Loser teachers

Schools were desegregated in '64? News to me......ball four.

Ok it was 54. So you just FURTHER made my point to the other poster. Strike 3. And hang your head in shame as you walk back for not even paying attention to what was being said.
That's complicated. In one way, being in the top five percent of your graduating class is the same, and in other ways it could be vastly different.
Is it fair to accept one student who was in the third percentile in their class while rejecting another that was in the second percentile of theirs?
Granted, the first may have had more rigor and stronger competition, but it gets extremely hard to quantify.

Doesn't get hard to quantify if you uphold the same standards on acceptance.
Ok it was 54. So you just FURTHER made my point to the other poster. Strike 3. And hang your head in shame as you walk back for not even paying attention to what was being said.

No, you still don't get it. lol It's scary because you are like hell-bent on thinking you are right.
Ok it was 54. So you just FURTHER made my point to the other poster. Strike 3. And hang your head in shame as you walk back for not even paying attention to what was being said.
'54????? You can't be serious. Careful, you may be proving the opposite of what you intend.
Doesn't get hard to quantify if you uphold the same standards on acceptance.
Ranking in high school class? Should that be the standard? There are studies showing that is one of the best indicators for college success.
'54????? You can't be serious. Careful, you may be proving the opposite of what you intend.

Yes Luther. That was the year that the SC voted to desegregate. It took Bobby Kennedy and troops to enforce it, but it certainly wasn’t done by the creation of a “Department of Education “ in 1979.
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Yes Luther. That was the year that the SC voted to desegregate. It took Bobby Kennedy and troops to enforce it, but it certainly wasn’t done by the creation of a “Department of Education “ in 1979.


Here's picture of Boston integrating in 1976. Too bad this actually happened in 1954.
Ranking in high school class? Should that be the standard? There are studies showing that is one of the best indicators for college success.

No. Numbers will be drastically different from each school. Valedictorian with a 4.6 GPA isn’t the same as a Valedictorian with a 4.0 or less.
IMO, the biggest problem is the schools have lost much of their abilities to demand a standard level of behavior whereas 30+ years back if you were a criminal or a disruptive hellion either the assistant principal beat you into line or they sent you packing. The bottom 10% of behavior and bottom 10% of academic achievement kids get 80+% of the resources today. IMO

I suspect the catering to the bottom is a huge part of it also and that comes from the Federal level.
"catering to the bottom" is another way of saying "giving citizens the opportunity to have an education they pay for". lol
Actually that picture was taken in 74. Still five years before the creation of the DOE.

You don't get it. Why do you think the DOE was needed? That's the point. You think everyone was sitting around singing hymns together? Oh, and our kids weren't being academically prepared in those state run schools of freedom you guys idolize so much. Even after the creation of ESEA.
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Not in the least. It means holding back high achievers and dumbing down curriculum so the bottom can advance with their age group.

lol interesting perspective. You see people being held back. I see people getting an opportunity they don't get at home or anywhere else. It's also interesting that you think we are dumbing down the curriculum when students today graduate with academic knowledge on subject I only wish I had the opportunity to learn when I was 17.
lol interesting perspective. You see people being held back. I see people getting an opportunity they don't get at home or anywhere else.

You don't have to clip the wings of the high flyers in order to give opportunities to the ones that have trouble getting off the ground.
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I went to public school in Western NC. As a state we were definitely scrapping the bottom of the barrel. That said, I got a great education. Was always in advanced classes and had lots of college credit upon graduation. All education is a lot like a book. It can open doors for you or act as a paper weight. We all get to choose.
I have to pay for private schools here. This place has turned into little Memphis. I will let you guess the condition of the public schools here.

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