Mattis Leaving in February

Well, then he failed.

Declaring victory is wholly different from actually obtaining it. Speaking of which, where's @tumscalcium ?
Well, then he failed.

Declaring victory is wholly different from actually obtaining it. Speaking of which, where's @tumscalcium ?

Your head is as empty as the others who offer me residence.

Declaring false victory has been your MO. Just look at our last encounters. You never have anything.

I’ve already been ITT. Keep up. Your attempt to troll is noted.
Your head is as empty as the others who offer me residence.

Declaring false victory has been your MO. Just look at our last encounters. You never have anything.

I’ve already been ITT. Keep up. Your attempt to troll is noted.

But here you are. I think it worked as planned.
Your head is as empty as the others who offer me residence.

Declaring false victory has been your MO. Just look at our last encounters. You never have anything.

I’ve already been ITT. Keep up. Your attempt to troll is noted.

Working you into a lather isn't even a challenge, I miss the tums of old. For the record, I did troll you here - you knew it and still took the bait like a good boy.
Seems just like yesterday that Septic and Carlos were apoplectic with Obama for firing Mattis. Good times

They sit by their TV sets daily watching for breaking news on Cnn & Msnbc waiting for what Trump does on any given day just so they can belly ache & cry big baby lib tears plus they show their fake outrage on anything their President Trump says or does that doesn't fit their loony-idiot level liberal agenda.
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Seems like he's dominating Pelosi and Schumer at the moment.

He didn't seem weak at Davos, at the G8, in Singapore, at the G20, etc etc etc.

Obama bowing and kneeling to every foreign leader in the world was extremely weak.

You see exactly what you want. It's not reality.


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ISIS currently controls no territory. What you appear to suggest is that we must have enduring defeat of ISIS aka never-ending war.

ISIS is an ideology, that can't be killed. We either suppress it there or it will show up here. Creating a vacuum where the evil is allowed to fester, organize and grow is a recipe for disaster. It's literally why ISIS exists today.
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ISIS is an ideology, that can't be killed. We either suppress it there or it will show up here. Creating a vacuum where the evil is allowed to fester, organize and grow is a recipe for disaster. It's literally why ISIS exists today.
ISIS is not an ideology. It’s a militant group and they currently don’t control any territory. What you’re describing is radical Islam. And yes it is an ideology. If it can’t be killed by occupying Syria then we should leave.
ISIS is not an ideology. It’s a militant group and they currently don’t control any territory. What you’re describing is radical Islam. And yes it is an ideology. How long do we need to occupy these countries in order to defeat radical Islam?
They will never admit that
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The Kurds are SOL, S. Korea has done more with NK than the dotard. It wasn't Trump that got Kim to stop firing missiles. NK is still building their nuclear and ballistic missiles and the NK threat is just real as it was the past administration but more so now. Face it he didn't do crap with NK except make concessions that we wouldn't take part in joint military exercises with one of our ALLIES. Going on his twitter tirades to attack and belittle our allies and impose tariffs on them. The Mid East peace initiative ended with a withdrawal of troops abandoning most of our allies in the region except the ones that are involved in land grabs and human rights violations. He has done absolutely nothing to protect our country. Screech that ISIS is coming across our Southern border while running from them on their home land. Not to mention abandoning our allies on those fronts. I'm sure our allies will give us the names of the terrorist we should place on the list because we have such a great rapport with the international intelligence community.

You parrot everything Trump tells you.

Sorry Septic.

You know, I'll go ahead and actually address the points you brought up, even as ignorant as they are.

Kurdistan and the Kurds in particular is and was a problem of Bush 43 not wanting to upset the apple cart and placate the Turks (eff 'em) and others in the region. Joe Biden said it best when he said they should have created an independent state in the aftermath of OIF. Trump doesn't get the blame on that one. Neither does Obama though both have and had an opportunity to change that paradigm.

I love how you mouthbreathers like to ignore the fact Trump tried a different approach to North Korea and try to take all the credit by giving it to someone else. Nothing is further from the truth. He could have kicked it down the road like every President has since 1991. But didn't and decided to try something else. Now, he gets no credit.

As for "belittling" our allies, if you're referring to the unfair trade practices that have been allowed to go on for decades, then yes, I'd dare say you are correct on that point. Doesn't change the fact it needed to be done. Also, paying their fair share into the NATO alliance as specified BY TREATY with those same nations. Putting Germany on blast for screaming about the big bad Russian bear only to not pitch in their fair share of NATO money AND buying NG from Russia? Don't even try to defend that one.

Exactly which "allies" have we abandoned in the Middle East? And are you sure you really want to go down the path of "human rights violations" in regards to nations over there? No, you really don't.

You see, your post here was just dumb. You should have left well enough alone since CWV and Septic are far above your pay grade when it comes to back and forth. And you really know you're having a bad day when I say Septic is getting compliments for having rational posts.
ISIS is an ideology, that can't be killed. We either suppress it there or it will show up here. Creating a vacuum where the evil is allowed to fester, organize and grow is a recipe for disaster. It's literally why ISIS exists today.

Partially agree. I don't think occupation of a nation already in the middle of a civil war is the way to suppress that though. Air strikes, SOF raids, support for known allies and the like, yes. Large scale troop involvement? No.
You know, I'll go ahead and actually address the points you brought up, even as ignorant as they are.

Kurdistan and the Kurds in particular is and was a problem of Bush 43 not wanting to upset the apple cart and placate the Turks (eff 'em) and others in the region. Joe Biden said it best when he said they should have created an independent state in the aftermath of OIF. Trump doesn't get the blame on that one. Neither does Obama though both have and had an opportunity to change that paradigm.

I love how you mouthbreathers like to ignore the fact Trump tried a different approach to North Korea and try to take all the credit by giving it to someone else. Nothing is further from the truth. He could have kicked it down the road like every President has since 1991. But didn't and decided to try something else. Now, he gets no credit.

As for "belittling" our allies, if you're referring to the unfair trade practices that have been allowed to go on for decades, then yes, I'd dare say you are correct on that point. Doesn't change the fact it needed to be done. Also, paying their fair share into the NATO alliance as specified BY TREATY with those same nations. Putting Germany on blast for screaming about the big bad Russian bear only to not pitch in their fair share of NATO money AND buying NG from Russia? Don't even try to defend that one.

Exactly which "allies" have we abandoned in the Middle East? And are you sure you really want to go down the path of "human rights violations" in regards to nations over there? No, you really don't.

You see, your post here was just dumb. You should have left well enough alone since CWV and Septic are far above your pay grade when it comes to back and forth. And you really know you're having a bad day when I say Septic is getting compliments for having rational posts.

They are probably just as baffled as I that your world views align with Trump's, they just have more tact when pointing it out.
Partially agree. I don't think occupation of a nation already in the middle of a civil war is the way to suppress that though. Air strikes, SOF raids, support for known allies and the like, yes. Large scale troop involvement? No.

As I understand it the concern is that completely leaving creates an opportunity for Russia and Iran to gain such a strong foothold/presence that it ensures they control the outcome.
As I understand it the concern is that completely leaving creates an opportunity for Russia and Iran to gain such a strong foothold/presence that it ensures they control the outcome.
Both of them hate ISIS and will wipe them out if given the chance.

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