Manafort Trial Thread

So no disputing that the GOP also finds Mueller credible, honest, and honorable. See how easy this is?

You claimed to be able to recite hundreds of GOP quotes and yet you've failed to recite even 1. Want to go back and change your original post or you just gonna keep on with the dumbz?
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I don't think it takes much imagination to see that Manafort's ties to Russia played a role in his obtaining the position he did within the campaign and then his actions, most notably the change in the RNC platform. When you combine that with the TT meeting, the Russian backing of Trump in so many ways, and the tread lightly with Russia foreign policy doctrine of Trump, etc., a theme emerges.

In the words of so many, Dem and GOP alike, it certainly appears that Putin has a hold of some kind over Trump. We need to know what that is and my hunch is that Mujeller believes that Manafort has great insight into what it is.

So you think that he will trade in his 300 years in prison for something lighter in exchange for tying Trump to Russia?
What if he doesn't have anything to give? Do we just put the man in prison for the rest of his life?
I don't think it takes much imagination to see that Manafort's ties to Russia played a role in his obtaining the position he did within the campaign and then his actions, most notably the change in the RNC platform. When you combine that with the TT meeting, the Russian backing of Trump in so many ways, and the tread lightly with Russia foreign policy doctrine of Trump, etc., a theme emerges.

In the words of so many, Dem and GOP alike, it certainly appears that Putin has a hold of some kind over Trump. We need to know what that is and my hunch is that Mujeller believes that Manafort has great insight into what it is.
Manafort obviously went to Trump with self serving reasons. He was broke and wanted to leverage his ties in Russia/Ukraine to benefit himself down the road.

My question is how does Manafort sniffing around the Trump campaign not elicit a phone call from the DOJ warning Trump of what’s going on with this guy? He’s a Russian agent trying to compromise our democracy but apparently A-Ok to join the Trump team?
So you think that he will trade in his 300 years in prison for something lighter in exchange for tying Trump to Russia?
What if he doesn't have anything to give? Do we just put the man in prison for the rest of his life?

If he has no info then he has no info. It seems likely that Mueller has reason to believe that he does, however. Probably based on what others have had to say, or text or emails. It is hard to imagine a scenario in which he would just take Manafort's word for it. There is going to have to be corroborating proof of some kind.

Manafort obviously went to Trump with self serving reasons. He was broke and wanted to leverage his ties in Russia/Ukraine to benefit himself down the road.

My question is how does Manafort sniffing around the Trump campaign not elicit a phone call from the DOJ warning Trump of what’s going on with this guy? He’s a Russian agent trying to compromise our democracy but apparently A-Ok to join the Trump team?

First, you assume that no such warning was given. Have you ever wondered why Manafort left the campaign?

Second, the campaigns were indeed warned in general terms that the Russians were trying to interfere.

Third, even if we assume that better warnings could have been given that does not mean that there is not some other reason to be suspicious that Trump is beholden to the Russians and Putin.

Fourth, the fact that others could have stepped in and cordoned off the campaign from Manafort would not absolve the Trump campaign if it then colluded or conspired with the Russians to get their help to win.

I do wonder if in the long run we will see the extent of it. Was there Trump campaign knowledge of Russians posting news articles, or manipulating social media? Did the Trump campaign know about or even encourage Russian hacking of the Dems? Does Trump owe big money to them? These are the things we need to know because they would establish motive for both collusion and obstruction.
I feel like you might be misrepresenting who looks dumb in this situation...

You, Justin, bigD, and reb are pretty cozy with the deflections from the upcomming verdict. Mueller going to be 6-0 biotches and it don't matter what some partisan hacks say about Mueller.
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In other news Mueller’s not done with Flynn. Also September 17th is the start of Manafort’s second trial.
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You, Justin, bigD, and reb are pretty cozy with the deflections from the upcomming verdict. Mueller going to be 6-0 bitches and it don't matter what some partisan hacks say about Mueller.
Be careful with that language your post might disappear. You act like I've not said this dude is guilty and this is a slam dunk case. I just wanted to point out your buddies ignorance.

I speak for myself by the way.
You, Justin, bigD, and reb are pretty cozy with the deflections from the upcomming verdict. Mueller going to be 6-0 bitches and it don't matter what some partisan hacks say about Mueller.
Oh Micky. I'm so disappointed in you. Thought you were starting to come around to the dark side.
You, Justin, bigD, and reb are pretty cozy with the deflections from the upcomming verdict. Mueller going to be 6-0 bitches and it don't matter what some partisan hacks say about Mueller.
A hero to all Americans. Just wait until Mueller gets a statue on the National Mall in DC. Their marches will a spectacle to behold.
Be careful with that language your post might disappear. You act like I've not said this dude is guilty and this is a slam dunk case. I just wanted to point out your buddies ignorance.

I speak for myself by the way.

Like I said nobody cares who you quote. It shouldn't even be a point of contention but it is with you and the others. BTW there is a new anti-Mueller thread you could use.
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The simple things that simpletons consider sights to behold include but, are not limited to. Pink hat marches, blue hair marches, make the cake marches, antifa marches, BLM marches, tearing down American history, and 420 day..
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Like I said nobody cares who you quote. It shouldn't even be a point of contention but it is with you and the others. BTW there is a new anti-Mueller thread you could use.
How much longer is Mueller going to need to frame Trump? Any idea how much longer this charade will last? Football season is about to start up again.
The simple things that simpletons consider sights to behold include but, are not limited to. Pink hat marches, blue hair marches, make the cake marches, antifa marches, BLM marches, tearing down American history, and 420 day..
They are a very diverse bunch.:)
The simple things that simpletons consider sights to behold include but, are not limited to. Pink hat marches, blue hair marches, make the cake marches, antifa marches, BLM marches, tearing down American history, and 420 day..

You forgot Gay Day..
Like I said nobody cares who you quote. It shouldn't even be a point of contention but it is with you and the others. BTW there is a new anti-Mueller thread you could use.
Oh, it absolutely is a point of contention when a certain someone says hyperbole was used to describe one thing and then that same hypocrite turns around and does the exact same thing.

I can't even pretend to imagine why you'd put yourself in the middle of it...
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The simple things that simpletons consider sights to behold include but, are not limited to. Pink hat marches, blue hair marches, make the cake marches, antifa marches, BLM marches, tearing down American history, and 420 day..
I really got your goat. It's ok, I'm sure you'll find other love interests. Hugs coming to you from the Pride parade!

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