Mass Shooting in Atlanta

Has that worked for stemming the tides of illegal drugs? Also, what would be deemed illegal? Say I had a gun and you wanted to buy it. We were friends for a long time. We are both responsible gun owners who have never been in trouble with the law. Would that be considered illegal?
IMO it would or should be legal. No different than any other tool.

I'm not sure, just asked the question to see what others thoughts were.
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I’m no lawyer and am not versed in commerce case law. But it is my understanding that the “loophole” was left out of the law on purpose due to the lack of authority to regulate a private sale between 2 private individuals within a state. In that case a firearm is no different than a lawnmower in terms of what the feds have the power to regulate.

Now, personally, I wouldn’t sell a firearm to another without seeing a CWP. I think it’s still a personal responsibility to ensure your not arming someone who isn’t legally supposed to have one.
I mean it’s way more obscure than the SCOTUS treatment of the second amendment that people keep bastardizing in this thread, so I’m not knocking you. I’m not even 100% sure you’re wrong.

But in 1942, SCOTUS held that it was fine for congress to pass a law setting limits on the amount of wheat a farmer could grow on his own land because, if all farmers grew excess wheat to feed their livestock, there would be a substantial impact on interstate commerce.

It hasn’t gotten much better since then.

So, that doesn’t directly address what you’re saying, so you may be correct. I know the scope of the authority is vast and I know that it really hasn’t been subject to much limitation, so it shouldn’t be hard to find the ones that exist. I’ll look more, later. I’m curious, now.
Please expand on this supposed gun show loophole. I have yet to see anybody go into detail about it. Makes one think that the "gun show loophole" is a myth.

Only thing I can figure is a background check isn’t required for a person to person firearm sale in most states. It’s more of an honor system thing. The law here in SC says I can’t knowingly sell a gun to someone who can’t legally own a gun and I assume it’s like that in most states. But also here in SC you can bypass the background check at a dealer if you have a cwp which is probably the minimum requirement in most private party sales.
Only thing I can figure is a background check isn’t required for a person to person firearm sale in most states. It’s more of an honor system thing. The law here in SC says I can’t knowingly sell a gun to someone who can’t legally own a gun and I assume it’s like that in most states. But also here in SC you can bypass the background check at a dealer if you have a cwp which is probably the minimum requirement in most private party sales.

That's not exclusive to gun shows though. In fact, I've never seen a seller at a gun show who didn't run a background check. I think there's a common misperception (perpetuated by the gun control crowd) that sellers at gun shows sell guns without conducting background checks.
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That's not exclusive to gun shows though. In fact, I've never seen a seller at a gun show who didn't run a background check. I think there's a common misperception (perpetuated by the gun control crowd) that sellers at gun shows sell guns without conducting background checks.

Gotcha. I kind of figured that but I’ve never been to a gun show so wasn’t sure. So there’s no actual loophole at gun shows it’s just a made up by the fear mongers to create faux outrage? The only issue they may have is person to person sales but it’ll still be irrelevant when criminals sell to criminals.
That's not exclusive to gun shows though. In fact, I've never seen a seller at a gun show who didn't run a background check. I think there's a common misperception (perpetuated by the gun control crowd) that sellers at gun shows sell guns without conducting background checks.
As you know the ATF trolls thru gun shows checking for just that case. Gun sellers representing themselves as private individuals and doing repeated sells from “private collections”. I think a lot of gun shows even require them now to avoid the headache.
Gotcha. I kind of figured that but I’ve never been to a gun show so wasn’t sure. So there’s no actual loophole at gun shows it’s just a made up by the fear mongers to create faux outrage? The only issue they may have is person to person sales but it’ll still be irrelevant when criminals sell to criminals.

It's definitely faux outrage. Most sellers I've seen at guns shows have been FFL holders and run a background check for every gun.
As you know the ATF trolls thru gun shows checking for just that case. Gun sellers representing themselves as private individuals and doing repeated sells from “private collections”. I think a lot of gun shows even require them now to avoid the headache.

Yep, just another example of the gun control clowns chasing ghosts. And as we've seen in this thread, many of them regurgitate this "gun show loophole" nonsense as fact when they really have no idea what they're talking about.
The abuse of the gun but not the gun itself or the act of owning it. For child porn to even exist there must be a victim. Trying to equate a gun to that abhorrent act is pathetic
Give it a rest. Go back and follow the thread.
The discussion was over the concept that since something can't be stopped, the effort is pointless.
Child pornography is the perfect example of why that concept is non-sense.
Give it a rest. Go back and follow the thread.
The discussion was over the concept that since something can't be stopped, the effort is pointless.
Child pornography is the perfect example of why that concept is non-sense.
You're the one conflating a victimless transaction of an inanimate object to an abhorrent offense where there is a victim in every single case. The simple fact of child porn existing means a criminal offense was committed. That is never true of a firearm
So are the people doing these masks shootings buying the majority of their weapons at gun shows? Also, does the limit for the number of guns purchased at one time apply to all people?

Reason I ask is I currently own 21 firearms. A mixture of rifles, handguns and shotguns. I enjoy shooting my guns with my wife and our friends. Neither me, my wife nor anyone we know has ever been in trouble with the law. So why should I be restricted in the number of guns I can buy at one time?
Because it makes the world a better place.
You've accumulated 21 guns over what time frame?
When did you purchase your first gun?

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