Mattis Leaving in February

The concern about Russian influence over Trump is real. It has manifested itself many times with this administration. Even if you put aside the Mueller investigation, the fact is that Trump's favoring of policy decisions beneficial to Russia has been way high and off the charts since Day 1. Even before Day 1, actually.

So don't try to lay off on the Dems the completely legitimate worry that Trump is beholden to them for something. The objective evidence of it is compelling.

I hope you will resolve in this upcoming year to get the help you need with the TDS and your Russia anxiety. We’re all pulling for you, big guy.
When Erdogan, ISIS, Putin and Assad are cheering our military decisions, it may be time to re-evaluate the decision.
When you stop criticizing every move Trump makes, it may be time to stoke the fires in Hell to thaw it out.
The concern about Russian influence over Trump is real. It has manifested itself many times with this administration. Even if you put aside the Mueller investigation, the fact is that Trump's favoring of policy decisions beneficial to Russia has been way high and off the charts since Day 1. Even before Day 1, actually.

So don't try to lay off on the Dems the completely legitimate worry that Trump is beholden to them for something. The objective evidence of it is compelling.

Are we at war with Russia and I missed that part? Do we not attempt to "influence" Russia on a daily basis? Do they not do the same to us? What is this sudden obsession with Russia, who unlike numerous other nations, hasn't fired a bullet in our direction since when...Korea?

Where was this outrage over the Uranium One deal?

Liberal Outrage should have it's own ICD code. Actually, it does. T18.5 (cranium).

How many AOC t-shirts you expecting for Christmas?
Are we at war with Russia and I missed that part? Do we not attempt to "influence" Russia on a daily basis? Do they not do the same to us? What is this sudden obsession with Russia, who unlike numerous other nations, hasn't fired a bullet in our direction since when...Korea?

Where was this outrage over the Uranium One deal?

Liberal Outrage should have it's own ICD code. Actually, it does. T18.5 (cranium).

How many AOC t-shirts you expecting for Christmas?

A little lacking on like-kind comparisons? So you think we have a structured program to influence their population on their Social Media. Do they even have social media?

Their campaign is/was/and will continue to be to divide and conquer this society. It’s working. Some of their conquests seemingly post here
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Are we at war with Russia and I missed that part? Do we not attempt to "influence" Russia on a daily basis? Do they not do the same to us? What is this sudden obsession with Russia, who unlike numerous other nations, hasn't fired a bullet in our direction since when...Korea?

Where was this outrage over the Uranium One deal?

Liberal Outrage should have it's own ICD code. Actually, it does. T18.5 (cranium).

How many AOC t-shirts you expecting for Christmas?
I will assume you are forgetting that the Soviet Union lent moral, logistic and military support to North Vietnam. Moscow hoped to expand and consolidate communism in the Asian hemisphere. There is no "sudden obsession" with Russia. They have been our sworn enemy since the days of the Berlin airlift (June 1948 - May 1949).

The weaker that Trump becomes in the face of authoritarian rule... the more feckless his supporters become in his defense.
When you stop criticizing every move Trump makes, it may be time to stoke the fires in Hell to thaw it out.

I’ll stop criticizing every step Trump makes when he stops acting like a fool

Syria classic example. Trump has had many good ideas, Pulling the plug on Syria ( and Afghanistan if rumors are true). I’m for it. But he continues th shoot himself in the foot. The way he irresponsibly goes forward on just about each initiative he has attempted is half fast and ill advised
A little lacking on like-kind comparisons? So you think we have a structured program to influence their population on their Social Media. Do they even have social media?

Their campaign is/was/and will continue to be to divide and conquer this society. It’s working. Some of their conquests seemingly post here

LOL the only people it has worked on is gullible Dems or those in denial of Hillary’s loss. Russia’s SOP during our elections has been blown up into a boogeyman and scapegoat for the democrats I referenced above. As you pointed out, some of them post here.

And for the record, yes, social media is alive and well in Russia.
LOL the only people it has worked on is gullible Dems or those in denial of Hillary’s loss. Russia’s SOP during our elections has been blown up into a boogeyman and scapegoat for the democrats I referenced above. As you pointed out, some of them post here.

