he realized the sec isn't for the weak... he wanted out...

Now the question will be what will cbj n his staff do when the r toasted by fans.. media..boosters because they got out coached by a Kent vandy or miss... if he loses any of those games god help him...lol:rock:

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