Mass Shooting in Atlanta

There are several other weapons on board, but the AK’s seem to provide the best deterrent.
I think it was Thomas Jefferson who laughed at being asked by a ship's captain if they can have cannons to fight off pirates and he pretty much said "you don't need permission from me, I'm not a king"

Edit : it was James Madison
Incorrect at many levels.

It is a basic truism that virtually all guns start out in the stream of commerce as legally owned. The two biggest breakdowns are legally owned guns which are stolen and lawful owners encountering some problem/issue/crisis that causes them to abuse their ownership of a gun.

The answer is not more guns. Its less.
Cars have the same theft issues. Eliminate cars!!!
Which we dont need.

We have a right. You are wanting to deny/limit/restrict that right. And you admit you want to do it without good numbers.

This is precisely why it's a right, so that it cant be taken away easily.
1. How do you know what I want to do?

2. We don’t need information to solve a problem? I would never hire you in an administrative/problem solving role.
Depends on the individual. Private citizens are allowed to own guns. Period.

We already have laws saying what you can and cant do with them. Last time I checked murder and maiming are already illegal. And stastically that's makes up only a tiny fraction of what they do.

There are about 80k people shot a year, with another 18k killed, not including suicides. Let's round that to 100k.

100,000/300,000,000 that's. 03% of guns used to shoot people by private citizens (assuming every shooting was by a previous non criminal). So the stats dont back up your argument shooting people is their intended use by citizens.

(I have seen it estimated that there are actually well over a billion privately owned guns but 300 million is the smallest number rounded down).
I’m not asking what the law says, I’m asking why guns were created. It doesn’t require an idea hopscotching routine.
At the same rate?

Where’s the data that shows the rate now? You can’t predict or prevent something random no matter how badly you want to put a number on it. If you ban all guns right now there’s still more in circulation than there are people. You then give criminals an incentive to make their own. Building a gun isn’t rocket science. With our new wide open borders it’ll be the new thing to traffic and the same bad people doing bad things will be the ones getting them.
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1. How do you know what I want to do?

2. We don’t need information to solve a problem? I would never hire you in an administrative/problem solving role.
You want to go beyond the 2A with additional restrictions, correct? If not, why are you even arguing?

2. You are saying there is a problem without knowing the numbers. So in that regard yes, I would be a terrible problem solver because not everything thought to be a problem is one. Like the dumb Trump arguments for votes, you dont just get to declare an issue.

Violence is an issue, period. Limiting the discussion to guns avoids the likely cause of the problem. Or at least weighs the result before it even happens. Like you have done here. You have already determined guns are a problem without even establishing there is a problem.
1. How do you know what I want to do?

2. We don’t need information to solve a problem? I would never hire you in an administrative/problem solving role.
You want to go beyond the 2A with additional restrictions, correct? If not, why are you even arguing?

2. You are saying there is a problem without knowing the numbers. So in that regard yes, I would be a terrible problem solver because not everything thought to be a problem is one. Like the dumb Trump arguments for votes, you dont just get to declare an issue.

Violence is an issue, period. Limiting the discussion to guns avoids the likely cause of the problem. Or at least weighs the result before it even happens. Like you have done here. You have already determined guns are a problem without even establishing there is a problem.
Looks like TNT changed their program schedule. “Shooter” was slotted from 5-7:30 and they swapped it for an Adam Sandler movie.
I’m not asking what the law says, I’m asking why guns were created. It doesn’t require an idea hopscotching routine.
To go bang. I dont know why you wont acknowledge that I have said as much multiple times.

It's an inanimate object. They why of it doesnt impact what it actually does.

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