Mattis Leaving in February

What are you ranting about? You sound angry.

Are you upset there are social media sites in Russia? I don’t understand.

You hijack a reply to another, provide a lot of blathering BS but fail to address the point - - so our government has been engaging is a program to divide and conquer the Russian population. - - but typlical Rightie. Angry? No! Happy to point up your empty suit
Wow. Let's see here...

Syria. Again, why are we there? No, really, why are we there? Is there a single benefit to the average American from us being "involved" in Syria? And if we are killing Russians there, then why are we so indignant about anything they do in return? When was the last Russian airstrike that killed Americans?

Russia. Probably the most active nation in the world when it comes to intelligence gathering, counter-intelligence, manipulation, interference, etc. Yep, right up there with the CIA. Count the known instances where one nation has attempted to, or has, sparked a revolution, coup, or political pole shift. Russia...and the US...are in the Top 2. They're just better at it than us right now. Remember, your poli-science professor in college was one of those liberal bleeding hearts you fuss about now. They taught you our version of the truth.

Vietnam. Johnson's War. Yes, they provided ample and active aid to North Vietnam. So did China. But nobody's looking at the simple fact that a political coup in the United States (of all places) led to a war in a nation that we had no business being in to begin with. Seriously, Vietnam? What were we worried about, the global rice market? Humane treatment of water buffalo? Helping Francis Ford Coppola with his cinematic career? the way...we lost. And as of this date, what threat to the United States does Vietnam pose?

Look, I'm retired military, law enforcement veteran, and as conservative as they come. But it absolutely amazes me that the same people who talk about "fake news" and not believing anything the media says will gobble up anything that fits their agenda. Here's a simple test. Most of us have kids. Mine are grown and gone. Go look in the mirror, and ask yourself this question: Am I willing to send my son / daughter / grandchild to (insert nation) to die for what I believe is right?

Unless it's "yes", we don't need to be there. Period.

God Bless all. If I'm wrong, it's for the right reasons.

Thank you for not replying to my post
Working you into a lather isn't even a challenge, I miss the tums of old. For the record, I did troll you here - you knew it and still took the bait like a good boy.

Your attempt was already noted, you’re my newest lil b. Your desperation is recognized.

Now jump! Haha
A Turkish official has pledged to kill every remaining Kurd in Syria after the pullout. That will be squarely on Trump's naivetae, inexperience, unwillingness to listen to those with know-how and experience.

There's no "good" options here, but some are worse than others.
There's no "good" options here, but some are worse than others.


It was funny when Trump attacked that airbase and introduced troops everyone was saying "ERMAHGERD! Trump's going to get us into a war with Russia!"

Now that he's talking about pulling out it's "ERMAHGERD! WE NEED THOSE TROOPS THERE!"

There is no happy medium with you people.
Thank you for not replying to my post

I did reply to your post. The fact that you apparently don't know that Russians do in fact have access to social media, and are quite active on it, is telling.

Nothing I say will change what you think, and likewise. I have have no need to win an internet debate. We come here to share, compare, and contest opinions. Occasionally, it descends into personal attacks. Thankfully, not the case here.

It will always be a chess match with Russia. They love the game, and are good at it. Don't get distracted by a Pawn, and leave your Knight at risk.

I'll wager that we never have a direct war with Russia. They know, as do we, that no one wins.
Occasionally, it descends into personal attacks. Thankfully, not the case here.

Oh, PG will eventually try to drag you down to his third grade level.

I did like your posts about Patton and the WWII/III thing with Russia. Though I'm not sure he was assassinated.
Oh, PG will eventually try to drag you down to his third grade level.

I did like your posts about Patton and the WWII/III thing with Russia. Though I'm not sure he was assassinated.

Do a little research on that, GV. I tripped over it a few years back.

Oh...Hitler made it to Brazil, but we'll save that one for later.

Upper Management said to tell you Merry Christmas.

It was funny when Trump attacked that airbase and introduced troops everyone was saying "ERMAHGERD! Trump's going to get us into a war with Russia!"

Now that he's talking about pulling out it's "ERMAHGERD! WE NEED THOSE TROOPS THERE!"

There is no happy medium with you people.

It’s the fact that Trump blunders around saying/tweeting stupid stuff, hiring incompetent people, blatantly lying, and doing things that signal his lack of competence. Not many people still trust him to do the competent thing and surely nobody trusts him to do the morally right thing.

So, when Trump decides to do something followed by reports that he’s just going on instinct and hasn’t consulted the few administration people that the public actually trusts, and then those trusted people corroborate those reports by quitting their jobs in protest, people criticize the president.

No sane person looks at their respective bodies of work and decides to trust Trump over Mattis when it comes to foreign policy or military policy.

It’s the fact that Trump blunders around saying/tweeting stupid stuff, hiring incompetent people, blatantly lying, and doing things that signal his lack of competence. Not many people still trust him to do the competent thing and surely nobody trusts him to do the morally right thing.

So, when Trump decides to do something followed by reports that he’s just going on instinct and hasn’t consulted the few administration people that the public actually trusts, and then those trusted people corroborate those reports by quitting their jobs in protest, people criticize the president.

No sane person looks at their respective bodies of work and decides to trust Trump over Mattis when it comes to foreign policy or military policy.

You make some good points. Trump has done some things that qualify as head-scratchers, including Mattis and Kelly. Seems to hire and fire a lot. And I honestly wish someone up there would delete his Twitter account. Not very Presidential.

Then again, he's a silver spoon multi-billionaire businessman. They tend to be arrogant. And sometimes wrong. But taking all things into consideration, we had a choice: Trump or Hillary. Given those options, I'm okay with Trump.

Mind you, I'm likely about to be furloughed over the wall. If it means it takes me six months to catch up in order to have border security,'s a price I'm willing to pay for the future security of our southern border.

I have grandkids. Be nice to leave them a nation they can be safe in. My Grandfather and Father did it for me, in places like Bastogne, Inchon, and Hill 861A. Although the involvement in Korea and Vietnam, as I have previously stated, can be questioned from the outset. Nonetheless, there are three headstones in the Knoxville National Dad and two uncles...who gave all for all of us, including me. If for no other reason, their sacrifice deserves my respect.
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You hijack a reply to another, provide a lot of blathering BS but fail to address the point - - so our government has been engaging is a program to divide and conquer the Russian population. - - but typlical Rightie. Angry? No! Happy to point up your empty suit

Man, what a bunch of gobbly gook coming from old age. PG needs to go take a long nap.
Feel free to point up an empty suit.
Including more dead Americans for a cause that we honestly have no interest in.

Can someone remind me what the original idea behind the UN was?

Afghanistan isn't our problem . . . until it is.
ISIS isn't our problem . . . until it is.

As I've said, I have no commitment to having U.S. troops in Syria. But do we have any plan now to contain ISIS? It grew once, it could grow again.

Afghanistan isn't our problem . . . until it is.
ISIS isn't our problem . . . until it is.

As I've said, I have no commitment to having U.S. troops in Syria. But do we have any plan now to contain ISIS? It grew once, it could grow again.

Who are these people that you keep posting their their opinions matter.
I voted for Trump. I’m still not regretting it.
The libs like to crow that male Trump voters are predominantly not college educated. I’d guess most of the posters in here, like myself, have at least one sheepskin from UT.
The libs like to crow that male Trump voters are predominantly not college educated. I’d guess most of the posters in here, like myself, have at least one sheepskin from UT.
I don't know if using the word "predominantly" is accurate or not. However, it is a fact that Donald Trump's largest constituency of support is from white men in either the midwest or the southeast regions of the United States, who have not earned at least a Bachelor's degree.
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