Mass Shooting in Atlanta

Can you think of a more “white privileged” thought process. “I don’t need a gun because the police are here to protect me.”
It's one of those things you have to experience for yourself.

Go through an experience where you need the cops, call them, and they dont get there in time.

It's terrible, but it reinforces why we are allowed to defend ourself.
How many happened last year? We even talked about it here. As much of a pressure cooker that the citizens were under and no mass shootings.
Since Trump was to blame for the civil unrest in 2020, is Biden not responsible for the "mass shootings" we are currently seeing?
Imagine being a citizen of a coubtry that says there's no way to stop this while this doesn't seem to happen in any other first world nation.
There are plenty of ways to stop it. Even with the protection of the 2A. None of what the gun ignorant crowd proposes would work.

Which is why people shouldnt listen to you. Instead of making things better, you just want to make more criminals.
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Good question but it seems to happen more with anti gun administrations.

Assuming that's accurate, it seems like the pro-gun crowd (not that I'm anti-gun) must be pretty fragile if that's triggering them to go out and shoot random people.
Assuming that's accurate, it seems like the pro-gun crowd (not that I'm anti-gun) must be pretty fragile if that's triggering them to go out and shoot random people.
I can't prove it but I think this is backwards. Too many coincidences and fortuitous timing
What an ignorant arse comment.

Holy Strawman, comparing that psycho and others to pro-gun people.

Follow the conversation. @hog88 theorized there is a correlation between an administration being anti-gun and a rise in shootings. The assumption is this is a reaction to fear of someone taking their guns. Either that or hog is using a strawman and you "ignorant arses" should be mad at him.
Assuming that's accurate, it seems like the pro-gun crowd (not that I'm anti-gun) must be pretty fragile if that's triggering them to go out and shoot random people.
are you using "pro-gun" as a synonym for "pro 2A"?
2 mass shootings in 2 weeks as wave of despair hovers over US under Biden administration.

Is that how you do it?
Follow the conversation. @hog88 theorized there is a correlation between an administration being anti-gun and a rise in shootings. The assumption is this is a reaction to fear of someone taking their guns. Either that or hog is using a strawman and you "ignorant arses" should be mad at him.

No, your comment assumed a correlation between pro gun people and mental illness. That is ignorant my friend.
No, your comment assumed a correlation between pro gun people and mental illness. That is ignorant my friend.

Follow the conversation. Its a response to a comment that assumes a causal relationship between "anti-gun" administrations and shooters. Failure to understand that is ignorant.
Follow the conversation. Its a response to a comment that assumes a causal relationship between "anti-gun" administrations and shooters. Failure to understand that is ignorant.

Justify your ignorant comment anyway you would like in your mind. You absolutely correlated a crazy person with the pro gun crowd.
Then what is the relevance to an "anti-gun" administration?

I don't know, it just seems to be more mass shootings during anti 2A administrations than neutral/pro 2A administrations. I could be wrong as I haven't done the research.

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