Marsalous Johnson

(hvwarrior58 @ Aug 1 said:
Either way, I don't see what that has to do with the case.

I thought it was pretty clear what I saying but I guess it wasn't. My point Putnam County, a hip-hop cruiser may not be looked at as kindly as a Dodge Caravan. And yes, this would be a knock on the Putnam County Sheriffs Office.
(hvwarrior58 @ Aug 1 said:
My bad, I thought it was a knock on the kids. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

No prob. I think we're on the same page. :p
(sickemsmokey10 @ Aug 1 said:
Wasn't Rico McCoy in the car with him? Did he do anything?

He pulled out a toy bazooka and fired it at the police chopper that was chasing them.
Let me start this off by saying that I am a teenager. I think that Marsalous was driving along and a car was in his way and he couldnt pass. The car in front of him got frustrated seeing two teenagers and hit his brakes fairly hard to try to teach the kids a lesson and make them back off or slow down, in fear of rear ending him. Marsalous and Rico probably discuss how much of an a hole this dude is in front, when marsalous decides to drive by him and flick him off. In the heat of the moment i ll flick someone off before searching for a toy gun. honestly, does anyone think he had the gun easily accessible enough for him to think to grab it in the heat of the moment. The cops a liar in my opinion and a very lucky one since they found that TOY.
(I miss tee martin @ Aug 2 said:
Let me start this off by saying that I am a teenager. I think that Marsalous was driving along and a car was in his way and he couldnt pass. The car in front of him got frustrated seeing two teenagers and hit his brakes fairly hard to try to teach the kids a lesson and make them back off or slow down, in fear of rear ending him. Marsalous and Rico probably discuss how much of an a hole this dude is in front, when marsalous decides to drive by him and flick him off. In the heat of the moment i ll flick someone off before searching for a toy gun. honestly, does anyone think he had the gun easily accessible enough for him to think to grab it in the heat of the moment. The cops a liar in my opinion and a very lucky one since they found that TOY.

It very well could have happened EXACTLY like that. There's just too many things that we don't know. The toy gun could have been on him for the sole purpose of having the opportunity to point it at someone. He could have finally thought that this was his chance to finally get to point it at another passenger. I highly doubt that he would have been pulled over for waving his middle finger.

On the other hand, a off-duty police officer in a Ford F-150, could have been trying to be an *******. It doesn't matter. It was said that the guy slowed down, Johnson passed him, and then guy sped back up to pass Johnson. It does sound like someone trying to "be above the law." That's when the alleged gun waving took place.

But who pulled Johnson over? Was it the guy in the F-150? Did he pull Johnson over by himself. That also sounds kinda iffy, having your nephew with you, and deciding to pull over someone who you thought was waving a gun at you. That would be awful brave of the man not to call back up to do it for him. Or did Johnson get pulled over further down the road by marked cars? Do we know any of this yet?

(OrangeSquare @ Aug 1 said:
Anyone know if Marsalous has any kids, or young siblings, nephews, etc?

That would make having a TOY, a whole lot more understandable.

Also Grey, you keep mentioning "those two idiots". What exactly did Rico do wrong? The report doesn't say he did anything, is he guilty just because Marsalous chose to do something? Let's put your son in the car with Marsalous....would it be a big deal now? Would you want your kid's college to expell him because someone he was riding with was accused of duing something stupid? Would you want people that didn't know anything about the incident calling your son an idiot on a message board?

There are ALWAYS multiple sides to EVERYTHING. Don't be so quick to judge, just because something doesn't align with your beliefs or morals.

I'll bet this issue tends to be divided down age lines. The younger people here probably support the wait and see approach for the most part, and the older guys and gals are probably more apt to say toss the players out tomorrow. (I'm not saying EVERYONE in each group thinks these things, so save me the "I'm 19 and I say toss them posts.) I'm just betting that for the most part, the feelings of people when they hear this story are influenced by the generation that they were raised in.

Yeah, tell time, wave a Cabbage Patch doll at them. Less likely to be misunderstood.

Two idiots. Bad math, I guess. I was under the impression that both of them were charged.

