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Can someone please explain to me why when the U.S. screws up and civilians die, it's a tragedy, but when Russia does it (if they did it), it's a crime?
Can someone please explain to me why when the U.S. screws up and civilians die, it's a tragedy, but when Russia does it (if they did it), it's a crime?
This whole thing smack of hypocrisy IMO.
Official or not, Russia is at war with the Ukraine. It sucks. I hate to see it. But they are two independent countries. In a tragic accident, civilians were killed. Hard pill to swallow, but unfortunately innocents are often killed in war. We, the U.S., are just as guilty of having killed innocents during times of war.
We went to war with Iraq(twice), did Russia interfere? Maybe they did and I just never heard of it. What about Afghanistan? Any Russian involvement? The U.S. does not have to participate in every war on the planet.
I'm as patriotic as any other poster on VN. I support my country. I love my country. But is continually interfering in the wars of other countries in our best interest? I just don't think it is. Unless something more sinister comes to light, I think we need to sit this one out. Let Europe deal with this mess. We have enough to worry about on the homefront without giving out massive military aid around the world. And for what? A financial debt that will be forgiven in less than 10 years? Not worth it at this point IMO.
How many US soldiers/servicemen have been courts martialed for mistaken killings and such? We do hold our people accountable for much less than killing 200+ civilians at one pop.
Soldiers get held accountable, not the entire U.S. Govt. And sometimes things get swept under the rug. Not every incident comes to light.
I still don't see how a soldier's mistake justifies us bankrolling a war. Most posters wanting to arm the Ukrainians are the same ones against welfare. So we want to give U.S. dollars to another country but not other American citizens? (FTR, I'm for major welfare reform.) Why start handing out cash and weapons to foreign countries when we can use that money here?
I would also say that the ones the US has gone to war with in the past 30 years or so have been "murderous, unelected regimes" (Whether or not that's the real motive.) I don't exactly see Kiev as a murderous, unelected regime, although Russians see it completely different I'm sure. A matter of national interest and perspective.
Now, before the past 30 years or so, that's a different story. But be careful. If you go too far, you're going to start comparing US interfering with that of Brezhnev, Krushchev, and Papa Bear Stalin. Our meddling was bad in those days (including deposing democratically elected candidates), but nothing compared to that crew. And millions of millions of murdered people would love to be alive today to tell you so.
We helped put those "murderous, unelected regimes" into power.
Who said Kiev was one of those regimes? But, there are some Ukrainian citizens who wish to separate and join Russia. So who's right? It's an extremely grey area. Do they have the right to fight for their freedom? Do we have the right to tell them they can't?
If they can find the people culpable for shooting down the jet, I think they should be prosecuted. But the entire movement isn't culpable, individuals are.
Yeah, I know. I can definitely see what you're saying. It is a bit hypocritical. I will say though that Russia's actions in Ukraine smack of land-grabbing, outright, in fact, with Crimea. I wouldn't be so sure about the grassroots nature of the protests in the eastern part of that country either. People protested there for like two weeks or so after the Maidan and Crimea, and the next thing you knew, men with camos, AKs, Grad launchers, and Pechenegs were ransacking city halls all across the region. Something about that just doesn't quite strike me as, let's just say, legitimate.
I'm hearing that some in the State Dept. are starting to suggest that the BUK came from Russia and wasn't just captured, like we had been hearing before. This is where I start to get very critical of our claims.
And ftr, the U.S. has never apologized for the downing of Iranian Flight 655, despite it being shown that the airliner was in no way at fault. The captain of the Vincennes was never held accountable by military justice. He killed 290 people "in one pop" yet was never brought up on charges. Not only did his own instrumentation on the ship disprove his claim that the airliner fit the profile of an attacking F-14, the entire incident took place in Iranian waters.
Oh, and there was one Italian on Flight 655. Should Italy have armed Iran?
Hell, despite "disappointment" from the international community, I don't think they ever even "condemned our actions". We certainly weren't sanctioned.
And ftr, the U.S. has never apologized for the downing of Iranian Flight 655, despite it being shown that the airliner was in no way at fault. The captain of the Vincennes was never held accountable by military justice. He killed 290 people "in one pop" yet was never brought up on charges. Not only did his own instrumentation on the ship disprove his claim that the airliner fit the profile of an attacking F-14, the entire incident took place in Iranian waters.
Oh, and there was one Italian on Flight 655. Should Italy have armed Iran?
Hell, despite "disappointment" from the international community, I don't think they ever even "condemned our actions". We certainly weren't sanctioned.
If you want to quote facts on that matter, how many times did the Vincennes attempt to contact said airliner? Was the airliner in an established airway? Was it on schedule when it passed over the Vincennes? And did the US Government make reparations to the families of the victims?
If you want to quote facts on that matter, how many times did the Vincennes attempt to contact said airliner? Was the airliner in an established airway? Was it on schedule when it passed over the Vincennes? And did the US Government make reparations to the families of the victims?
If you want to quote facts on that matter, how many times did the Vincennes attempt to contact said airliner? Was the airliner in an established airway? Was it on schedule when it passed over the Vincennes? And did the US Government make reparations to the families of the victims?
The original source for the captured Ukrainian BUK missiles story appears to have been Russian media.
Pressimus | Press | Published by Interpreter_Mag
Accept it at your own risk.
Moreover, do you think these homegrown defense forces figured out how to use the system on their own? Is there a Yahoo! answers page on how to shoot down airliners?