Mass Shooting in Atlanta

I’m guessing because of the juicy, delicious irony of a so-called Christian massacring people, then blaming it on his own admitted vices.

That’s gonna be one interesting conversation at the pearly gates, assuming his elevator goes up instead down after he passes.

Pretty sure you can just ask for forgiveness, problem solved.
Need more deets. This sounds fascinating. What offenses can get you canned from the govt?
Failing drug tests, sleeping, code of conduct violations. That's how I have done it. Gotta put in the work but the thing is, like most sh!t employees, they usually bring their own noose to the hanging.
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Federal code of conduct. I thought that didnt exist.
It doesn't for most.

I put a person on a 2 week suspension for throwing an empty soda can, a violation of the code of conduct. Best part? The dumbass sent me an email to "let me know in case anyone told on him" how I found out. He told on himself.
This morning as eating breakfast the news was on. 20 Seconds of mass shooting coverage where suspect claiming sex addiction as motive. Then 3 minutes of a crying asian man told how persecuted asian people are pointing to this incident and "knowing" racism was the reason for the shooting.
Is it now a requirement to live in America you must be a victim?
It’s really worrisome when we spend days and pages of posts arguing whose murder is more or less justified than the others.
No one is arguing the justification of murders, just the hypocrisy of the media and political hacks who try to frame it as something it is not EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
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Georgia sheriff's spokesman appeared to promote racist shirt

I'm not sure some of these woke people understand an attack on the CCP China is not an attack on Asian-Americans or should we interpret that as they think all asians are communist?
It is hilarious the mental gymnastics some like Sep do to justify their beliefs here.

"There is a conspiracy of racist police officers who let this anti-Asian bigot shoot people THEN they took him alive and THEN are denying the real reason he did it because they also want asians to be shot; Also a tshirt making fun of COVID and saying that the CCP caused it is racist and a clear message towards police's "longstanding" racist treatment of Asians?"
It is hilarious the mental gymnastics some like Sep do to justify their beliefs here.

"There is a conspiracy of racist police officers who let this anti-Asian bigot shoot people THEN they took him alive and THEN are denying the real reason he did it because they also want asians to be shot; Also a tshirt making fun of COVID and saying that the CCP caused it is racist and a clear message towards police's "longstanding" racist treatment of Asians?"
Dude chill, you still believe in Qanon
Come on Rick you aren't fooling anyone. Between being perpetually triggered by the suggestion a crime is race related and having complete sh!t for brains it's obvious you're a Qnut. Probably an alt account for @ajvol01
Who is triggered EvilLawyerFake? The mods already admitted that you were using fake names and its been proven that you "talk" to yourself. That really is pretty funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

No one is "triggered" about the racial aspects of this crime because there was no race related motive, even though you, your other user name and the rest of the loons wanted to make it so.
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