Loser teachers

Under the same curriculum by the same school system it should be. Should it not?

SAT/ACT scores would be the next criteria.
It should be relatively similar for the same class, but......
It's not even the same within the same school,
You went to college, you know how it works.
If you are signing up for Calc 1, you find out which professor to get.
And then we all know that an A in Calc 1 isn't comparable to an A in Psych 101.
But didn’t you and your wife make the decision to move your girls? After weighing the options?

I could be misremembering.
We did make the decision to move out of Atlanta and to an area with much better public schools. We even made the decision to move into the area of our district that had the best schools.
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It should be relatively similar for the same class, but......
It's not even the same within the same school,
You went to college, you know how it works.
If you are signing up for Calc 1, you find out which professor to get.
And then we all know that an A in Calc 1 isn't comparable to an A in Psych 101.

And that is the answer without answering it.
I’m sure there are huge differences between schools and school systems. In my local schools I know that the faster learners are instructed to mentor the slower learners once the faster kids have completed assignments instead of presenting new materials to the fast ones. The schools and teachers are measured on the percentage of students who reach certain milestones and not on how far they can take their top learners. Therefore once the top learners have mastered a certain skill the teachers try to utilize them in order to help the slower learners reach the milestone. Again, it may not work that way in your local.

This does happen in some classrooms. While the default is to believe that the higher learners are suffering from a lack of education, studies have actually shown that by helping others they learn excellent soft skills, leadership, and a reinforcement of the academic materials. This is not the deteriment to either side as commonly believed. Once they get to high school, those students are given immense opportunites to pursue academics at a pretty high level that inlcudes community colleges and universities with active Dual-Enrollment programs. These programs have largely been standardized in Tennessee as a result of the forced adoption of more ESEO curriculum brought in by Gov Lee.
Most Tennessee schools, as in 98%, did not integrate until 1963. Many others still resisted actively integrating until the 1970s. 1954 didn't do a damn thing in Tennessee to integrate schools. ESEA is what did it. Look it up.

EDIT: National Defense Education Act of 1958
Yes and I asked you to explain weather they had done to improve the situation. Thankfully another poster picked up your slack.
LOL........Slack? He responded to your post to me in five minutes. I hardly call failure to respond within 5 minutes slack.
If you can’t keep pace or behave at a private school then they show you the door. That’s how they maintain their standards. They’re not in business to educate the underprivileged and less gifted. Not sure why any public school employees would not understand that.

Every year I have private school students who enroll in one of my classes. Whether its the secondary or postsecondary level, they are ALWAYS behind the others. Mainly because those private schools you laud for tough standards usually give those kids good grades to keep the parents happy and the money flowing. Are there smart kids coming out of private schools? Of course, but they aren't the exemplars you are making them out to be.
If you can’t keep pace or behave at a private school then they show you the door. That’s how they maintain their standards. They’re not in business to educate the underprivileged and less gifted. Not sure why any public school employees would not understand that.
Who doesn't understand that?
We did make the decision to move out of Atlanta and to an area with much better public schools. We even made the decision to move into the area of our district that had the best schools.
Sounds like a wonderful choice that has paid dividends for your family and girls. I’d be proud too.
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We did make the decision to move out of Atlanta and to an area with much better public schools. We even made the decision to move into the area of our district that had the best schools.

So you moved into Lassiter/ Walton? Maybe Pope or Roswell or Milton? Otherwise probably should have just stayed put.
lol.....That's like saying that because the military is bloated, it should be eliminated.
The first step would be to use the DOE to reduce the bloat.

With you on step 1...as long as step 2 is "use Roman decimation practices to eliminate the DOE in kind."
There's so much anecdotal BS in here, but I will just state one fact. America's educational system actually creates more positive outcomes for students than any opther country in the world. The reason we rank low on PISA is because unlike other countries, we actually include special education students in our score caluclations and don't actively segregate them from the rest of the student population like England, S. Korea, Germany, etc. etc.

If by anecdotal you mean subjective....yes...my opinions which i voiced about my personal experiences are quite subjective. Never once implied they were more than that...if that is what you inferred, not sure what to tell you.

As to all the 87 holidays paid off, 4 months off a year, etc etc those are just facts. As are the ebonics clearly on display in the article i previously linked. Which is from the local ABC network in the exact same cesspool Charlotte NC schools that I attended, 10 minutes from the house for me.

That is why I have spent close to $150k on Christian school for my kids. So far have 50% valedictorian rate (1 for 2, jury still out on 2 ) son who got a 4 year degree in a STEM field in 2 years university plus summer school and all is well here. The money i spent on my kids not being raised with cretins was saved in college tuition. Win-win.
Or maybe they just have better and more involved parents who raise them right?
That was were we both agreed. Good portion come from college educated parents and are raised in the nuclear family setting. It is not perfect as my wife is teacher in West Knox but it plays a huge part in the success of the school she is in.
Or maybe they just have better and more involved parents who raise them right?
Yes, there are a while set of resources that are pumped Into those schools that you’d never see in Farragut. Why? Lack of parenting. Look at the number of kids at AE who live with aunty or grandmother, and have no nuclear family.
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