Mass Shooting in Atlanta

What other purpose does a gun serve than killing or maiming? That’s the only thing I’ve used a gun for, either practicing to kill or killing. I know what the primary purpose of cars are.
Defense. Fighting for your rights and freedoms. Putting food on your table. Guns have more purpose than killing. To believe that's the only purpose they serve is naive, and honestly, stupid.

Guns can take lives. They can also save lives. It depends on the person whose hand they are in. A tool is a tool. It's only as dangerous as the person wielding it makes it.
I’m not asking what the law says, I’m asking why guns were created. It doesn’t require an idea hopscotching routine.


This was the original intent.

Anything else was a corruption of the original intended usage.

Just like the first person who was killed with a knife, an axe, a shovel, a car, a wrench, a baseball bat, an ice pick, a hammer, a rope, a brick, a rock, a razor blade, a wood chipper, a chainsaw.
Dear Lord this circular dumbassery is the same “logic” that had the people weighing the witch to see if she weighed the same as a duck in Holy Grail. And frankly I think Bedevere had a better argument

If u are guilty you will float and if u are innocent u will drown. If u float we will burn u to death.

This was the original intent.

Anything else was a corruption of the original intended usage.

Just like the first person who was killed with a knife, an axe, a shovel, a car, a wrench, a baseball bat, an ice pick, a hammer, a rope, a brick, a rock, a razor blade, a wood chipper, a chainsaw.

You got anything to back that up? Just asking. Could just have well have been, "let's make a miniature cannon."
You got anything to back that up? Just asking. Could just have well have been, "let's make a miniature cannon."
Some Chinaman shot him self in the face with a bottle rocket during a fireworks show and his buddy got an idea?

Also... back in “the day” did you know gun powder wasn’t the only propellant?
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I see someone has been watching Fox "look over here not over there!" News.
Actually I have not watched Fox News in a long time. I have no idea what’s on there but clearly you don’t miss it. The BBC is all over the boarder crisis ( an actual problem) that you’re trying to ignore.
how many people died from drunk drivers yesterday?
Not that you want to talk about actual issues.
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Wow. Perspective. Thanks for bringing that. Yes I’m for addressing the violence, and gun violence. But I’m firmly planted in the solution revolves around people not implements. Further firearms restrictions aren’t going to reduce shootings and I’m sick of hearing that worn out narrative. It’s stupid and illogical.
I don't even pretend to know how to fix it. I just know that when people lose their moral compass bad things happen.
Wow. Perspective. Thanks for bringing that. Yes I’m for addressing the violence, and gun violence. But I’m firmly planted in the solution revolves around people not implements. Further firearms restrictions aren’t going to reduce shootings and I’m sick of hearing that worn out narrative. It’s stupid and illogical.
Yeah, gun control would definitely up the profit making opportunities on our southern border. Drugs are illegal and we can't control the flow of them. What in the H makes us thing that gun smuggling could be controlled..
You got anything to back that up? Just asking. Could just have well have been, "let's make a miniature cannon."

The first hand gun was a product of chinese fire lances and was not a rifle.

The first rifle was invented for the king of France to fox hunt but he quickly asked for more to arm his military.

This weapon was modified to what became the American rifle we know from the 1700s. This rifle was used by frontier to hunt and protect themselves.

The two (war and hunting) are very intertwined in history but outside of power hungry kings it was used by civilians to hunt and feed their families.
Some Chinaman shot him self in the face with a bottle rocket during a fireworks show and his buddy got an idea?

Also... back in “the day” did you know gun powder wasn’t the only propellant?

Actually the idea came from some twelve year olds shooting roman candles at each other.
1. Why is that the only thing that needs to be studied? If you’re looking at solving a problem don’t you look to see if there are things that work better that what you’re doing? If you’re serious about solving a problem, you take in all the information, evaluate it, and come up with your own best solution, correct?

2. A gun is a tool. It is effectively utilized for it’s singular purpose in all these mass shootings.
But shooting people isn’t the singular purpose of a gun. That’s a ridiculous standpoint. That’s like saying the singular purpose of a knife is to stab people of one is used to do so. It’s a tool. A screwdriver can be used to kill a person, as can many other tools.
The first hand gun was a product of chinese fire lances and was not a rifle.

The first rifle was invented for the king of France to fox hunt but he quickly asked for more to arm his military.

This weapon was modified to what became the American rifle we know from the 1700s. This rifle was used by frontier to hunt and protect themselves.

The two (war and hunting) are very intertwined in history but outside of power hungry kings it was used by civilians to hunt and feed their families.
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I see someone has been watching Fox "look over here not over there!" News.
A second thought.
It’s interesting that you’re think people are using the border crisis as the distraction from a criminal event. You have your priorities all screwed up.
Actually I have not watched Fox News in a long time. I have no idea what’s on there but clearly you don’t miss it. The BBC is all over the boarder crisis ( an actual problem) that you’re trying to ignore.
how many people died from drunk drivers yesterday?
Not that you want to talk about actual issues.
isn't it a shame that we have to watch a foreign news source to get any type of accurate information.

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