Mattis Leaving in February

That tweet warrants an explanation. How have the Kurds taken advantage of the United States? That is ridiculous. This is also yet another example of Trump using "stick people" as a means of validation. He says only that "Some thought I shouldn't". Who is this "some", exactly? The two appointments most lauded by his critics as quality choices for their credentials and expertise have been H.R. McMaster and James Mattis. Notice how Trump never delves into specifics when making a statement like this. He can't cite anyone who was opposed to Mattis as the Secretary of Defense.

Let me go ahead and stop you right there, Sparky.

We have been, as a nation, completely sh!tty "allies" to the Kurds, starting all the way back in 1991 when we didn't take Saddam out of power and he went after them. Continuing on after they supported the hell out of us in Northern Iraq in 2003 with the aid of SOF teams and did we give them a chance to be a nation of their own?


Fast forward to the rise of ISIS when they were the only ones capable of not folding and running away. Did we ship them weapons directly to help fight?

Nope. This is just the latest in a long line of betrayals in that area. And people wonder why the US gets hated over there.

Anyway, other allies have disrespected us and have done so for years. But if you want to play the Kurdish angle, you'd best have facts.
Why do you say that? Its not hard to imagine that with Trump in particular the apparatus is putting in a few speed bumps to keep him from doing something stupid.
Because the first president in 30 years to start a drawdown is the one that we need to be concerned with pushing the red button. It does not follow.
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Why do you say that? Its not hard to imagine that with Trump in particular the apparatus is putting in a few speed bumps to keep him from doing something stupid.

I'm going to take this as obvious (very bad) trolling before I chuckle and move on.
There's a lot of fear-mongering in the media and lot of wobbly knees on the left.

Anyone else remember when the news would actually follow up such "information" and get verification before running with such nonsense?

You could tell the media anything these days and they'd have it on the headlines in a half hour. Regardless of how stupid it is.
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Because the first president in 30 years to start a drawdown is the one that we need to be concerned with pushing the red button. It does not follow.

Well, factually of course you are wrong. He's not first.

Second, your theory as to why he did it is in the interests of some peace-promoting goal, whereas the more likely explanation is he bought into what Turkish President said on the phone, or its part of his Putin appeasement.

Third, there are credible reports he asked to bomb North Korea and had to be talked out of it.

There is plenty of reason to worry about his irrationality.
Anyone else remember when the news would actually follow up such "information" and get verification before running with such nonsense?

You could tell the media anything these days and they'd have it on the headlines in a half hour. Regardless of how stupid it is.
Yep. I was wondering if there was a sourced quote that I had missed, then remembered who I was dealing with.

Anyone check on zep. I'm afraid he/she may have swooned.

This is for you, zep...

Tripe, But Obama, But Clinton. You need to start looking inward.

This is where you know you have no argument.
I think he's simply pointing out what happened in the past..... well.... that... and that most of you libdoofs thought everything was groovy when BHO was doing it....
Why do you say that? Its not hard to imagine that with Trump in particular the apparatus is putting in a few speed bumps to keep him from doing something stupid.

Those speed bumps are already there, and have been in place for decades. FYI, so are the spike strips. You honestly think the JCS and Stratcom never considered the issue of a rogue president? Obviously, you know about Nixon.

Kinda surprised you didn't know that already.
Well, factually of course you are wrong. He's not first.
Fair enough. He’s the first to shut down a theatre of operations instead of drawing down then opening new theatres. Whether he stays on track is to be determined.

Second, your theory as to why he did it is in the interests of some peace-promoting goal, whereas the more likely explanation is he bought into what Turkish President said on the phone, or its part of his Putin appeasement.

You’ll have to remind me where I stated my theory, assuming I have a theory. It also begs the question, since Putin is in charge of Trump and Trump has his finger on the button, who is first in line to be nuked? I’m just glad we’re finally pulling out of one of many places in which we have no business.

Third, there are credible reports he asked to bomb North Korea and had to be talked out of it.

There is plenty of reason to worry about his irrationality.
Putin told him not to so don’t worry about it, according to credible reports.
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Anyone else remember when the news would actually follow up such "information" and get verification before running with such nonsense?

You could tell the media anything these days and they'd have it on the headlines in a half hour. Regardless of how stupid it is.
The entirety of the news is no longer above the level of the tabloid
If you believe such things, you are an idiot.

During the last days of the Nixon Administration James Schlesinger, Nixon’s SEDEF told the commander something similar. He told the Strategic Command commander “If the president gave any nuclear launch order, military commanders should check with either him or Secretary of State Henry Kissinger before executing them.”

So yea it’s no that hard to believe because it’s happened before.
Why do you say that? Its not hard to imagine that with Trump in particular the apparatus is putting in a few speed bumps to keep him from doing something stupid.

So you believe it and on the other hand say the "deep state" is an unbelievable conspiracy theory.

Which is true? You can't have it both ways.
During the last days of the Nixon Administration James Schlesinger, Nixon’s SEDEF told the commander something similar. He told the Strategic Command commander “If the president gave any nuclear launch order, military commanders should check with either him or Secretary of State Henry Kissinger before executing them.”

So yea it’s no that hard to believe because it’s happened before.

Do you believe there is a deep state or no?

Kissinger was likely a founding member.

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