If it had been my son, would have been a big deal. He would be embarking on his new career at WalMart, or Joe's Garage, of wherever else. Go do a year or two at minimum wage. When get your chance to go to college again, let's see if you understand life a little better next time. Trade UT for Carson-Newman. If they'll have you.

You're probably right about the issue being divided down age lines. And it would probably be safe to say the issue is divided down "revenue" lines. If this were a 3rd string walk-on kicker, do you think it would have gone this far?

(GreyWolf1129 @ Aug 2 said:
You're probably right about the issue being divided down age lines. And it would probably be safe to say the issue is divided down "revenue" lines. If this were a 3rd string walk-on kicker, do you think it would have gone this far?

It took a few pages but someone finally dropped the "string bomb".
(GreyWolf1129 @ Aug 2 said:
If this were a 3rd string walk-on kicker, do you think it would have gone this far?

Yes I do. Marsalous isn't exactly Deon Grant or Jamall Lewis here. He's a redshirt freshman burried on the depth chart. I understand you don't like Fulmer either, but give me a break, you are creating an issue, where there is none.
(OrangeSquare @ Aug 2 said:
Yes I do. Marsalous isn't exactly Deon Grant or Jamall Lewis here. He's a redshirt freshman burried on the depth chart. I understand you don't like Fulmer either, but give me a break, you are creating an issue, where there is none.
This came from the wbir news team two nights ago but the sports anchor said that Johnson was going to get some time this season in our def passing packages. But, I have not seen this in print.
(GreyWolf1129 @ Aug 2 said:
If this were a 3rd string walk-on kicker, do you think it would have gone this far?

Wouldn't even have made the newspaper.
(GreyWolf1129 @ Aug 2 said:
Yeah, tell time, wave a Cabbage Patch doll at them. Less likely to be misunderstood.

Two idiots. Bad math, I guess. I was under the impression that both of them were charged.

If it had been my son, would have been a big deal. He would be embarking on his new career at WalMart, or Joe's Garage, of wherever else. Go do a year or two at minimum wage. When get your chance to go to college again, let's see if you understand life a little better next time. Trade UT for Carson-Newman. If they'll have you.

You're probably right about the issue being divided down age lines. And it would probably be safe to say the issue is divided down "revenue" lines. If this were a 3rd string walk-on kicker, do you think it would have gone this far?
It made the paper when the third string walk on QB got arrested for DUI.
(hatvol96 @ Aug 2 said:
It made the paper when the third string walk on QB got arrested for DUI.

You just took the words right out of my mouth. Given the recent track record for the football program and the media's infatuation with controversey, I think it's wishful thinking to believe a media outlet would neglect to report anything.
(OrangeSquare @ Aug 1 said:
Not trying to be personal, but from a Vol fan to a Gator fan, feel free to comment about our players and their TOY guns, AFTER your team's players quit getting dismissed for "playing" with REAL ones, or your team captains quit throwing beer kegs at other people's heads. :p

And now, for the 28th time, I said I didn't like that gun incident at the time and have said they ought to have kicked them off the Gator squad.
(therickbol @ Aug 1 said:
You are telling me to grow up? Are you kidding? You dont know me. IT WAS IMMATURE AND YOU KNOW WHAT....I BET HE NEVER DOES IT AGAIN. He is 19 years old. You are saying he was malicious, huh. You think his intent was for the other driver to run off the road and get injured or die. You think that was his intent? And, of all the things he could have done to achieve that "intent" was point a toy gun at him. Get real! The kid has never been in trouble before and did something completely stupid. Punish him. Monitor him. And, if he finds himself in trouble again then take harsh action.

Nah, he was surely just kidding around and thought the other driver would get a good giggle out of it.
(OrangeSquare @ Aug 2 said:
Yes I do. Marsalous isn't exactly Deon Grant or Jamall Lewis here. He's a redshirt freshman burried on the depth chart. I understand you don't like Fulmer either, but give me a break, you are creating an issue, where there is none.

