Mattis Leaving in February

We're half way there, in only two days.

That tweet warrants an explanation. How have the Kurds taken advantage of the United States? That is ridiculous. This is also yet another example of Trump using "stick people" as a means of validation. He says only that "Some thought I shouldn't". Who is this "some", exactly? The two appointments most lauded by his critics as quality choices for their credentials and expertise have been H.R. McMaster and James Mattis. Notice how Trump never delves into specifics when making a statement like this. He can't cite anyone who was opposed to Mattis as the Secretary of Defense.
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Jim Comey is the biggest con-artist to ever head a federal agency.

The media and the democrats celebrate this guy as a hero. He should spend the rest of his life in prison.

You're a fool if you believe Comey's BS.

Comey has more honor and character in a Taco Bell fueled three burrito supreme diarrhea than the whole of the Trump bloodline.
Would now be a good time to bring up the avi bet aj had with LG about Comey asserting the 5th? Since we were talking about honor character and Comey.
Comey has more honor and character in a Taco Bell fueled three burrito supreme diarrhea than the whole of the Trump bloodline.

I really hope you’re smarter than this.
Comey is a ****ing criminal. There’s no honor there. Trump is every bit as bad but let’s not pretend one side is better than the other.
Comey has more honor and character in a Taco Bell fueled three burrito supreme diarrhea than the whole of the Trump bloodline.

It’s statements like this, fueled by ignorance and blind hatred of Trump that shatter any modicum of intelligent responses you may have had in the past. The sad thing is you’re an educated person and a business owner to boot, James Comey is a dirty cop with no integrity who has admitted to leaking in addition to usurping the role of AG when it came to the treasonous Hilary Clinton by deciding no reasonable prosecutor would indict her, let’s not forget his fbi spied on a damn presidential campaign and used a bogus dossier to smear Trump and company..9FD19A51-3818-47B7-B32D-BAC83CD198AF.png
That tweet warrants an explanation. How have the Kurds taken advantage of the United States? That is ridiculous. This is also yet another example of Trump using "stick people" as a means of validation. He says only that "Some thought I shouldn't". Who is this "some", exactly? The two appointments most lauded by his critics as quality choices for their credentials and expertise have been H.R. McMaster and James Mattis. Notice how Trump never delves into specifics when making a statement like this. He can't cite anyone who was opposed to Mattis as the Secretary of Defense.

I think he was referencing the part in Mattis resignation letter where Mattis mentioned the importance of being respectful to our allies.
It’s statements like this, fueled by ignorance and blind hatred of Trump that shatter any modicum of intelligent responses you may have had in the past. The sad thing is you’re an educated person and a business owner to boot, James Comey is a dirty cop with no integrity who has admitted to leaking in addition to usurping the role of AG when it came to the treasonous Hilary Clinton by deciding no reasonable prosecutor would indict her, let’s not forget his fbi spied on a damn presidential campaign and used a bogus dossier to smear Trump and company..View attachment 185047

Fish in a barrel.

If you are sick and tired of RACISTS

After Making Racist Posts

Blame those Whom have Called out the Racist Posts

For Playing the Race Card
In one of his brilliant tweets yesterday, Trump addressed the unexpected and abrupt resignation of Brett McGurk in protest of the troop withdrawal in Syria, and claimed that he didn't know who he was. McGurk has been the top U.S. envoy against ISIS during the Trump administration. (Take note of how Trump knew enough about him to know that he was an Obama appointee in 2015.) If it's true that he didn't know who McGurk was prior to his resignation, that is just sad... and very telling about how hands on and informed Trump has been in the fight against ISIS.

Senator Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) responded to Trump with a tweet that said, "Uhhh... you don't know your own coordinator of the anti-ISIS campaign? Over the past 5 years, no one has done more to put ISIS on it's heels than Brett. We all know and rely on him. The fact that our President has no clue who Brett is should scare the hell out of every American."
In one of his brilliant tweets yesterday, Trump addressed the unexpected and abrupt resignation of Brett McGurk in protest of the troop withdrawal in Syria, and claimed that he didn't know who he was. McGurk has been the top U.S. envoy against ISIS during the Trump administration. (Take note of how Trump knew enough about him to know that he was an Obama appointee in 2015.) If it's true that he didn't know who McGurk was prior to his resignation, that is just sad... and very telling about how hands on and informed Trump has been in the fight against ISIS.

Senator Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) responded to Trump with a tweet that said, "Uhhh... you don't know your own coordinator of the anti-ISIS campaign? Over the past 5 years, no one has done more to put ISIS on it's heels than Brett. We all know and rely on him. The fact that our President has no clue who Brett is should scare the hell out of every American."
Doesn't matter. They. Do. Not. Care.
Wasn’t Mattis fired by a previous president?

Matter of fact that dick did it via a phone call.
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Wasn’t Mattis fired by a previous president?

Matter of fact that dick did it via a phone call.
What does that have to do with the troop withdrawal from Syria and how the Secretary of Defense was not consulted at all in this decision... or even informed of this decision prior to it's announcement on Twitter? You guys try so hard to circle everything back to Obama, as if that somehow obscures Trump's complete lack of professionalism and the valid questions concerning Trump's maturity, competency and judgment.
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Wasn’t Mattis fired by a previous president?

Matter of fact that dick did it via a phone call.
Not a phone call. Someone handed Mattis a note saying he was being replaced as CENTCOM commander. Obama didn’t have the balls plus Obama didn’t want to win any wars. That’s why he purged our top brass out. They wanted to win, he didn’t.
What does that have to do with the troop withdrawal from Syria and how the Secretary of Defense was not consulted at all in this decision... or even informed of this decision prior to it's announcement on Twitter? You guys try so hard to circle everything back to Obama, as if that somehow obscures Trump's complete lack of professionalism and the valid questions concerning Trump's maturity, competency and judgment.

Do you know why he was fired. Syria.

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