Mass Shooting in Atlanta

Those people are idiots.

The definition should be easy. Does it hurt you physically or was your property/money stolen or damaged.

People like you are why we have lawyers.
lol..........I was thinking people who can only think in absolutes (you) are why we have lawyers.
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Like people who wish to cast a fraudulent vote? Is the new GA law just a pointless inconvenience to the vast majority?

Don't live in GA, and honestly don't know anything about their new law
What does that have to do with criminals not following current laws in regards to what you can't do with a gun now? Without any other additions.
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was there a follow up post? you said you were looking for more examples.

how much wheat is grown on a commercial scale is different than someone running a lemonade stand on the corner. and I would say person to person sale is much closer to the lemonade stand than commercial interstate farming.

in this case there is presumably nothing "interstate" about the sale.
I too think the law would be a lot more useful to the people who have to abide by it, if we could all just rely our own understanding of certain words. Unfortunately, this often turns into people making up standards that suit their own purposes or legislators pushing envelopes. So things have to be given a precise meaning. And when one considers the precise meaning given to the commerce clause authority, your post is almost entirely incorrect.

Wickard v. Filburn is just one case and I brought it up for two reasons: 1. To show that intrusion into private activity is fair game and 2. it established the aggregation principle.

Both of which are principles that are applicable to private gun sales, even if it’s not the exact same private activity.

Supreme Court opinions are all publicly available. There have been a lot of law review articles written criticizing their interpretation of the commerce clause. Many of them are also publicly available. I’d start with at least looking at Wikipedia for NLRB v. Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp, US v. Darby, Wickard, and then US v. Lopez in 1995. If you don’t want to do all of that just start with Lopez, which further articulated the definition of substantial impact on interstate commerce.
Don't live in GA, and honestly don't know anything about their new law
What does that have to do with criminals not following current laws in regards to what you can't do with a gun now? Without any other additions.
If fraudulent voters don't follow the current laws why would you think they will follow new laws?
Good. Now that's a rational and reasonable law.

Also there’s no voting laws that prevent law abiding citizens from exercising the right to vote. That includes the ignorant, lazy, and mentally ill. There may be laws that make it less convenient but something so important shouldn’t be. There’s nothing convenient about exercising the right to buy/own a firearm with FAR MORE laws and restrictions already in place.
Also there’s no voting laws that prevent law abiding citizens from exercising the right to vote. That includes the ignorant, lazy, and mentally ill. There may be laws that make it less convenient but something so important shouldn’t be. There’s nothing convenient about exercising the right to buy/own a firearm with FAR MORE laws and restrictions already in place.
There are no gun laws that prevent law abiding citizens from exercising the right to buy a gun.........unless they are insane.
That's probably because guns in an insane person's hands are far more dangerous than a single vote in an insane person's hand.
Lol. How do you automatically make the assumption that a law abiding citizen is selling guns illegally based on how many they buy?
You can call it a hunch.

But I guess there could be many legitimate reasons for buying 20 guns in a day.

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