Exactly, I agree. Some of you people are trying to "invent" a superstar issue when this kid was a low-level recruit who barely even got an offer and is nowhere near any position to see playing time this season.
(lawgator1 @ Aug 2 said:
Nah, he was surely just kidding around and thought the other driver would get a good giggle out of it.
Would you at least provide us the name of the attorney that represented your gator in the gun incident?He must be top notch,in the know,good plam greaser, one or the other. :biggrin2:
(lawgator1 @ Aug 2 said:
Nah, he was surely just kidding around and thought the other driver would get a good giggle out of it.

Forget it, arguing with a know-it-all laywer that thinks he can talk his way aruond anything is impossible. If he actually meant any harm to the other driver he would have done a large array of other options besides WAVING A TOY GUN IN THE WINDOW. The thought process of a 19 year old kid in the heat of the moment did not include, "hold on before I get angry and wave this toy gun in the windown let me run through the possible negative side effects, well first the other car might wreck, second...." You know what though, I bet that his line of thought if he EVER thought about doing something like this again. It makes no sense to me why a kid who is young and never been in trouble should be taken all the way to the extreme of dismissal for this. Its a joke.
(utfantilidie @ Aug 2 said:
Would you at least provide us the name of the attorney that represented your gator in the gun incident?He must be top notch,in the know,good plam greaser, one or the other. :biggrin2:

Oh, I get it, you want to give him a call so that your kid can hire him, eh? Pretty clever there utfan, pretty clever.

(therickbol @ Aug 2 said:
Forget it, arguing with a know-it-all laywer that thinks he can talk his way aruond anything is impossible. If he actually meant any harm to the other driver he would have done a large array of other options besides WAVING A TOY GUN IN THE WINDOW. The thought process of a 19 year old kid in the heat of the moment did not include, "hold on before I get angry and wave this toy gun in the windown let me run through the possible negative side effects, well first the other car might wreck, second...." You know what though, I bet that his line of thought if he EVER thought about doing something like this again. It makes no sense to me why a kid who is young and never been in trouble should be taken all the way to the extreme of dismissal for this. Its a joke.

Ah, yes, the eventual refrain of the outwitted and wrong: just say the other side is unreasonable no matter what their position. You have a bright future in talk radio, young man.

Actually, we may have found something we can agree upon and that is that I agree that your player wasn't thinking much at the time. But that's my concern. Our society has gotten to the point where anyone lashing out in anger, without regard to the consequences, is given another chance. And another. And another. I'm not saying this kid should be banned from football altogether. Nor am I saying he ought to be deprived of a first rate education.

What I am saying is that, if I am the head football coach dealing with lives of 90 young men who think themselves invulnerable and who, by their actions, can endanger others, then one of the first things I want to teach them is that collectively we don't put up with such shennanigans and maybe its time they actually DO start thinking aobut consequences. That is a hard life lesson to learn, but this is not just about this kid. Its about the 89 others, and the ones that follow them, and the players after that.

Someone has to draw a line somewhere.

(lawgator1 @ Aug 2 said:
Nah, he was surely just kidding around and thought the other driver would get a good giggle out of it.

Why is this even that big a deal right now? It happened . . . and it's being handled. How do you criticize something that doesn't even have an outcome yet?
(GAVol @ Aug 2 said:
Why is this even that big a deal right now? It happened . . . and it's being handled. How do you criticize something that doesn't even have an outcome yet?

I thought there was a debate as to what the outcome should be. I did see someone post that Fulmer suspended him pending the outcome fo the case and that's appropriate. If he gets convicted or if it just turns out otherwise to be true, then there seems to be two basic schools of thought here, kick him off or don't.

I am in the kick him off crowd. Some others are with me on that. Many are in the other camp. Some see it as a question of what to do with just this young man. Others view it as symptomatic of problems not just at your own school but around the country.

We will just have to wait and see how it plays out! I see valid arguments coming from both camps on this issue. My point(s) are Johnson's intentions at the time, if he did point the gun and I believe he will be dismissed simply because CPF has kinda boxed himself in a corner when it comes to discipline. Just two cents from an authority hungry, GED toting cop! Now I must go impose my low intellect on the unsuspecting public!

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