Mattis Leaving in February

I'll just venture a guess here, but I'm a thinking you are going to see mad dog on CNN pretty soon. Money talks and being an ex-general doesn't matter anymore. I hope someone kills his ass if he does this.
What does that have to do with him being in a come for 8 years of your commie savior
It should tell anyone with a brain that he believes Trump to be a bigger threat then Obama. Your all’s willingness to just ignore what these people are saying is dangerous. The General was a hero before Trump and will be after Trump. It took less then 4 years for all of the adults to bail on this sack of crap. But here you sit Justin screaming into the wind about Obama. Who gives a **** about that POS. He’s gone. We have to deal with the current one.
It should tell anyone with a brain that he believes Trump to be a bigger threat then Obama. Your all’s willingness to just ignore what these people are saying is dangerous. The General was a hero before Trump and will be after Trump. It took less then 4 years for all of the adults to bail on this sack of crap. But here you sit Justin screaming into the wind about Obama. Who gives a **** about that POS. He’s gone. We have to deal with the current one.

The 180 of some on here in the name of blind partisanship is impressive.
Your boy was the most divisive president in our history, hates white people, hates cops. Race relations were pretty good until he came in making it cool to shoot cops
You meant to say white privilege was working out really well for you until President Obama’s two terms.
It should tell anyone with a brain that he believes Trump to be a bigger threat then Obama. Your all’s willingness to just ignore what these people are saying is dangerous. The General was a hero before Trump and will be after Trump. It took less then 4 years for all of the adults to bail on this sack of crap. But here you sit Justin screaming into the wind about Obama. Who gives a **** about that POS. He’s gone. We have to deal with the current one.
The current one worked his ass off the save the economy from socialism and has helped more black people than that radical piece of trash Barry
You think Joe and his VP won’t have the same views of the military as Former President Obama?
I think you should take pause when someone like general Mattis is saying what he’s saying. And with that being said, who does it sound like he’s voting for. You know what’s best for the military more then Mattis?
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I think you should take pause when someone like general Mattis is saying what he’s saying. And with that being said, who does it sound like he’s voting for. You know what’s best for the military more then Mattis?

All I know is that I want America to win World War III. It’ll happen in our lifetime. The writing is on the wall. We won’t win it with only drones, special forces, and having to draft people who don’t want to serve.
In literally every other world, if your people are ditching you and going to do something else, it 100% reflects on leadership or lack thereof. Trump has cycled through dozens of people, yet his supporters think that they are the ones with the problem, not him.
All I know is that I want America to win World War III. It’ll happen in our lifetime. We won’t win it with drones and having to draft people who don’t want to serve.
We haven’t “won” a war in 80 years. You’ll be waiting a long time. It has nothing to do with drones or people not wanting to serve.
All I know is that I want America to win World War III. It’ll happen in our lifetime. We won’t win it with drones and having to draft people who don’t want to serve.
We will have to disagree on WWIII. But if you believe that you would think you would listen to what the General is saying. If there is a world war we’re all dead. Whoever we would fight knows this too
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