Mass Shooting in Atlanta

Ok, sad story on my end.

I am in my first office job. 25 years old and never worked an office job before and was 3 months removed from being a bouncer and strip club manager.

I am working as a claim rep trainee in the errors and omissions department and my boss hands me about 300 pages that need copied and says the copier is on the other side of the floor.

I go over and this commercal grade copier is the size of a large freezer and I start copying the pages. One by one by one by one.

Hour later i am still copying with about 200 left as I have to punch each piece so it goes into a 3 ring folder.

My dad who is taking me to lunch walks over and asked what I am doing and I tell him. Hea like oh and watches me load a piece and laughs. He then says hold on and takes the remaining 200 pages and sits them all in the tray and hit copy all and 3 ring option and within 2 minutes it copies all of them and punches them for me. He then looks at me and says ok where u wanna eat?

Mind you I was there for an hour already on a floor of hundreds of people and not one person said hey guy can I help u out. Just watched the new idiot make a complete fool of himself.
15 years and they're still laughing at me the same way whenever I head towards the copy room.
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What measures need to be enacted that weren't already in play in CO?
I'm not a expert on Colorado's gun laws, but I've seen where a judge blocked Boulder's ability to restrict what kind of weapons can be purchased in the city and then afterwards the shooter bought the weapon. That seems like a mistake.

It's being reported that the shooter has a history of violence and some of his family believed him to be unstable. I can't think of one reason why anyone who has either of those characteristics should be allowed to buy a gun.

Brother of Boulder shooting suspect Ahmad Alissa believes he is mentally ill

Another concerning thing I've seen is where some of his family members believed him to be unstable and knew he had a weapon as well as a violent past. That's a recipe for disaster. I think if you see all of those things and do nothing you should be held liable in some way. Same thing happened with the waffle house shooter in Antioch not too far back iirc.
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I'm not a expert on Colorado's gun laws, but I've seen where a judge blocked Boulder's ability to restrict what kind of weapons can be purchased in the city and then afterwards the shooter bought the weapon. That seems like a mistake.

It's being reported that the shooter has a history of violence and some of his family believed him to be unstable. I can't think of one reason why anyone who has either of those characteristics should be allowed to buy a gun.

Brother of Boulder shooting suspect Ahmad Alissa believes he is mentally ill

Another concerning thing I've seen is where some of his family members believed him to be unstable and knew he had a weapon as well as a violent past. That's a recipe for disaster. I think if you see all of those things and do nothing you should be held liable in some way. Same thing happened with the waffle house shooter in Antioch not too far back iirc.
So it’s an unreported mental health issue.
Maybe fixing that should be the focus
I'm not a expert on Colorado's gun laws, but I've seen where a judge blocked Boulder's ability to restrict what kind of weapons can be purchased in the city and then afterwards the shooter bought the weapon. That seems like a mistake.

It's being reported that the shooter has a history of violence and some of his family believed him to be unstable. I can't think of one reason why anyone who has either of those characteristics should be allowed to buy a gun.

Brother of Boulder shooting suspect Ahmad Alissa believes he is mentally ill

Another concerning thing I've seen is where some of his family members believed him to be unstable and knew he had a weapon as well as a violent past. That's a recipe for disaster. I think if you see all of those things and do nothing you should be held liable in some way. Same thing happened with the waffle house shooter in Antioch not too far back iirc.
I agree with bold. Parents and family who don't preemptively intervene are part of the problem.
No I didn’t at all. What I actually said is “why is that the only thing we should study?”

You just prefer to pigeon hole yourself into “why” instead of looking at the way to solve any other problem, which is who, what when, where, why, and how.

Murder is murder, what tool is used is irrelevant.
That’s why you didn’t and can’t.
It’s typical of you though, attempts at deflecting when the facts piss you off.

I see you have not found a man to check your post before hitting the post button

What the hell are you talking about? You really think tough gun laws + poverty cause gun violence? The guns you see in Chicago flow in from Indiana and Wisconsin. It'd just be worse if guns laws were lax in Chicago. This silly BS argument has been blown out of the water numerous times before.

FACT CHECK: Is Chicago Proof That Gun Laws Don't Work?
Why work to solve a problem when you can just think about it for 30 seconds before bed and hope the magic man in the sky takes care of it? I mean this has worked out well so far right?

Ted Cruz: 'I don't apologize for thoughts or prayers' for shooting victims
Why actually work to solve the issues when you can just pay lip service, trample rights, excite the easily fooled and do nothing to actually solve the problem? Banning guns doesn't make them magically disappear, it doesn't magically remove homicidal thoughts or make killing people any less difficult. He could have easily killed more in less time in any number of ways.
What the hell are you talking about? You really think tough gun laws + poverty cause gun violence? The guns you see in Chicago flow in from Indiana and Wisconsin. It'd just be worse if guns laws were lax in Chicago. This silly BS argument has been blown out of the water numerous times before.

FACT CHECK: Is Chicago Proof That Gun Laws Don't Work?
So because other states don’t have the same draconian gun laws as Illinois its their fault? Deary me.
But shooting people isn’t the singular purpose of a gun. That’s a ridiculous standpoint. That’s like saying the singular purpose of a knife is to stab people of one is used to do so. It’s a tool. A screwdriver can be used to kill a person, as can many other tools.
I never said it’s intent was to shoot a person, I said it’s intent is to kill or maim.
What the hell are you talking about? You really think tough gun laws + poverty cause gun violence? The guns you see in Chicago flow in from Indiana and Wisconsin. It'd just be worse if guns laws were lax in Chicago. This silly BS argument has been blown out of the water numerous times before.

FACT CHECK: Is Chicago Proof That Gun Laws Don't Work?

Yes the places around Chicago don’t have strict gun laws and don’t have gun violence. Chicago has very strict gun laws but also has war zone level gun
Your conclusion is that Chicagos violence is the fault of the people who don’t have violence in their towns.

Find a man
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What the hell are you talking about? You really think tough gun laws + poverty cause gun violence? The guns you see in Chicago flow in from Indiana and Wisconsin. It'd just be worse if guns laws were lax in Chicago. This silly BS argument has been blown out of the water numerous times before.

FACT CHECK: Is Chicago Proof That Gun Laws Don't Work?

Lol. Horses**t. Why doesn’t Wisconsin and Indiana have the same gun problems as Chicago then?

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