Mattis Leaving in February

All I know is that I want America to win World War III. It’ll happen in our lifetime. We won’t win it with drones and having to draft people who don’t want to serve.
How did we win WW2 without our muskets and canons?
How did we win WW2 without our muskets and canons?

In the years leading up to the war, FDR began building up the military on the heels of German and Japanese aggression and expansion and when it hit the fan, drafted millions. Trump has built up the military. It needs to be kept up and maintained.
I’m still a Mad Dog fan and I’m glad he took the job for as long as he had it. Wish he would have stayed but understand that he chose not to.

And I’m still voting for Trump over Biden. Next non point?

The fact that you see elections as either/or between two parties is part of the problem with the current electorate. Both options are bad, but if you really think Donald Trump is literally the best guy for the job...then good luck with that, I guess.
I'll just venture a guess here, but I'm a thinking you are going to see mad dog on CNN pretty soon. Money talks and being an ex-general doesn't matter anymore. I hope someone kills his ass if he does this.

Classless, clueless and illegal suggesting murder
I’m still a Mad Dog fan and I’m glad he took the job for as long as he had it. Wish he would have stayed but understand that he chose not to.

And I’m still voting for Trump over Biden. Next non point?
He's a backstabbing POS:mad: President Trump should hire loyalists instead of so many backstabbers:rolleyes:
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The fact that you see elections as either/or between two parties is part of the problem with the current electorate. Both options are bad, but if you really think Donald Trump is literally the best guy for the job...then good luck with that, I guess.
The fact that you see more than two candidates whom are likely to have a winning chance and refuse to admit that it clearly is between two choices currently is the definition of futility. It’s Trump and the GOP platform or Biden and the Dem platform. That’s a clear Trump/GOP choice 10 out of 10 times for me.

Hey btw thanks for your blessing in letting me vote I really appreciate it bud 👍
James Mattis is a POS backstabber that sides with the George Soros paid for rioters Antifa:mad:

Former Trump SecDef Mattis Joins the Resistance, Blasts President Over Handling of Riots With Nazi Slur
Mattis is a bonafide American hero and entitled to any opinion he wants to have. He can offer whatever opinion he wants to here even if I disagree with it I respect him.

We’ve got to be able to disagree with each other and still recognize the other is entitled to their opinion FFS 🤷‍♂️
The fact that you see more than two candidates whom are likely to have a winning chance and refuse to admit that it clearly is between two choices currently is the definition of futility. It’s Trump and the GOP platform or Biden and the Dem platform. That’s a clear Trump/GOP choice 10 out of 10 times for me.

Hey btw thanks for your blessing in letting me vote I really appreciate it bud 👍
The Antifa rioters and the other scum will stay home on Election Day and not vote. They will be paid to cause even more havoc when President Trump is reelected and the Republicans control Congress.
Mattie is a bonafide American hero and entitled to any opinion he wants to have. He can offer whatever opinion he wants to here even if I disagree with it I respect him.

We’ve got to be able to disagree with each other and still recognize the other is entitled to their opinion FFS 🤷‍♂️
I don't and wont respect backstabbers:rolleyes:
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The Antifa rioters and the other scum will stay home on Election Day and not vote. They will be paid to cause even more havoc when President Trump is reelected and the Republicans control Congress.
Whelp if they don’t vote they lose in a landslide because I’m pretty sure the GOP will show up after three years of this crap.
I don't and wont respect backstabbers:rolleyes:
He’s not a backstabber. He went out of his way to downplay his disagreement with Trump but disagree he did. And he’s entitled to his opinion. The warrior monk is an amazing individual full of honor, character, and accomplished leadership.
The fact that you see more than two candidates whom are likely to have a winning chance and refuse to admit that it clearly is between two choices currently is the definition of futility. It’s Trump and the GOP platform or Biden and the Dem platform. That’s a clear Trump/GOP choice 10 out of 10 times for me.

