Marsalous Johnson

(OrangeSquare @ Aug 1 said:
Tell that to Banks, Schaeffer and Ontario Smith.

Good point. 3 names that never got the chance to embarass UT any further. I guess the question is, where does PF draw the line that marks the "point of no return"?

Given last years record, and the now-well-known internal rifts on that team, this is no time to be bending the rules. Talented players, yes. But at this point, they (and their antics) are the last thing this team needs. This team needs discipline. If they stay, the bar has been lowered.

It's easy to sit here, with my job not on the line, and say that. We've always heard that PF is a man of character. Here's his chance to prove it.

Zero tolerance....."zero" is an absolute. We'll see if it gets treated as a variable.
Banks got 4 or 5 chances. Schaeffer had charges on him, to go along with sleeping in class and meetings. Smith's problem was drugs. Let's see how the hearing goes before we decide to keep him or kick him.
For the record, I think Fulmer should wait on the outcome of the trial, and if there is no proof then he should stay on the team. There is nothing to have "zero tolerance" against if he is innocent.
OrangeSquare, you made a good "counter", and I wanted to add something that (might) explain my hard line stance on this issue.

Banks, Schaeffer, and Onterrio (?) Smith. Three very talented players. Stars. Accustomed to the treatment that goes along with the label "college star...future NFL star". And look where it got them. More importantly, look where it got UT Football. Like that joke (blooper) from The NewlyWed Game....."right in the butt, Bob".

This type of event is a constant problem when you're dealing with blue-chip players. Comes with the territory. Like rattlesnakes in Arizona, it comes with the deal. What's important (no, make that critical) is how you deal with it when it pops up. Right now, UT Football is at a critical point. Those two idiots HAD to have got the "You're an ambassador of Tennessee Football" speech from PF. It don't take Dick Tracy to figure out that what they did (and yes, they did it. They know know it...and I know it) was just plain stupid. Stupid to the point of being criminal. That kind of baggage, we just don't need. Ever, and especially not this year.

There's plenty of room in Division I-AA, II, III, or NAIA. But, if "zero tolerance" is to be believed, there is absolutely no room for that crap at UT. Especially not now. more water balloon from my soapbox, and then I'll step down. Bedtime. Hey, when you're in your 40's, you'll understand.

Forget about the criminal side of this. Anyone who really believes that justice is blind has never spent more than 5 minutes in or around the criminal justice system. For starters, "probable cause" and "reasonable doubt" are light-years apart. And the word "predisposed" is heard quite frequently when discussing celebrities, be they local or international.

Let's focus, instead, on the civil standard..."preponderance of evidence". Given all that we know, or think we know, about this many of us really doubt that a gun was "flashed". Raise your hands. Higher...I can't see them. Still can't see them. Nope.....

While we're at it, let's put your son, or daughter, or wife, or mother in that car with the Putnam County cop. Would it be a big deal now?

Whatever led to that point...whatever the "other driver" may have done...does it lead the reasonable man to conclude that displaying a weapon, toy or not, was right? Or legal? Or sane?

Sorry, but I just don't get it. This should have been over before it got started.

Goodnight all.

Go Vols.
Don't forget Lynn McGruder, who was (if memory serves me right) the #1 DT prospect when he was recruited. He got kicked out and then promptly started at Oklahoma.
(GreyWolf1129 @ Aug 1 said: more water balloon from my soapbox, and then I'll step down. Bedtime. Hey, when you're in your 40's, you'll understand.

Forget about the criminal side of this. Anyone who really believes that justice is blind has never spent more than 5 minutes in or around the criminal justice system. For starters, "probable cause" and "reasonable doubt" are light-years apart. And the word "predisposed" is heard quite frequently when discussing celebrities, be they local or international.

Let's focus, instead, on the civil standard..."preponderance of evidence". Given all that we know, or think we know, about this many of us really doubt that a gun was "flashed". Raise your hands. Higher...I can't see them. Still can't see them. Nope.....

While we're at it, let's put your son, or daughter, or wife, or mother in that car with the Putnam County cop. Would it be a big deal now?

Whatever led to that point...whatever the "other driver" may have done...does it lead the reasonable man to conclude that displaying a weapon, toy or not, was right? Or legal? Or sane?

Sorry, but I just don't get it. This should have been over before it got started.

Goodnight all.

Go Vols.
If anyone I knew was hanging around with a Putnam County cop, I would immediately disavow knowing them.
As long as you're not a dog, you should be fine around the esteemed Putnam County police.
(GreyWolf1129 @ Aug 1 said:
Whatever led to that point...whatever the "other driver" may have done...does it lead the reasonable man to conclude that displaying a weapon, toy or not, was right? Or legal? Or sane?

Sorry, but I just don't get it. This should have been over before it got started.

Goodnight all.

Go Vols.

