Mass Shooting in Atlanta

These days people get offended if you fart, if you smell a fart, if you hear a fart, or heard someone who might’ve been party to said farting talking about it. You literally can’t say or do anything without offending someone.
I tapped on an employees desk and told them to do something and the guy said he was offended and felt like he was being treated like a mongrel dog. LOL.

He is now under investigation for multiple violations of the federal code of conduct and I'm looking at scoring my fourth termination of a federal employee minority who is in a public union. Looking forward to going 4-0 by summer!
I tapped on an employees desk and told them to do something and the guy said he was offended and felt like he was being treated like a mongrel dog. LOL.

He is now under investigation for multiple violations of the federal code of conduct and I'm looking at scoring my fourth termination of a federal employee minority who is in a public union. Looking forward to going 4-0 by summer!

Need more deets. This sounds fascinating. What offenses can get you canned from the govt?
No, no. A hard J. It’s supposed to be soft, pronounced like Yewish.
This plant is pretty yewish.
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The number of guns stolen each year is between 200,000 and 500,000 and we know that enormous percentage of guns used by criminals were obtained illegally.

It is obvious that there is an all-too-easy linkage between lawful gun ownership and guns ending up in criminals' hands.

There are two, and only two, places that we can interrupt this chain of lawfully bought-stolen used in a crime. Either we make it much harder to buy a gun in the first place, or we disincentivize the purchase.
What are you basing your number of stolen guns on? And specifically stolen from private citizens.

You seem to be basing it on each criminal being arrested after using a gun being a different gun. We know gangs refuse guns all the time. Not each criminal arrested for a crime in which a gun was used is arrested with said gun. Plenty of "recycling" goes on.

According to this very anti gun site it's "only" 100k per year, not your 500k bs.
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What are you basing your number of stolen guns on? And specifically stolen from private citizens.

You seem to be basing it on each criminal being arrested after using a gun being a different gun. We know gangs refuse guns all the time. Not each criminal arrested for a crime in which a gun was used is arrested with said gun. Plenty of "recycling" goes on.

According to this very anti gun site it's "only" 100k per year, not your 500k bs. Statistics | Giffords

🤣 good luck.

LG thought there was a pee pee tape. In fact, I believe he still thinks there is.
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Im sure he’s got something wrong upstairs. But if you wanted to target Asians, he could have found more at the local China Wok than driving for hours hitting up massage parlors knocking off one or two at a time.

Does Atlanta have a Chinatown? Honestly don’t know.
If he was targetting asians Ackworth nor Buckhead would have been where to go.
Forgive me but I have little confidence in the word of the police and mass murders.

You do you though.

Slow day making photo stickers at the hospital visitor desk?
So again you would rather make assumptions based on your twisted world view than actually deal with facts? LOL and what grand conspiracy would have you believe that police would lie about the shooter's motive, even though it's very clear
So the criminals are obtaining guns through theft for the most part. And the answer is to punish the theft victims?
Instead of addressing the issue, by making it easier for people to secure their guns with tax incentives, LG instead proposes a measure which increases the cost of gun ownership, which makes it even less likely the poor will be able to pay extra to secure said gun.

It's so dumb and racist I cant believe our government hasnt already done it.
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The number of guns stolen each year is between 200,000 and 500,000 and we know that enormous percentage of guns used by criminals were obtained illegally.

It is obvious that there is an all-too-easy linkage between lawful gun ownership and guns ending up in criminals' hands.

There are two, and only two, places that we can interrupt this chain of lawfully bought-stolen used in a crime. Either we make it much harder to buy a gun in the first place, or we disincentivize the purchase.
200,000 - 500,000 in America each year?
4k-10k a week???
It’s amazing how quickly people will latch on to exactly the way a story is first reported to them.
I can believe he has a history at these locations. Otherwise I am not seeing why he drives 30 minutes from one to the other.

If he was wanting mass casualties there would have been any number of easier places to hit.

Buckhead is one of the most affluent areas around, if you are trying to avoid cops that's not where I would go shoot up a place.

Granted the guy is probably crazy, so who knows.
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200,000 - 500,000 in America each year?
4k-10k a week???
I really want to see numbers on that. The link I saw was about a million over a decade. And it doesnt qualify that those are individual cases or just from private citizens.

There are less than 400k robberies a year total. Accordingly to LGs bs each one involved stealing a gun. USA - reported robbery rate 1990-2019 | Statista
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Boy, that was a terrible interpretation of what I said.

You live in this convenient world where you put the problems of the religious on those you deem to be non-pious. Churches are losing numbers, not because of an outdated message but specifically because of the ones who are adapting the message. This sinful zealot killed 9 because of a sexualized society.
if we call this terrorism then technically any killing could fit since the killer was instilling fear and trying to cause change.

I have a feeling that definition would go away quickly - references to last summers reign of terrorism (and possibly what's coming) won't sit well with the media or the new regime. Even the Irish would probably cover the everyday murders in Chicago like they do in N Ireland as "troubles".
Bombing a building is a form of protest.

Yeah, but it kinda destroys the effect if you just turn around and loot the building ... then it just looks like thuggish smash and grab rather than protest.
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Well, since no sane person would hate those - I have to conclude without knowledge of any other circumstance, that he was mentally ill.

Fun fact: Not liking handy's is a mental illness diagnostic indicator in the DSM 5.

Does that diagnostic indicator also cover the guys who pretend they are female and don't have the equipment for such business?
The number of guns stolen each year is between 200,000 and 500,000 and we know that enormous percentage of guns used by criminals were obtained illegally.

It is obvious that there is an all-too-easy linkage between lawful gun ownership and guns ending up in criminals' hands.

There are two, and only two, places that we can interrupt this chain of lawfully bought-stolen used in a crime. Either we make it much harder to buy a gun in the first place, or we disincentivize the purchase.

Awwww. Now how many of those are safely in gun heaven with all the ones lost when the boat sank? See if you fools get your way, it's better to have lost than to have and to hold.
I tapped on an employees desk and told them to do something and the guy said he was offended and felt like he was being treated like a mongrel dog. LOL.

He is now under investigation for multiple violations of the federal code of conduct and I'm looking at scoring my fourth termination of a federal employee minority who is in a public union. Looking forward to going 4-0 by summer!

Federal code of conduct. I thought that didnt exist.
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