Mass Shooting in Atlanta

What every anti 2A poster keeps ignoring is that it wasn't long ago that anyone could order a semi-automatic rifle out of a catalog and have it delivered to your house. No BGCs, no permits just send the check.
To go bang. I dont know why you wont acknowledge that I have said as much multiple times.

It's an inanimate object. They why of it doesnt impact what it actually does.
He’s a solution looking for a problem. He’s decided guns are the problem not people. His whole “prove me wrong” stance is deflecting from his own burden of proving it’s the guns not the people. I’d rather just point and laugh.
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Looks like TNT changed their program schedule. “Shooter” was slotted from 5-7:30 and they swapped it for an Adam Sandler movie.
best line of the movie .... "Welcome to Tennessee, patron state of shootin' stuff."
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What every anti 2A poster keeps ignoring is that it wasn't long ago that anyone could order a semi-automatic rifle out of a catalog and have it delivered to your house. No BGCs, no permits just send the check.

Right. They keep harping background checks but we already have them. The 3 day rule wouldn’t be an issue if the government wasn’t inefficient and in many cases incompetent. That said few dealers even abide by the rule. I’m sure most person to person sells are legit but having an FFL facilitate a sell for no cost wouldn’t be too crazy. If both parties have permits it shouldn’t matter. Taking all this into consideration it shouldn’t be too difficult for someone to get off their ass and get a voter ID and do more than lick a stamp to vote.
We have more guns per capita than the rest of the developed world, so “more guns” obviously isn’t working. What else do you suggest we do to reduce our high rate of gun violence?
It’s not really that high when you consider the population and other unique issues the US has. .001% of all the firearms in America are used for criminal purposes, and most of those are the same criminals using the same guns again and again.
I don’t know, I would have to see solid information on trends in gun violence in gun free zones vs places you can carry. What I think doesn’t matter anyway, facts do.
Check out the cities with the strictest gun laws vs those with more freedom
You’re so open minded on this topic. No wonder you have such success when you try and dicta... er open a dialog on gun violence.
The best thing is much like his silly views on voting and healthcare no one actually cares about his opinion and his views will never be taken seriously in the mainstream
You want to go beyond the 2A with additional restrictions, correct? If not, why are you even arguing?

2. You are saying there is a problem without knowing the numbers. So in that regard yes, I would be a terrible problem solver because not everything thought to be a problem is one. Like the dumb Trump arguments for votes, you dont just get to declare an issue.

Violence is an issue, period. Limiting the discussion to guns avoids the likely cause of the problem. Or at least weighs the result before it even happens. Like you have done here. You have already determined guns are a problem without even establishing there is a problem.
I’m not arguing anything yet, I’m trying to create a productive dialogue.

Where did I make a determination, other than the determination that facts are required to pinpoint problems and create solutions to said problems?
To go bang. I dont know why you wont acknowledge that I have said as much multiple times.

It's an inanimate object. They why of it doesnt impact what it actually does.

Sure it does. You have no problem admitting vehicles are designed to move people... you don’t say their purpose is to combust gas... you truly don’t see the logical problem you have?
I’m not arguing anything yet, I’m trying to create a productive dialogue.

Where did I make a determination, other than the determination that facts are required to pinpoint problems and create solutions to said problems?
you haven't been open to the dialogue anytime anything besides guns is brought up. or at least you always steer it back to guns.

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