Mass Shooting in Atlanta

Everyone who starts off legally owning a gun thinks THEY are acting in accord with the 2d Am and that THEY are responsible gun owners. That OTHER people are irresponsible or don;t take precautions.

And yet for about 250,000 of those people every year THEY are the ones who do not actually protect the gun from falling into the wrong hands.
I asked you a question a page or so back. Take a looksee if you don't mind.
I always prided myself as a responsible individual, especially when it came to the handling of a firearm.

But I got careless, maybe even a little over confident. And I lost all of my guns in a single boating accident.
I keep mine around the house for protection. I’ve got several in strategic locations around the house.

Also, you never know when the neighborhood guys will want to get the militia back together.

I keep an AK on each end of my yacht because we have been attempted to be boarded by pirates on our way down to the Bahamas. They quickly moved on to another target when we pulled them out.
What other purpose does a gun serve than killing or maiming? That’s the only thing I’ve used a gun for, either practicing to kill or killing. I know what the primary purpose of cars are.
Cars designed purpose is to move humans around at speeds we naturally couldnt achieve otherwise.
Guns designed purpose is to move bullets around at speeds we naturally couldnt achieve otherwise.

Like I said, what we, the user, does with them afterwards is up to the user.

Yes, a gun can maim or kill if that is what you do with it. A car will do the same. Cars actually do maim and kill at a higher rate than guns. You wanted real numbers, those are real stats.
I keep an AK on each end of my yacht because we have been attempted to be boarded by pirates on our way down to the Bahamas. They quickly moved on to another target when we pulled them out.
For real?
Everyone who starts off legally owning a gun thinks THEY are acting in accord with the 2d Am and that THEY are responsible gun owners. That OTHER people are irresponsible or don;t take precautions.

And yet for about 250,000 of those people every year THEY are the ones who do not actually protect the gun from falling into the wrong hands.
And that gun gets free and loads itself and runs to a super market to kill 10 people on its own.

we’re not interested in more ideas to punish people who haven’t committed a crime “counselor”
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I heard about the grandma one but haven’t about the fortnite one. I remember another instance years ago where an 11 year old shot an intruder with a .22. I’m sure there’s more.
The way I am remembering it the kid was home alone, young teen maybe. Two guys broke in. Kid calls the cops and runs up stairs to parents bedroom. Hears the two guys saying to get whoever ran up stairs. Grabs dad's gun, shoots and kills both of them. And then calls the cops again. When the cops got there and announced them dead they said the kid did a fortnite dance.

People got upset that the kid was celebrating their deaths and it would have been better to just let them do whatever it was they were going to.
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The way I am remembering it the kid was home alone, young teen maybe. Two guys broke in. Kid calls the cops and runs up stairs to parents bedroom. Hears the two guys saying to get whoever ran up stairs. Grabs dad's gun, shoots and kills both of them. And then calls the cops again. When the cops got there and announced them dead they said the kid did a fortnite dance.

People got upset that the kid was celebrating their deaths and it would have been better to just let them do whatever it was they were going to.

I haven’t heard that one. I guess it was kind of inappropriate to do the dance but oh well. Regardless the criminals families always get up in arms when their criminal relative meets their demise. They always cry it wasn’t the place of the legal gun owner to interfere with the robbery or something like that. Pound sand.
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Everyone who starts off legally owning a gun thinks THEY are acting in accord with the 2d Am and that THEY are responsible gun owners. That OTHER people are irresponsible or don;t take precautions.

And yet for about 250,000 of those people every year THEY are the ones who do not actually protect the gun from falling into the wrong hands.
Bs. There are 400k robberies a year. 62% of robberies are not of guns.

You have been called on this bs before. Provide a link or stfu.
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Everyone who starts off legally owning a gun thinks THEY are acting in accord with the 2d Am and that THEY are responsible gun owners. That OTHER people are irresponsible or don;t take precautions.

And yet for about 250,000 of those people every year THEY are the ones who do not actually protect the gun from falling into the wrong hands.

So 1 in 10 robberies results in a stolen gun?
You need to actually establish that more guns in private citizens hands = more gun violence. And not just correlation but causation.

Maybe it's the flip, higher gun violence leads to more gun ownership.

You’re right, which requires good numbers, which we don’t have.
Cars designed purpose is to move humans around at speeds we naturally couldnt achieve otherwise.
Guns designed purpose is to move bullets around at speeds we naturally couldnt achieve otherwise.

Like I said, what we, the user, does with them afterwards is up to the user.

Yes, a gun can maim or kill if that is what you do with it. A car will do the same. Cars actually do maim and kill at a higher rate than guns. You wanted real numbers, those are real stats.

I’m not asking what it can do, I’m asking what is the intended use?
You’re right, which requires good numbers, which we don’t have.
Which we dont need.

We have a right. You are wanting to deny/limit/restrict that right. And you admit you want to do it without good numbers.

This is precisely why it's a right, so that it cant be taken away easily.
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I’m not asking what it can do, I’m asking what is the intended use?
Depends on the individual. Private citizens are allowed to own guns. Period.

We already have laws saying what you can and cant do with them. Last time I checked murder and maiming are already illegal. And stastically that's makes up only a tiny fraction of what they do.

There are about 80k people shot a year, with another 18k killed, not including suicides. Let's round that to 100k.

100,000/300,000,000 that's. 03% of guns used to shoot people by private citizens (assuming every shooting was by a previous non criminal). So the stats dont back up your argument shooting people is their intended use by citizens.

(I have seen it estimated that there are actually well over a billion privately owned guns but 300 million is the smallest number rounded down).
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