Mass Shooting in Atlanta

That’s one AR out of how many pistol shootings sister? LMFAO at your cherry picking.

Also... well dang it. I can’t have an AR. I guess I can’t shoot anybody then! F ing stupid.

With 30 rounds mags and 10 kills it doesn’t add up.
Nationwide protests supporting Asian Americans unfold after recent attacks — The Washington Post

“...police say, Robert Aaron Long, a White man, had shot and killed eight people...”

go ahead. Google it. Read the links to articles about attacks on Asians from the WP and others. Show me one other article they publish that lists the race of the offender.

When the race of the suspects is not mentioned, it seems a pretty safe assumption they're not white.
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I just wonder how many killed were non Whites? That's the real story here and something DC and the media should address! AR-15's are notorious for randomly killing non Whites in disproportionate numbers.
Just maybe when cornered the " white guy" laid down his weapon instead of turning his 9 sideways while firing randomly . Playing Denzel and attempting to run doesn't work out so well.
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imagine being a person that rushes to post about someone dying because they can use it to promote their agenda(s).

speaks volumes
I can’t imagine constantly trying to justify those people dying with an “oh well.”
Nothing is more reassuring than when I'm surrounded by people firing guns and I whip out mine only to find out the bad guy isn't wearing a shirt that says "Bad guy. Shoot here".
give me two examples of that happening this year.

This is something you throw out all the time, but happens even less than actual gun violence.

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