Mass Shooting in Atlanta

As do you. Me buying 5 guns on the way home has no victim. Your neighbor posting pics of little kids does and always will. One needs to be pursued and exterminated and the other is a right
A right that should have rational and reasonable regulations.
Like a certifiably insane person cannot purchase a gun.
The problem with your argument is that you ignore the fact that buying and selling guns without a background check is not objectively immoral, while creating and/or distributing child porn is objectively immoral.
Whose objective morality?
That's not exclusive to gun shows though. In fact, I've never seen a seller at a gun show who didn't run a background check. I think there's a common misperception (perpetuated by the gun control crowd) that sellers at gun shows sell guns without conducting background checks.

Interesting titbit, several years ago a bill was introduced to allow gun shows to run BGCs at the entry so only qualified purchasers could enter and let that serve as the BGCS for all purchases in the show. Dems killed it because the 4473 wouldn’t have a serial number.
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I have acquired my guns over say the past 15 years. I bought 2 last year. You still haven’t addressed some key issues. How many of these mass shooters have acquired the weapons used at gun shows?

Also, how does me buying 20 different guns on the same day, make the world a worse place? Especially since my guns have never killed another human?
Because Jimmy purchased 20 guns right after you did and turned around and sold them illegally.
A right that should have rational and reasonable regulations.
Like a certifiably insane person cannot purchase a gun.
So who on this website would you consider certifiably insane? What exactly are the boundaries that would say someone is insane and who would certify that? Luther as hard as you try you can't make a case for your convictions.
They are viewed as about 90% the same.
I've thought about this since my Q. It seems to me one or a group of people have freedom of speech. Speech may or may not require a platform (which I think of as media) and reporters, journalists and news enjoy freedom of press.
If I want to sell one of my guns to a friend of mine, would that be considered illegal?
I think every gun should be registered at the point of initial sell and that registration should follow the gun. The last person to whom the gun was legally registered is responsible for the use of that gun. If you wish to sell it and leave the registration in your name, that's your risk to take.
I think every gun should be registered at the point of initial sell and that registration should follow the gun. The last person to whom the gun was legally registered is responsible for the use of that gun. If you wish to sell it and leave the registration in your name, that's your risk to take.

So that’s your off handed attempt to say we need a gun registry?
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They are viewed as about 90% the same.

The only restrictions on freedom of the press and speech is that neither can be used to hurt another person (fraud, slander ext). Those are the only reasonable and rational restrictions needed on any of personal liberties.
Its about politics and feeling like you won something and or pure ignorance of criminals and their activities.

Understanding "laws" and those that pay them no mind means the answer is the same. You ve restricted one group while the other doesn't care and will carry on as normal.
Like people who wish to cast a fraudulent vote? Is the new GA law just a pointless inconvenience to the vast majority?
I think every gun should be registered at the point of initial sell and that registration should follow the gun. The last person to whom the gun was legally registered is responsible for the use of that gun. If you wish to sell it and leave the registration in your name, that's your risk to take.
What if my dead grandfather sold a gun 50 years ago? Who is responsible now? Me?
So who on this website would you consider certifiably insane? What exactly are the boundaries that would say someone is insane and who would certify that? Luther as hard as you try you can't make a case for your convictions.
I don't think anyone that '72 and '69 are gone. (maybe Spacecoast)
The only restrictions on freedom of the press and speech is that neither can be used to hurt another person (fraud, slander ext). Those are the only reasonable and rational restrictions needed on any of personal liberties.
Many believe obscenity hurts others. I guess the question becomes who decides what is harmful to others.
Many believe obscenity hurts others. I guess the question becomes who decides what is harmful to others.
Those people are idiots.

The definition should be easy. Does it hurt you physically or was your property/money stolen or damaged.

People like you are why we have lawyers.

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