Mass Shooting in Atlanta

I go back to the Declaration of Independence, "to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."
Most people forget that true power was never meant to rest in the government, but in the people. The power of government is derived from the consent of the governed.
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Sure. We certainly need rational and reasonable immigration laws......and there will never be universal agreement.
We have immigration laws that are not being enforced, especially by the current administration.
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Maybe they need to be changed.
I agree, the current administration does need to be changed. That might be the most reasonable thing you've ever said on here.

And before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, no, Trump is not that change. We need far better than what we've been offered as "leadership".
I agree, the current administration does need to be changed. That might be the most reasonable thing you've ever said on here.

And before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, no, Trump is not that change. We need far better than what we've been offered as "leadership".
Tim Scott
Tulsi Gabbard
Byron Donalds
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I agree, the current administration does need to be changed. That might be the most reasonable thing you've ever said on here.

And before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, no, Trump is not that change. We need far better than what we've been offered as "leadership".
It's really sad when you think about it:

Hillary or Trump
Trump or Biden

That's what we can come up with?
It's really sad when you think about it:

Hillary or Trump
Trump or Biden

That's what we can come up with?
Exactly. It's the two party system that is crushing what this country could be if we would just elect competent people. Competent people don't want to play these tit-for-tat games that the political parties seem to demand.
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I don't see where the Constitution gives you a right to own a car or an iPhone either. There is a largely ignored phrase (10th Amendment) about "all other things", too. Apparently your team just likes to pick and choose which rights are right and who controls them.
Pretty sure both "teams" do that.
I agree, the current administration does need to be changed. That might be the most reasonable thing you've ever said on here.

And before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, no, Trump is not that change. We need far better than what we've been offered as "leadership".
At least we took a step back in the correct direction.
At least we took a step back in the correct direction.
You're right. You finally admitting you were wrong about something is indeed a step back in the correct direction. I'm proud of you luther. Here I was ready to give up hope and you finally show progress. I think I got a little something in my eye.
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You're right. You finally admitting you were wrong about something is indeed a step back in the correct direction. I'm proud of you luther. Here I was ready to give up hope and you finally show progress. I think I got a little something in my eye.
I'm all about progress.
At least we took a step back in the correct direction.

We have regressed with dementia Joe. Trump was fine policy wise he just had ego issues but he wasn’t a career politician either. It was far more tolerable than what we have now.
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