Mass Shooting in Atlanta

I really want to see numbers on that. The link I saw was about a million over a decade. And it doesnt qualify that those are individual cases or just from private citizens.

There are less than 400k robberies a year total. Accordingly to LGs bs each one involved stealing a gun. USA - reported robbery rate 1990-2019 | Statista

I wonder if any of these gun crime statistics cover obama's gunrunning scheme; it had a lot of illegal components.
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I can't reproduce the chart here, maybe someone with better computer skills can, but in Figure 1 about 21 percent of all state and federal prisoners possessed a firearm during their offense. Only about 3 percent obtained the gun from a retail source.

That means that about 1 out of 7 convicted criminals possessing a gun obtained it in the most obvious legal way. I suppose there are some narrow streams where they might also obtain it from a legal source, but let's be real, the vast, vast majority of people possessing guns when they commit crimes obtained them illegally.

In fact, this struck me:

Now, where do the other 98 percent of the guns come from?


What would you estimate is the percentage of guns obtained illegally by the criminals but that began when first purchased as a legally purchased and owned firearm? 99 %? 98%?

It doesn't take much effort to see that the problem we have is loss of control of firearms that strart off as legal and end up in the hands of criminals. This is why I support a requirement that people purchasing firearms, legally, pay for insurance to go into a pool to pay medical and funeral costs for those injured in gun violence.

If you want to to obtain the benefit you think you are getting from a firearm, then you should take on the expense of the risk it becomes illegal. (Discounts for firearm safety courses that include a component about maintaining the gun in a safe place where it won't be stolen, purchase of a gun safe, and things of that ilk).

This is the very reason lawyers get their bad reps .
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Small penis and got laughed at

He "had a bad day"? Really, that's the response? Should we send out a pick me up song for him?

And that matters because?

I’m guessing because of the juicy, delicious irony of a so-called Christian massacring people, then blaming it on his own admitted vices.

That’s gonna be one interesting conversation at the pearly gates, assuming his elevator goes up instead down after he passes.
I’m guessing because of the juicy, delicious irony of a so-called Christian massacring people, then blaming it on his own admitted vices.

That’s gonna be one interesting conversation at the pearly gates, assuming his elevator goes up instead down after he passes.
You still have time to repent your gator ways.

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