Hey btw thanks for your blessing in letting me vote I really appreciate it bud 👍

Where did I say anything about saying more than two have a chance to win? Im just saying I actually have principles and will vote for the guy closest to my views. 9/10 that will be libertarian. Your mindset is exactly why this country will be stuck voting for the lesser of 2 evils every 4 years. If Trump is your guy then have it hoss. If he is simply not a Dem, or not Biden, then you do you.

I have a tremendous amount of respect for guys like Mattis, and I wasn’t voting for Trump or Biden anyway. The “he’s not Biden” argument trumping (pardon the pun) then opinion of a guy like Mattis saying the POTUS is dangerous and dividing the country, then again, I don’t know what to say.
Jeez he’s really lost it. Incredible how the people most to blame for this, aside from the few bad cops, are the Dem mayors who are responsible for these police departments and cities and they somehow get off scot free. Trump doesn’t have jack **** to do w a police officer in Minneapolis. But the Dems who run that city do.
Where did I say anything about saying more than two have a chance to win? Im just saying I actually have principles and will vote for the guy closest to my views. 9/10 that will be libertarian. Your mindset is exactly why this country will be stuck voting for the lesser of 2 evils every 4 years. If Trump is your guy then have it hoss. If he is simply not a Dem, or not Biden, then you do you.

I have a tremendous amount of respect for guys like Mattis, and I wasn’t voting for Trump or Biden anyway. The “he’s not Biden” argument trumping (pardon the pun) then opinion of a guy like Mattis saying the POTUS is dangerous and dividing the country, then again, I don’t know what to say.
And I’ve told you I voted Libertarian last time and view it as wasted. Until a third party gets organized and actually builds a base it’s gonna be GOP and Dem. The Libertarian party’s worst damn enemy is the libertarian party FFS!

And I will gladly cast a defensive vote AGAINST the current Democratic Party all day long, twice on Sunday, and five times once I’m dead!
And I’ve told you I voted Libertarian last time and view it as wasted. Until a third party gets organized and actually builds a base it’s gonna be GOP and Dem. The Libertarian party’s worst damn enemy is the libertarian party FFS!

And I will gladly cast a defensive vote AGAINST the current Democratic Party all day long, twice on Sunday, and five times once I’m dead!

I never have, and never will, view voting my principles as a wasted vote. That’s just me I guess.
I never have, and never will, view voting my principles as a wasted vote. That’s just me I guess.
I don’t disagree that they are both horrible candidates. The deal is I view the Democratic Party as a bigger threat than Trump. Plain and simple.

I’d vote for a ham sandwich before the current Democratic Party. Because in the current system you aren’t voting for a candidate for POTUS it’s the platform. My own “principles” tell me the Democrats are the bigger threat so I’ll vote against them if nothing else because I know one of them is going to win. I took my ball and went home last time. In hindsight and seeing just how batshit crazy the Democrat Party is I won’t do that this time.

And yes I know the GOP isn’t flowers and chocolates either. If you don’t wanna play, don’t. I choose to play. Simple as that.
And I’ve told you I voted Libertarian last time and view it as wasted. Until a third party gets organized and actually builds a base it’s gonna be GOP and Dem. The Libertarian party’s worst damn enemy is the libertarian party FFS!

And I will gladly cast a defensive vote AGAINST the current Democratic Party all day long, twice on Sunday, and five times once I’m dead!
The Libertarian Party became Democratic Party light with the combo of William Weld and Gary Johnson in 2016:rolleyes:
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The Libertarian Party became Democratic Party light with the combo of William Weld and Gary Johnson in 2016:rolleyes:
Johnson was far and away the best Candidate running in 2016 in my opinion of the four that made the finals. Jill Stein is batshit crazy but I’d still have taken her over Killary. She was literally the worst candidate I can remember in recent memory, worse than Barry even I think. And they doubled down on stupid this time with Biden. In order to get reform in DC we need ... a career politician whose been in DC for 40 years. SMDH

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