And bingo is your name-o...
That is not Marsalous's argument. He said that the gun was never pulled, only a middle finger. Maybe the agent pulled him over because of that. Is it illegal to have a toy gun in the backseat of your car?
(hvwarrior58 @ Aug 1 said:
That is not Marsalous's argument. He said that the gun was never pulled, only a middle finger. Maybe the agent pulled him over because of that. Is it illegal to have a toy gun in the backseat of your car?

Illegal . . . no. Monumentally stupid if you're over the age of 12 . . . yes.
(hvwarrior58 @ Aug 1 said:
That is not Marsalous's argument. He said that the gun was never pulled, only a middle finger. Maybe the agent pulled him over because of that. Is it illegal to have a toy gun in the backseat of your car?

If it happened like that, then obviously no. The problem is, no one believes him.

I just find his story -- as recounted by some on here over the course of the day -- to not make any sense. Especially when put side-by-side with what has been represented to be the cop's version.

(lawgator1 @ Aug 1 said:
If it happened like that, then obviously no. The problem is, no one believes him.

I just find his story -- as recounted by some on here over the course of the day -- to not make any sense. Especially when put side-by-side with what has been represented to be the cop's version.
Any story, when put side-by-side with anything said by a Putnam County cop, gains credibility.
Anyone know if Marsalous has any kids, or young siblings, nephews, etc?

That would make having a TOY, a whole lot more understandable.

Also Grey, you keep mentioning "those two idiots". What exactly did Rico do wrong? The report doesn't say he did anything, is he guilty just because Marsalous chose to do something? Let's put your son in the car with Marsalous....would it be a big deal now? Would you want your kid's college to expell him because someone he was riding with was accused of duing something stupid? Would you want people that didn't know anything about the incident calling your son an idiot on a message board?

There are ALWAYS multiple sides to EVERYTHING. Don't be so quick to judge, just because something doesn't align with your beliefs or morals.

I'll bet this issue tends to be divided down age lines. The younger people here probably support the wait and see approach for the most part, and the older guys and gals are probably more apt to say toss the players out tomorrow. (I'm not saying EVERYONE in each group thinks these things, so save me the "I'm 19 and I say toss them posts.) I'm just betting that for the most part, the feelings of people when they hear this story are influenced by the generation that they were raised in.
(lawgator1 @ Aug 1 said:
If it happened like that, then obviously no. The problem is, no one believes him.

I just find his story -- as recounted by some on here over the course of the day -- to not make any sense. Especially when put side-by-side with what has been represented to be the cop's version.

Not trying to be personal, but from a Vol fan to a Gator fan, feel free to comment about our players and their TOY guns, AFTER your team's players quit getting dismissed for "playing" with REAL ones, or your team captains quit throwing beer kegs at other people's heads. :p
I don't know if he has any siblings, but a poster on another poster has said that Johnson has been to his home many times to visit his kids. That may have to do with the toy.
(hvwarrior58 @ Aug 1 said:
I don't know if he has any siblings, but a poster on another poster has said that Johnson has been to his home many times to visit his kids. That may have to do with the toy.

Ding Ding, we have a winner.

I'm sorry, I'm not ready to fry this guy even if he did wave the gun.

It's something I would expect a stupid kid (his age) to do. Atleast he wasn't drunk, didnt havea wreck, didn't beat someone with a baseball bat. Didnt kick somone when he was down after his teammate hit him with a baseball bat (ala Bret Smith, who didn't get kicked off the team by the way.)

Is it stupid to have a fake gun in the car? Yes! Do I think there's a possibility that the deputy is stretching the truth? You betcha. Who do I believe? Not my job and I'm not drawing conclusions over either story until the final verdict. If the charges are dropped or he is found not guilty then he should stay with no punishment. On the other hand, if he's found guilty, he should be booted off the team.

I just keep thinking of a young city-slicking, hip-hop kid driving a vehicle with 24s and tinted windows through Putnam Co. Enough said.
(lawgator1 @ Aug 1 said:
Are you on drugs? Every college kid does something the equivalent of pointing a gun at a moving vehicle? It wasn't malicious?

Grow up.

You are telling me to grow up? Are you kidding? You dont know me. IT WAS IMMATURE AND YOU KNOW WHAT....I BET HE NEVER DOES IT AGAIN. He is 19 years old. You are saying he was malicious, huh. You think his intent was for the other driver to run off the road and get injured or die. You think that was his intent? And, of all the things he could have done to achieve that "intent" was point a toy gun at him. Get real! The kid has never been in trouble before and did something completely stupid. Punish him. Monitor him. And, if he finds himself in trouble again then take harsh action.
(hvwarrior58 @ Aug 1 said:
I could check on it, but I'm pretty sure that Rico, nor Marsalous ride on 24's.

I don't know either but I was just making a general description of what I thought they might be driving after seeing the picture with Johnson.
(hvwarrior58 @ Aug 1 said:
I could check on it, but I'm pretty sure that Rico, nor Marsalous ride on 24's.

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