Mass Shooting in Atlanta

The number of guns stolen each year is between 200,000 and 500,000 and we know that enormous percentage of guns used by criminals were obtained illegally.

It is obvious that there is an all-too-easy linkage between lawful gun ownership and guns ending up in criminals' hands.

There are two, and only two, places that we can interrupt this chain of lawfully bought-stolen used in a crime. Either we make it much harder to buy a gun in the first place, or we disincentivize the purchase.

There's another; do a much better job of disincentivizing illegal activity. Overt felonious murder (cases where even suggesting self-defense or other "justifiable" usage would have the whole courtroom burst into laughter) should result in an immediate death sentence. Convicted violent felons possessing firearms should be prosecuted roughly along the lines of what is now the case for attempted murder.

It really comes down to the idea that the crushing majority of firearm owners have no business carrying the onus for that minority of criminals. If anything the onus placed on violent criminals is far too light.
The number of guns stolen each year is between 200,000 and 500,000 and we know that enormous percentage of guns used by criminals were obtained illegally.

It is obvious that there is an all-too-easy linkage between lawful gun ownership and guns ending up in criminals' hands.

There are two, and only two, places that we can interrupt this chain of lawfully bought-stolen used in a crime. Either we make it much harder to buy a gun in the first place, or we disincentivize the purchase.
or you could actually keep people who are criminals in jail and never let them out to recommit the same crimes over and over again...
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That is one confusing and contradictory headline.

He feared God so much that he totally ignored arguably the most important of the Ten Commandments, let alone the generic “love thy neighbor as thyself” catch-all rule of thumb we so called Christians are supposed to live by.
The number of guns stolen each year is between 200,000 and 500,000 and we know that enormous percentage of guns used by criminals were obtained illegally.

It is obvious that there is an all-too-easy linkage between lawful gun ownership and guns ending up in criminals' hands.

There are two, and only two, places that we can interrupt this chain of lawfully bought-stolen used in a crime. Either we make it much harder to buy a gun in the first place, or we disincentivize the purchase.
I wish I could spout some statistic without any proof and claim a range of 250%.
Why in the hell does it matter what these idiots that kill people are driven by ? Do you think the people that died cares if it was over a crack rock or a political ideology ? Smh

Maybe he didn't get his stimulus because Joe's $2K stimulus check didn't come through to cover it, and the massage parlor wasn't taking IOUs.
The number of guns stolen each year is between 200,000 and 500,000 and we know that enormous percentage of guns used by criminals were obtained illegally.

It is obvious that there is an all-too-easy linkage between lawful gun ownership and guns ending up in criminals' hands.

There are two, and only two, places that we can interrupt this chain of lawfully bought-stolen used in a crime. Either we make it much harder to buy a gun in the first place, or we disincentivize the purchase.

First, that is nothing but an estimate and a flawed one at that.

Second, if we just made thievery illegal the problem would be solved.

I can't reproduce the chart here, maybe someone with better computer skills can, but in Figure 1 about 21 percent of all state and federal prisoners possessed a firearm during their offense. Only about 3 percent obtained the gun from a retail source.

That means that about 1 out of 7 convicted criminals possessing a gun obtained it in the most obvious legal way. I suppose there are some narrow streams where they might also obtain it from a legal source, but let's be real, the vast, vast majority of people possessing guns when they commit crimes obtained them illegally.

In fact, this struck me:

Now, where do the other 98 percent of the guns come from?


What would you estimate is the percentage of guns obtained illegally by the criminals but that began when first purchased as a legally purchased and owned firearm? 99 %? 98%?

It doesn't take much effort to see that the problem we have is loss of control of firearms that strart off as legal and end up in the hands of criminals. This is why I support a requirement that people purchasing firearms, legally, pay for insurance to go into a pool to pay medical and funeral costs for those injured in gun violence.

If you want to to obtain the benefit you think you are getting from a firearm, then you should take on the expense of the risk it becomes illegal. (Discounts for firearm safety courses that include a component about maintaining the gun in a safe place where it won't be stolen, purchase of a gun safe, and things of that ilk).

