Why do you think this problem is almost exclusively in America? America sure isn't the only country with mentally ill people walking among us.
Paging @luthervol for an "x in y" explanation.What do you classify as an “assault rifle” and be very specific.
" I cannot dispute your facts, but I AM STILL SUPER SCARED OF GUNS!!!" - every gungrabber wannabe in this thread.
Those that would trade Liberty for "security" deserve neither.
Thank God we got over a Billion guns in the hands of US civilians before the testosterone began falling by 1% annually 30 years ago, the birth control in public water supply got serious, and the chickens were pumped so full of female hormones that a 10lb bird now has bigger pectoral (breast) muscles than a 200lb man....the pussification of America is nearly complete. 21% of teenagers identify as gay. Each generation noticeably weaker and more effeminate than the last. They will have the numbers soon to start outlawing various types of guns....and it will snowball from there. Glad I will not be around when all thats left is an androgynous group of whiny pantywaists stabbing eachother in the back on social media. Damn degenerates.
A ban on assault rifles, for starters. Thanks for playing. Don't pretend that Dems don't have proposals/plans for tougher gun regulations.
Seems like you are the one who is scared. I don't need a gun to feel secure, clearly you do. Your insecurities are summed up perfectly in your post - afraid if everything and everyone. You are a dream-come-true case study for Freud. Damn dude, grow a pair.
Why do you think this problem is almost exclusively in America? America sure isn't the only country with mentally ill people walking among us.
We’re the only country that celebrates mental illness and promotes it. Take a look at the amount of prescription drugs prescribed for ADD, anxiety, bipolar, depression and so on in the US compared to other countries. It’s an industry by itself.
I’m curious too if our laws are more lenient towards schizophrenics than other countries. Idk the answer but there could be something to that. Are we more likely to release the mentally ill than other countries?
Could be. Id like to see the figures. What percentage of the total population per capita is on these drugs and in other countries and what percentage of mass killers were on these drugs. Not saying you're wrong by any means but those numbers would be interesting.We’re the only country that celebrates mental illness and promotes it. Take a look at the amount of prescription drugs prescribed for ADD, anxiety, bipolar, depression and so on in the US compared to other countries. It’s an industry by itself.
I'm not interested in the homicide rate in inner cities. I'm talking exclusively about mass shootings.Canadian homicide rate: 2.0 per 100k
White homicide rate in America: 2.5 per 100k
Black homicide rate in America: 18-19 per 100k
There’s a problem, but it’s not guns. Instead of simply saying “America” we could be specific and ask:
“Why is this problem almost exclusively in the black community”
And honestly I think we’d agree to an extent on the answers to that but it’s not “guns”
What a surprise. You made a dumb post.Ron Filipkowski
What a surprise. The mass shooter’s favorite accounts were Musk, Catturd, Don Jr, Tucker Carlson and Dinesh D’Souza. But Mike Johnson says we just need to pray more.
I'm not interested in the homicide rate in inner cities. I'm talking exclusively about mass shootings.
Good Lord..... Not everyone is a ter totaler like you.Yeah I know. Your second amendment rights are absolute and without caveat, and definitely more important than people’s right to go bowling without getting murdered.
NRA gives to only one party and that party fights to ensure there are no measures that would lead to them selling less guns. It’s really a simple transaction. I know you say you don’t like them but they’re very influential and you’ve obviously read some of their literature. Do they not go far enough? You more of a Gunz-4-Totz guy?![]()
IDK but I’m positive we prescribe mental health drugs to people that don’t need them and the medication ****s them up.
"If mass shootings are so common"I’m talking about in our country as a whole, not just in “inner cities”. As a whole the black homicide rate is about 8-10x that of the white rate. The white rate is on par with Canada.
If mass shootings are so common, why is the white rate so low?
We have a problem for sure. It’s not guns though. The data shows that
I wish a man would say some of the stupid sheit these liberals say to folks in here to me in real life. I am not Billy Badazz. Never have been. I am an old fashioned, lifetime construction worker who actually gets off my ass and works out 4 days a week though...so i dont look like you dumpy, weak, breathless , helpless, feckless bitchmade limpwristed loudmouthed cowards that get on anonymous message boards and run their mouths to people KNOWING FOR DAMN SURE that you would NEVER ever under any circumstances whatsoever run that decksucker in person to ANY man on EARTH....much less one like me that enjoys knocking teeth out and never minded the occasional azzwhipping i took in return. Never. Ever. Ever.
If I so much as glared at your bitchazz you'd have your eyeballs locked so severely on your shoelaces that you'd have no IDEA who was coming or going. Because those are the only people that run their mouths on the internet to other men. The ones who could NEVER under any circumstances run that trap in real life....because they know they'd get a mudhole stomped in their azzes. The kind of men that beat on women. Or worse...try to and get their azzes beat. I hope we all get togetherE3 for a VNPF ballgame 1 day and maybe, just maybe I get a chance to catch up to 1 of the very few ignorant little beta pusses that want to make things personal with me. We both know that'll never happen though. No way you would ever actually show up you little cuck.
"If mass shootings are so common"
You're really going to try and argue mass shootings are uncommon in America?
Like it said this discussion is about mass shootings not homicide rates among races. Everyone knows gangs exist and are prevalent in certain areas and the majority of those in gangs are black. I'm talking specifically about mass killers, which are overwhelmingly white males.Why is the white homicide rate on with that of Canada? Shouldn’t it be 2-3x as high if these are very common? Or are they primarily occurring in the black community?
If the problem is “the guns” why are the guns only a problem in the black community despite lower legal access to guns because of higher felony rates?
How does 13% of America commit the majority of homicides and you see the problem as “the guns”?
None of that makes any sense to me