Mattis Leaving in February

Johnson was far and away the best Candidate running in 2016 in my opinion of the four that made the finals. Jill Stein is batshit crazy but I’d still have taken her over Killary. She was literally the worst candidate I can remember in recent memory, worse than Barry even I think. And they doubled down on stupid this time with Biden. In order to get reform in DC we need ... a career politician whose been in DC for 40 years. SMDH
Johnson was my guy.
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In literally every other world, if your people are ditching you and going to do something else, it 100% reflects on leadership or lack thereof. Trump has cycled through dozens of people, yet his supporters think that they are the ones with the problem, not him.
Pfft. Dooley and Butch’s assistants all left and look how that turned... oh.
You haven’t done 1/1000th of what he has for this country. You should take a real long look in the mirror. Just because someone opposes Trump doesn’t mean they are traitors.

Agreed. But why do this now if you’re Mattis? Why, in the middle of an absolute sh*t show would you want this to be released and not wait for everything to calm down to publish your views. This story is feeding into the hysterical media frenzy of an already divided nation.
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Agreed. But why do this now if you’re Mattis? Why, in the middle of an absolute sh*t show would you want this to be released and not wait for everything to calm down to publish your views. This story is feeding into the hysterical media frenzy of an already divided nation.
He’s probably pretty disturbed that Trump has been discussing bringing in the military. His way of giving current military leadership cover.
Mattis, who served more than four decades in the Marine Corps and rose to the rank of four-star general before he was chosen by Trump to lead the Pentagon, wrote that the nation is seeing the results of three years “without mature leadership”:

Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people —does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society. This will not be easy, as the past few days have shown, but we owe it to our fellow citizens; to past generations that bled to defend our promise; and to our children.
Agreed. But why do this now if you’re Mattis? Why, in the middle of an absolute sh*t show would you want this to be released and not wait for everything to calm down to publish your views. This story is feeding into the hysterical media frenzy of an already divided nation.

Because Trump is shtting the bed as a leader and a lifelong patriot like Mattis who earned his stripes is calling a spade a spade? Should he wait and publish his thoughts as a memoir?
Basically from the last page of this thread, I’ve learned some people seem to think that unless you devote personal loyalty to a guy whose only real goal is self glorification, you’re a commie lib traitor. Oh, and some conspiracy theory about Soros.
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For the first time, I can't adequately find the words to tell someone how dumb they are without resorting to just overt ad hominems.

This is possibly the dumbest post ive ever witnessed, and I've seen some sht.

I’m convinced some posters on here simply aren’t real. Some weird right wing and left wing bots, professional trolls...something. There is just no way people can be this stupid.
James Mattis is a POS backstabber that sides with the George Soros paid for rioters Antifa:mad:
He’s picked the pro antifa, pro cop killer, anti white liberal movement over being a patriot. **** him

Do you ever take a day off from huffing glue? I mean seriously. You are disparaging a man who has done far more for this country then you or I. Simply because he thinks putting troops on the streets its a terrible Idea and questionably unconstitutional. You don’t even realize how anti-liberty you are. Despite your beliefs, you can be pro-freedom, our constitution, and American and think Trump is a **** leader.

It’s amazing to me that so many of you trump folks can support him so hard to check logic at the door. Mattis is the same man Trump put in his cabinet. So is Tillerson. And many more. Yet when they leave, and talk **** about dear leader, you blindly accept the leaders version. Every single time. At some point do you not pause and say well crap they can’t all be FOS.
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Do you ever take a day off from huffing glue? I mean seriously. You are disparaging a man who has done far more for this country then you or I. Simply because he thinks putting troops on the streets its a terrible Idea and questionably unconstitutional. You don’t even realize how anti-liberty you are. Despite your beliefs, you can be pro-freedom, our constitution, and American and think Trump is a **** leader.
Liberal like you enjoy the beating of cops, beating women with a 2x4 etc. it doesn’t bother you and your pro antifa pals what’s going on. Trump has been a great leader, he had some issues during CV19 which I disagree with but otherwise great. I know you are excited with the thought of having a dumbass who doesn’t even know his own name
Liberal pieces of trash like you enjoy the beating of cops, beating women with a 2x4 etc. it doesn’t bother you and your pro antifa pals what’s going on. Trump has been a great leader, he had some issues during CV19 which I disagree with but otherwise great. I know you are excited with the thought of having a dumbass who doesn’t even know his own name
Not a liberal. You can’t, and will never find a post from me supporting anything you just said, you are just so firmly up trumps ass it’s ridiculous. You are as bad as the Obama fan boys. Enjoy that boot on your neck.
Not a liberal. You can’t, and will never find a post from me supporting anything you just said, you are just so firmly up trumps ass it’s ridiculous. You are as bad as the Obama fan boys. Enjoy that boot on your neck.
You are a far left punk just like the rest, enjoy pulling for an old bastard who thinks he’s running for the Senate in South Carolina

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