Mass Shooting in Atlanta

What losing battle? Forcing them to address 2a updates by addressing 2a directly? Right now I’d say it’s working great for 2a advocates and I’d guess it sits well for constitutional challenges which go before SCOTUS.

No, try to read if you can and follow along.

The "battle" is trying to establish trust with younger generations. Telling them we don't need any gun control and that we should just arm all their teachers is a losing one.
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Eh, it's a been a net loss for us in the big picture. We have fewer 2A rights than we did 40 years ago.
Yes and no. The BS gun grab in 1994 expired and will see more push back this time around. Any attempt to circumvent will be challenged up to SCOTUS I think that’s a given. I don’t think now is the time to roll over and take it.
No, try to read if you can and follow along.

The "battle" is trying to establish trust with younger generations. Telling them we don't need any gun control and that we should just arm all their teachers is a losing one.
Well that’s your take on it anyway. I’d submit the battle is not letting liberal idiots brainwash our youth on a nonconstitutional interpretation of what 2a actually states and what Heller and other landmark cases have decided.

We see dumbassery on this forum nearly every day on butchering the SCOTUS rulings.
No, try to read if you can and follow along.

The "battle" is trying to establish trust with younger generations. Telling them we don't need any gun control and that we should just arm all their teachers is a losing one.
every generation, people 15-28 tend to be "more left" because they are dumb, naive about the world, and generally think with emotions not logic....As each generation gets older, they tend to become more conservative because they understand with experience in the real world how the world actually operates and works and what it means to have a family, work hard, etc.
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What else would you call them? You arent pushing regulations and restrictions because it's going to increase gun ownership.
I'd call it the necessary requirements for maintaining the right.
Think of it this way.
You let your 16 year old borrow your car (you've granted him the right to drive it). You tell him that as long as he is cautious and careful he will be able to drive it in the future. Are those restrictions infringing on his right to drive your car or are they the necessary components of granting him that right and his keeping that right?
I'd call it the necessary requirements for maintaining the right.
Think of it this way.
You let your 16 year old borrow your car (you've granted him the right to drive it). You tell him that as long as he is cautious and careful he will be able to drive it in the future. Are those restrictions infringing on his right to drive your car or are they the necessary components of granting him that right and his keeping that right?
Your analogy centers around a privilege; not a right.
The same is true for rights.

They aren't...or shouldn't be. Voting (a right) access is being expanded. You don't make the right to vote conditional that the person votes responsibly.

If you're married to your example, here's how it should be modified to more closely align with the discussion at hand:
You let your 16 year old borrow your car (you've granted him the right to drive it). You tell him that because another 16 year old drove their car into a crowd of people, he will not be able to drive anymore.
They aren't...or shouldn't be. Voting (a right) access is being expanded. You don't make the right to vote conditional that the person votes responsibly.

If you're married to your example, here's how it should be modified to more closely align with the discussion at hand:
You let your 16 year old borrow your car (you've granted him the right to drive it). You tell him that because another 16 year old drove their car into a crowd of people, he will not be able to drive anymore.
Your right to vote has lots of restrictions. Try to vote out of district. Try to vote in my district without a picture ID. Try to vote after the polls are closed.
You are told when and where to vote and what you must provide in order to exercise your right. Those are restrictions and regulations. They may even be rational and reasonable.
Ok, well I don't care because I'm not a gun person but you keep fighting that losing battle
"Not a gun person"

That's the mistake, you still think this is about guns. It's about rights some cowards are willing to part with in the name of govt control while others are not. Right now the current admin is trying to take away the 4th by using the 2nd as a boogeyman. You lack foresight
Your right to vote has lots of restrictions. Try to vote out of district. Try to vote in my district without a picture ID. Try to vote after the polls are closed.
You are told when and where to vote and what you must provide in order to exercise your right. Those are restrictions and regulations. They may even be rational and reasonable.

You are ignoring the fact that nowhere in the constitution is it mentioned that the right to vote shall not be infringed. As a matter of fact the constitution grants states the power to restrict who can vote.
every generation, people 15-28 tend to be "more left" because they are dumb, naive about the world, and generally think with emotions not logic....As each generation gets older, they tend to become more conservative because they understand with experience in the real world how the world actually operates and works and what it means to have a family, work hard, etc.

BS. Millennials are all in their 30s now with hard working jobs and families and we are still liberal. Another stupid misconception by Republicans which is why ya'll keep losing elections
"Not a gun person"

That's the mistake, you still think this is about guns. It's about rights some cowards are willing to part with in the name of govt control while others are not. Right now the current admin is trying to take away the 4th by using the 2nd as a boogeyman. You lack foresight

give me a break. We are talking about gun rights. Of course its about guns. sheeeeesh
BS. Millennials are all in their 30s now with hard working jobs and families and we are still liberal. Another stupid misconception by Republicans which is why ya'll keep losing elections
Ah millennials, same group who cries about student loans while wanting to give more power to the people who controled their debts. Yeah not dumb at all
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