And for the record, yes, social media is alive and well in Russia.

What are some of their websites names?. Have you visited them?
What are some of their websites names?. Have you visited them?

I don’t do social media outside of LinkedIn but they have many of the same platforms we do and some of their own as well.

If you don’t want to take my word for it, go there for a visit. Or find a local Russian millennial to ask.
I don’t do social media outside of LinkedIn but they have many of the same platforms we do and some of their own as well.

If you don’t want to take my word for it, go there for a visit. Or find a local Russian millennial to ask.

Another Rightie who infringes on a reply post to another only to portray when questioned there is no substance behind the faux bluster.

Fortunately, out of 2,000 plus members here there are only 25 or so with such uninformed bias.
Personally, I can't think of a good reason for one more dead American in Syria, Africa, or any of the "Stan's" we're currently involved in. Get 'em all out; bring 'em all home. Enough is enough.

The Arabs have been infighting since Moses was in diapers, and it's never going to change. Never. So let them infight, inbreed, and implode. We'll negotiate, or deal with, the eventual winner. If that ever happens.

Same with those "small market actions" that most of you don't know are taking place on the African continent. If you really knew how involved we were down there, you'd be shocked. Get out. Let the warring tribes thin one another out. Not much chance of Zimbabwe nuking us.

Russia is always going to be Russia. Most paranoid people on the face of the earth. Let them expand their influence as far as they want. And then the economy will collapse (again), and we'll be right back where we started from. Putin is a chess player, and an old-schooler from the Stasi / KGB days. No matter what he builds, it will eventually rust and collapse, just like the USSR did. Come to think of it, maybe we could buy their wall and save a few bucks on this end.....

North Korea / China. Both concern me, but even Kim Jong Un and Jinping are not stupid enough to start a shooting war with us, again. It's all saber-rattling, which the U.S. defense industry dearly loves, since it sells F35's and Tomahawks to the military. Our war with China is real, but it's an economic war. And we're losing. KJU doesn't fart without Jinping's approval, so we need to focus on China here.

If I sound like an isolationist, I don't think I am. But we have been at war, whether declared or not, with at least one other nation since December 7th, 1941. I think that's enough for now. Let's let the hundreds of thousands of family trees that have branches missing heal up for a while, huh?

Enough is enough.

Another Rightie who infringes on a reply post to another only to portray when questioned there is no substance behind the faux bluster.

Fortunately, out of 2,000 plus members here there are only 25 or so with such uninformed bias.

What are you ranting about? You sound angry.

Are you upset there are social media sites in Russia? I don’t understand.
I will assume you are forgetting that the Soviet Union lent moral, logistic and military support to North Vietnam. Moscow hoped to expand and consolidate communism in the Asian hemisphere. There is no "sudden obsession" with Russia. They have been our sworn enemy since the days of the Berlin airlift (June 1948 - May 1949).

The weaker that Trump becomes in the face of authoritarian rule... the more feckless his supporters become in his defense.
General Patton wanted to take care of the Russians at the end of WWII in 1945.
A little lacking on like-kind comparisons? So you think we have a structured program to influence their population on their Social Media. Do they even have social media?

Their campaign is/was/and will continue to be to divide and conquer this society. It’s working. Some of their conquests seemingly post here

I will assume you are forgetting that the Soviet Union lent moral, logistic and military support to North Vietnam. Moscow hoped to expand and consolidate communism in the Asian hemisphere. There is no "sudden obsession" with Russia. They have been our sworn enemy since the days of the Berlin airlift (June 1948 - May 1949).

The weaker that Trump becomes in the face of authoritarian rule... the more feckless his supporters become in his defense.

Wow. Let's see here...

Syria. Again, why are we there? No, really, why are we there? Is there a single benefit to the average American from us being "involved" in Syria? And if we are killing Russians there, then why are we so indignant about anything they do in return? When was the last Russian airstrike that killed Americans?