1. Guns starting out as legal. That's not really a point. Everything starts as legal. We dont judge the legality of any other citizen owned item by the potential of what a criminal does with it.
2. Requiring insurance, I dont have car insurance to protect me from what a criminal does with the car after they steal it, or for after I sell it. Criminal acts by a third party always removes liability from the owner.
3. Loss of control, illegal sales etc, that is already covered under the laws. So how does a new law fix that? You already admit it doesnt. So your fix is to punish the innocent. Besides putting undue burdens on minorities (racism) it also punishes innocent people, so doubly wrong.
4. Unless you want a portion of sales of all items to private individuals to go into some government managed (lol) slush fund in case someone is hurt by said item you dont have an argument here at all, beyond the unconstitutional basis for it, beyond the 2A.
5. Even with some type of slush fund that doesnt fix the issue. You are admittedly just virtue signaling, appealing to emotion, with no solution. Additional laws or actions performed to the same degree as current laws and actions will be just as ineffective. All you have done is add additional costs because minorities with guns scare you.

Cars, alcohol, knives. All are harmful to AT LEAST the level guns are to the general public. Yet none of those do you want to treat like you do guns.

You have an irrational and racist fear, and hatred, of citizens owning guns.

1. Guns starting out as legal. That's not really a point. Everything starts as legal. We dont judge the legality of any other citizen owned item by the potential of what a criminal does with it.
2. Requiring insurance, I dont have car insurance to protect me from what a criminal does with the car after they steal it, or for after I sell it. Criminal acts by a third party always removes liability from the owner.
3. Loss of control, illegal sales etc, that is already covered under the laws. So how does a new law fix that? You already admit it doesnt. So your fix is to punish the innocent. Besides putting undue burdens on minorities (racism) it also punishes innocent people, so doubly wrong.
4. Unless you want a portion of sales of all items to private individuals to go into some government managed (lol) slush fund in case someone is hurt by said item you dont have an argument here at all, beyond the unconstitutional basis for it, beyond the 2A.
5. Even with some type of slush fund that doesnt fix the issue. You are admittedly just virtue signaling, appealing to emotion, with no solution. Additional laws or actions performed to the same degree as current laws and actions will be just as ineffective. All you have done is add additional costs because minorities with guns scare you.

Cars, alcohol, knives. All are harmful to AT LEAST the level guns are to the general public. Yet none of those do you want to treat like you do guns.

You have an irrational and racist fear, and hatred, of citizens owning guns.

I think there is already a “slush fund” for victims of various crimes, at least in some states.
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The number of guns stolen each year is between 200,000 and 500,000 and we know that enormous percentage of guns used by criminals were obtained illegally.

It is obvious that there is an all-too-easy linkage between lawful gun ownership and guns ending up in criminals' hands.

There are two, and only two, places that we can interrupt this chain of lawfully bought-stolen used in a crime. Either we make it much harder to buy a gun in the first place, or we disincentivize the purchase.

So the criminals are obtaining guns through theft for the most part. And the answer is to punish the theft victims?
Well since the suspect and police have both stated it wasn't a motive, you would have to be a real idiot to assume that because of your preconceived notions

Forgive me but I have little confidence in the word of the police and mass murders.

You do you though.

Slow day making photo stickers at the hospital visitor desk?
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Wait I am lost. Referring to Jewish people with a capitalized J is anti-semitic?

I am being serious here because I never knew this or heard this before.
No, no. A hard J. It’s supposed to be soft, pronounced like Yewish.
Oh shocker, dude was angry over his rub'n'tug..

And just like that liberals will fade away with their concern over Asians, like a fart in the wind from their cavernous and artificially gapped a-holes, since the race angle didn't hold water.

And watch the difference in concern they make over this than if blacks were the victims (even if found out not to be actual victims as in MOST cases).

Black people had died? Ohs lawdy the world would END for the left! We'd have mass t-shirts going on sale that said "Gone To Soon", murals being spray painted in ghettos, dangerous streets being renamed for the "victims", tons of scam charities being set up for scholarships for the National Dindu Nuffin Foundation for Containing Semi Quasi Not so much Excellence in the Performing Street Arts, and they was good kids/dads/sons who aspired to be rappers/professional athletes who now would finally get a mention in a mix tape or on the back of a NFL helmet.
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So if you go JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWish..thats bad right?
These days people get offended if you fart, if you smell a fart, if you hear a fart, or heard someone who might’ve been party to said farting talking about it. You literally can’t say or do anything without offending someone.

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