Mass Shooting in Atlanta

1. Why is that the only thing that needs to be studied? If you’re looking at solving a problem don’t you look to see if there are things that work better that what you’re doing? If you’re serious about solving a problem, you take in all the information, evaluate it, and come up with your own best solution, correct?

2. A gun is a tool. It is effectively utilized for it’s singular purpose in all these mass shootings.
Well over 300 million guns in circulation. If its singular purpose was killing people, in the hands of civilians, we would have a lot more deaths.

Cars kill within 10% of guns, yet there are only a third the number of cars as compared to guns. Cars arent considered designed to kill, yet kill at an almost 3x higher rate than guns.

Guns only be designed to kill is tired argument with no basis in facts. They are designed to shoot bullets. What happens beyond the gun going bang is up to the person.
I don’t know, I would have to see solid information on trends in gun violence in gun free zones vs places you can carry. What I think doesn’t matter anyway, facts do.

Some of the info points are a bit dated but it's something you can put your eyes on. I like it because it also points out, as I alluded in a prior post, how "foggy" a lot of this can get when interpreting the information.
Well over 300 million guns in circulation. If its singular purpose was killing people, in the hands of civilians, we would have a lot more deaths.

Cars kill within 10% of guns, yet there are only a third the number of cars as compared to guns. Cars arent considered designed to kill, yet kill at an almost 3x higher rate than guns.

Guns only be designed to kill is tired argument with no basis in facts. They are designed to shoot bullets. What happens beyond the gun going bang is up to the person.

What other purpose does a gun serve than killing or maiming? That’s the only thing I’ve used a gun for, either practicing to kill or killing. I know what the primary purpose of cars are.
Some of the info points are a bit dated but it's something you can put your eyes on. I like it because it also points out, as I alluded in a prior post, how "foggy" a lot of this can get when interpreting the information.
I completely agree the info is muddled. There is no reason that we should have different definitions that result in completely different conclusions. The point is that people end up dead, shot by a gun. Compline that data and categorize and sub-categorize it however you want, but every time someone ends up dead or injured by result of a gun, that’s a relevant statistic. This should be easy enough to catalog and study, but it hasn’t been mainly due to lack of funding.
Was the kid in your story the one with grandma or the Fortnite kid?

I heard about the grandma one but haven’t about the fortnite one. I remember another instance years ago where an 11 year old shot an intruder with a .22. I’m sure there’s more.
Not if more guns = a net of more gun violence. Hence the need for solid numbers, not anecdotes.
You need to actually establish that more guns in private citizens hands = more gun violence. And not just correlation but causation.

Maybe it's the flip, higher gun violence leads to more gun ownership.
What other purpose does a gun serve than killing or maiming? That’s the only thing I’ve used a gun for, either practicing to kill or killing. I know what the primary purpose of cars are.
You’re so open minded on this topic. No wonder you have such success when you try and dicta... er open a dialog on gun violence.
Trends in gun violence and their relationship (or lack thereof) to countless factors requires comprehensive analysis and study. The federal government has the ability to do this and mandate reporting to compile the necessary data... why don’t we have that? We have it for the DOT, FDA, DOE and countless other agencies, so why not this?

Singling out 1 tool used in violent acts is asinine and studying that will solve nothing.
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What other purpose does a gun serve than killing or maiming? That’s the only thing I’ve used a gun for, either practicing to kill or killing. I know what the primary purpose of cars are.

I used to use my guns as weights to hold my safes down so it would be harder to steal them with my important documents.
What other purpose does a gun serve than killing or maiming? That’s the only thing I’ve used a gun for, either practicing to kill or killing. I know what the primary purpose of cars are.
I use mine when I forget my keys.
Everyone who starts off legally owning a gun thinks THEY are acting in accord with the 2d Am and that THEY are responsible gun owners. That OTHER people are irresponsible or don;t take precautions.

And yet for about 250,000 of those people every year THEY are the ones who do not actually protect the gun from falling into the wrong hands.
What other purpose does a gun serve than killing or maiming? That’s the only thing I’ve used a gun for, either practicing to kill or killing. I know what the primary purpose of cars are.

I keep mine around the house for protection. I’ve got several in strategic locations around the house.

Also, you never know when the neighborhood guys will want to get the militia back together.
Everyone who starts off legally owning a gun thinks THEY are acting in accord with the 2d Am and that THEY are responsible gun owners. That OTHER people are irresponsible or don;t take precautions.

And yet for about 250,000 of those people every year THEY are the ones who do not actually protect the gun from falling into the wrong hands.

And you get to chase the ambulances and make a living.
Everyone who starts off legally owning a gun thinks THEY are acting in accord with the 2d Am and that THEY are responsible gun owners. That OTHER people are irresponsible or don;t take precautions.

And yet for about 250,000 of those people every year THEY are the ones who do not actually protect the gun from falling into the wrong hands.

I always prided myself as a responsible individual, especially when it came to the handling of a firearm.

But I got careless, maybe even a little over confident. And I lost all of my guns in a single boating accident.

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