Russia. Probably the most active nation in the world when it comes to intelligence gathering, counter-intelligence, manipulation, interference, etc. Yep, right up there with the CIA. Count the known instances where one nation has attempted to, or has, sparked a revolution, coup, or political pole shift. Russia...and the US...are in the Top 2. They're just better at it than us right now. Remember, your poli-science professor in college was one of those liberal bleeding hearts you fuss about now. They taught you our version of the truth.

Vietnam. Johnson's War. Yes, they provided ample and active aid to North Vietnam. So did China. But nobody's looking at the simple fact that a political coup in the United States (of all places) led to a war in a nation that we had no business being in to begin with. Seriously, Vietnam? What were we worried about, the global rice market? Humane treatment of water buffalo? Helping Francis Ford Coppola with his cinematic career? the way...we lost. And as of this date, what threat to the United States does Vietnam pose?

Look, I'm retired military, law enforcement veteran, and as conservative as they come. But it absolutely amazes me that the same people who talk about "fake news" and not believing anything the media says will gobble up anything that fits their agenda. Here's a simple test. Most of us have kids. Mine are grown and gone. Go look in the mirror, and ask yourself this question: Am I willing to send my son / daughter / grandchild to (insert nation) to die for what I believe is right?

Unless it's "yes", we don't need to be there. Period.

God Bless all. If I'm wrong, it's for the right reasons.
General Patton wanted to take care of the Russians at the end of WWII in 1945.

And was assassinated for his opinion. If we were going to deal with Russia, that was the place and time to do it. Although it would have meant at least another 500,000 US casualties, and likely would have led to another round of nukes. So for that reason alone, I'd rather have "now" than "then".

He wanted to deal with Stalin then and there. But as was the case before, when he slapped a soldier he thought was malingering, he was sent to the sidelines yet again. So he was planning to retire from the Army, return to the U.S., and made no secret of the fact that he planned to speak his mind when he got back. Had he chosen to enter the political arena, he would have been a force to be reckoned with.

And the OSS killed him to prevent that. The OSS. Americans. Precursor to the CIA.

Remember, Patton was so respected and feared by the Germans that they tied up several armies to stand in defense of his "Army that never existed". He was that good.
He wanted to deal with Stalin then and there. But as was the case before, when he slapped a soldier he thought was malingering, he was sent to the sidelines. So he was planning to retire from the Army, return to the U.S., and made no secret of the fact that he planned to speak his mind when he got back. Had he chosen to enter the political arena, he would have been a force to be reckoned with.

And the OSS killed him to prevent that. The OSS. Americans. Precursor to the CIA.

Remember, Patton was so respected and feared by the Germans that they tied up several armies to stand in defense of his "Army that never existed". He was that good.

Defeating Russia would have been more difficult than defeating Germany, without the Russian help to defeat Germany.
Is there a single benefit to the average American from us being "involved" in Syria?

I'm old enough to remember being told for half a decade that we had to be in Iraq because terrorism and if we didn't fight them over there we'd be fighting them here.

What happened to that?
He wanted to deal with Stalin then and there. But as was the case before, when he slapped a soldier he thought was malingering, he was sent to the sidelines yet again. So he was planning to retire from the Army, return to the U.S., and made no secret of the fact that he planned to speak his mind when he got back. Had he chosen to enter the political arena, he would have been a force to be reckoned with.

And the OSS killed him to prevent that. The OSS. Americans. Precursor to the CIA.

Remember, Patton was so respected and feared by the Germans that they tied up several armies to stand in defense of his "Army that never existed". He was that good.

The CIA has been dirty from the start.

Most people have no clue how corrupt that organization has been.

It's worth your time to research Allen Dulles and Prescott Bush if you haven't already.
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Defeating Russia would have been more difficult than defeating Germany, without the Russian help to defeat Germany.

It would have been a bloodbath. At that point, the Russian military had tooled up, and could stand with any army on the planet. Including ours. Adding in the sheer size of Russia, and the fact that they would have fought us down to the last villager, it would have been a huge mistake. Despite the fact that Patton was one of the greatest generals ever to wear the uniform, he was wrong. He saw what was coming, but his solution, while understandable, would have been almost unbearable. We would have to have nuked major Russian cities to win, and even then it likely would still have some down to village to village, and house to house. There is such a thing as "too steep a cost to pay".

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